Monday, May 30, 2011


The last four days I spent driving across North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. Each state more beautiful than the one before! I do love the wide open spaces out here. And I found "where the buffalo roam".

Big guy, isn't he?

And I found out there's still snow in them there hills

I drove through a blizzard in the Bighorn Mtns! And now I know there'll be snow in the passes of the Rockies. Hmmm? I've always wanted to try my hand at winter camping. Guess thus will be it. But I have to tell you that when I came through the Wind River Canyon and saw the Rockies out beyond, it took my breath away thinking about biking up through there all by myself. Thus is going to be my most courageous adventure yet. No guidebook for this one. And tonight my brother was telling me that the grizzlies are awaking 6 weeks later than usual and are extra hungry. Great! Wish I had a bear canister. Left it home 'cause I didn't think I'd need it. Deep melting snow. Having to hang a bear bag. Lugging my bike off the road into the snow to camp. Hmmm? Sure hope I figure all this out as I bike west.

Meanwhile I have a wonderful couple of days here at my brother's house and getting to meet my niece's kids and getting more info before I head out Friday. Weather looks like it should cooperate and I'll only have to contend with snow on the ground.

If anyone has any experience with camping in these conditions off the side of the road in the mountains in spring snow, I'm all ears!

I live for adventures like this! Bring it on!!!

Pedal on, BagLady

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Location:Riverton WY

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thank you!

How thoughtless of me. I mentioned all the wonderful friends (both old and new) that have hosted me this last week, but did I thank them for their fabulous and enriching hospitality? No.

So a special note to Boo Boo, Glenn & Tim, James, and Willing & Abal: THANK YOU!!!! For food, for sleep, but most of all, for friendship! It's truly what makes the world go round...and I am blessed to have you all, each and every one of you, in my life. You are the GIFT.

Til next time,


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Weaving My Way West

That's Blaze as seen from my bed in the back of the car through the moonshot. She's got her space suit on to protect her hide from flying debris.

I'm in North Dakota waking up this morning, about an hour or so west of Fargo. I thought I'd seen farm fields living in NY, but nothing like these that go on for miles and miles. Talk about deforestation! We did it when we cleared the land to farm out here. There are only wisps of trees left. So, so sad.

Since I left home a week ago (other than when driving), this is the first I've been alone - first I've slept in my car. I stayed with Boo Boo in Cleveland (AT friend), James in Fulton IL on Mississippi (biker friend I met online), and Willing and Abal in St. Cloud MN (more AT friends). I also had lunch with Glenn and Tim in Chicago (friends from RAGBRAI - google it if you don't know what it is:)

Been a fun week making the driving quite easy with so much inbetween. And even got a little biking in everywhere I went. Makes me realize how different pedaling Blaze will be in my legs. Got some muscles to build up there. Sometimes my feet go numb too and I have to dangle them to get the blood back on them. I'll figure it all out. It will be what it will be

Here's the plan: driving to Riverton WY (my brother's house), arriving Monday. Leaving on Blaze Friday (weather dependent). Hoping to avg 40 miles a day but will be going up in to the Rockies so don't know what I don't know. Have to be in Boise by June 20th to meet Fuat who's flying out to bike to Portland with me:). He's never done a bike tour and doesn't know me that well, so I give him lots of credit for just jumping in! We'll have a blast. I know it.

Niece's wedding in Portland July 9th. Then I head back out alone to the coast and up to the Olympic Peninsula. Across the water by ferry and west into the Cascades to Winthrop WA to visit Skyward (a PCT friend). We'll do some backpacking on the PCT for a week to 10 days depending on timing. Then by bus or train or both, I'm off to Glacier National Park (arrive Aug 10th) to backpack for a week with more friends I met through my AT hike although Maryland Edge probably won't be there.

Aug 17th pedal south to Yellowstone Park to meet up with Yellowstone from PCT and afterwards back to Riverton.

