Happy Birthday Mom and Maddie!
Oh that hellish hike out of the valley brought back memories if similar hellish climbs: Nepal - up to Tengbouche Monastery came to mind. How had I forgotten that? But we made it in an hour and 20 minutes.
But Heike's knee really bothered her on the downhills. She wrapped it and got a bit of relief but by the time we got to the major descent back into Waipio Valley where we started she was a hurtin' dude-ess. She had to back down much of the way to be able to hike at all. We even switched packs because mine weighed less.
Then back across the beach and a river crossing where it feeds into the ocean. That's where the dastardly deed occurred. You've got the flow of the river into the ocean and the push of the waves coming in and them pulling out. And it's rocky and knee deep or more. Add to that I had my pole, my boots, and a grapefruit I'd found and was going to eat. Stepped wrong. Dropped everything in the water trying to catch my balance. No luck. The once down the current was making it hard to right myself. Heike caught my shoes as they rolled by. When I got upright we went after my pole that was rolling in the surf. Grapefruit I didn't even try for. But my camera was not in the plastic bag. Ouch! That may be $500 out to sea. It's resting in a bag or rice right now. Gonna give it a few days to see if it works. I suspect not. That will be the last expensive camera I have. Not meant for me.
I'm pretty depressed about it.
We're over on the west coast and what a shock: one minute I'm commenting on the lush pastures and how lucky the cows and horses are... Then, boom, I
in Southern California! Dry rolling hills and tumbleweed!
And warm air. Not like the east side. I can see why folkslive on the east side. The lushness of it. And if you're craving sun, go west for the day:)
Pretty scuzzy park we're in tonight. No plans on staying. Have to see what else we can find.
And, oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I broke my big toe in the tumble, I think. I can't move it and it's quite bruised.

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