Phi Phi Island, Thailand

After traveling together for 6 weeks, Sylvia and I went our separate ways today. It was my decision for the culmination of many reasons, none the least is being sick in Asia...again. And when you're sick here, the conditions and smells become intolerable and heighten the nauseousness. This happened when I trekked in Nepal and those feelings were not far from the surface when I was making my decision to come here with Sylvia. It took me 2 months to decide. Asia's not easy for westerners...even less so for sick westerners.

And two strong, independent woman traveling together had its own set of challenges. Leading, following, reading each other, meeting our own needs, trying to meet the other's. It's like a dance and some couples do it well and others struggle. I was struggling. Sylvia was struggling. I stopped the struggle. And we managed to stay friends through the coming apart:). And we struggled with that, too. And I learned so much watching Sylvia in her environment. She's got this touring thing nailed. My shyness makes me hold back in situations where S comfortably moved right into the scene. Well done!
Since I could not imagine traveling through Asia by bike alone, I decided to head to New Zealand which has been on my list for years. Since I'm here. But the air fare was not much cheaper than flying from the states. Holiday rates! Going higher every day. So I'm moving fast hopping from island to island trying to get to the Phuket airport for a Friday night flight.
I have hiker friends in NZ: The Flying Kiwis - Kiwi and Moa. I met these guys (my age group) on the PCT(Pacific Crest Trail, for those who don't know) 2 years ago. And a quick note to them a couple of days ago brought open arms, open houses, and open hearts. Rescued! I think traveling where I can camp again and eat salads will be the answer. And I have time to hike and bike! Should be great! Of course I'm coming with no prior planning or preparations...on a whim. I have to gear up after I arrive. Some I'll borrow. Some I'll buy. It will all work out.
So there ya have it. Decisions are made. Remain flexible. Change plans as the need arises. I was brought up with the saying "You've made your bed now you have to lay in it." But I always modified it to "If you don't like the bed, change the sheets! ".
Sheets have been changed,
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