Don't know what happens then. Open ended just the way I like things!

View of my soccer field, last night's sleeping spot from my bed. I'm practicing this mournfully method. I hope after all this typing it uploads.

Off to find a restroom and breakfast, then see North Dakota!

Pedal on, pedal on!


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Monday, May 16, 2011

The Dwindling Days

This is my last week home for 4 months...and I've been here before so I know I'll get through it but the anxiety builds. And I try not to stress, so I move really slow. And I try not to think too much trusting that all the thinking I've been doing for the last 2 months us enough. And remembering there's nothing critical if forgotten or left undone. But the anxiety is still there.

Bought my last new toy: a great camera, Canon G12. I'm hoping to spend a lot of time learning all it's bells and whistles. I've always loved photography and I want to learn more, try more, take more. That will be one focus of this trip.

The other will be painting. Watercolor. I do it because it helps me see better. Helps me notice the details better. Helps me appreciate the beauty at a deeper level. And I do it only for me.

So while the wind and rain is whipping around outside and my guts are whipping around inside, I'm putting the finishing touches in packing. Packing for 3 months on a bike. Packing for a weekend in Portland for my niece's wedding. Packing for 2 backpacking trips. And packing for the road trip out and back to Wyoming. That's a lot of stuff to think about, don't ya think? Now do you understand my anxiety?

And I hear the snow levels in the Rockies are the highest ever so flooding is expected. And they're having the worst spring winds ever. Should be a "fun" bike ride! Add to that, Blaze and I are slower than molasses. Hope I can make Boise on time to meet up with a friend who's flying out to bike with me to Portland. There's always catching a bus...or a pickup truck:). I'm sure glad to have the company and teach him about bike touring. He's certainly an adventurous bloke, I'd say!

(If you notice Aussie terms dropping in every now and then, it's from too many hours of watching McLeod's Daughters. I feel like I live there!)

Pedal on,


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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What's she up to now?

This what I meant to send last night but only the picture posted:

I'm getting ready to head out in the road again and will be using my blog to keep everyone apprised of my whereabouts. There's a mobile upload feature that I'm testing tonight.

For those who may not know my plans, I'm driving to WY via a bunch of friends' houses and will mount my new steed, Blaze(she's a recumbent trike), and pedal off into the sunset. Heading to Portland OR for my niece's wedding on July 9th, then north through the Olympic Peninsula, and west to Winthrop WA to meet up with a PCT hiker friend around July 20th to do a couple weeks on the PCT on OR or WA. Then bus and train over to Glacier National Park by Aug 10th to join some friends for a week of hiking there. Back on Blaze heading south through Yellowstone meeting up with another PcT hiker friend. And finally back to get Kermit, my car, who's been resting up for our return trip to NY. So that's the plan.

New bike, new and old friends, family too. And the wild, wild west! What an adventure this should be! Each one gets me closer and closer to the edge. There won't be hikers coming behind to save my sorry ass when I get into trouble. I'll be at the mercy of strangers. But they always come through in a pinch. My definition of strangers: friends I just haven't met yet.

Ok. Thumbs are sore. Arthritis in them will add to the typing challenge. My updates may be short, but sweet...just like me:)

And if you got this blog update in an email that's because I put you on a list to receive updates. Let me know if you want to be taken off that list.

Step Lightly,


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Now. The big test!

Tent city in my yard!

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Testing with picture only

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Simple test

Testing 123

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Test #3

Test #2

I'll keep this test short. Just want to see if text posts from my phone.

Sent from my handy, dandy, mini, little computer (iPhone)

Test didn't work

Well, there's a reason for testing.  The test didn't work.  Only the photo uploaded, not the blog update telling what I was doing, etc.  Have to go retest.  Please excuse the multiple mailings you'll be getting while I work out the kinks in this blogging thingy.  Hopefully, when I get things running smoothly, I'll have lots of adventures to share with y'all!
