Thursday, October 25, 2012

Getting Ready

The countdown is 3 days and I'm beginning to spin...inside. After having everything all packed on the bike, one of my roomies came home last night to find everything all over the floor!

Just double checking...or is that quadruple checking?  Or hextuplet checking? Mentally, all day, every day, I'm checking. And it's exhausting! Friends keep reminding me that they have stores over there too:))
So this morning's exercise is to test uploading blog posts with my new iPad. With pictures and a short video. Nothing exciting. Just something to test. And the video is rather soothing, I think. And right now I need soothing.

YouTube Video

And this post will test using Google Groups to distribute the email. Some of you may need to check your spam folders. Your notification that you were added to Google Groups may be in there as well as this blog post. I can only control so much!

Location:Home in New York