Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Flag

Jan 28, 2013
Picton, South Island

A day not much happened.

Except, Blaze lost her flag. The base of it had broken off when she tried to runaway and fell into the ditch, but there was still enough left to stick in the seat hole. I did think once or twice about tying something to the hole on the base of the flag in case it flew off on a downhill. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Didn't. And it took me a while to realize it was gone. (I'm not detail oriented... what can I say?). It was after a couple of woman I met when I stopped for some food helped me realign the back tire. I had everything off and was reloading when I realized no flag. I talked someone into driving back a few miles (since I hadn't biked far:/) to look for it, but we couldn't find it. Oh well. The old guy who drove me back started working on a replacement. I love what we ended up with! He found a bent but very rigid piece of heavy wire. We stuck it in the hole and I tied a bandanna to it. NOW she looks like BagLady's trike:) !!!

I'll try and get one where you can really see the bent wire. It's such an effect! Love it!

One of the many rivers I cross coming up the coast.

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Feb 4th
Wellington NZ

I've been in Wellington a week. Spent a couple of days with Moa and Mrs Moa attending a going away party for Kiwi and Mrs Kiwi who have gone to Spain for a year to explore while having a house there. I also used my time getting my gear cleaned and thinned, Blaze spiffed up, and just relaxing.

The last couple of days I've spent hanging on a boat of a Kiwi friend. Life in the harbor is so delightful. Blaze thought she was one of the boats:)

Tomorrow I'm heading north, by bike. Since I've applied for a via extension, I've decided to proceed as if I'll get it and cycle northward. I have the volcano starting on the 23rd and now I'll bike to it by touring up the west coast. Then I'll have unlimited time to see the Coromandel Peninsula and Northland! No more rushing around!

Chillaxed Bag Lady

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