Saturday, July 26, 2014

Heading south on Sustrans Cycle Route 78

July 24, 2014
Glen of the River Nettles
Taynuilt, Scotland

We ferry hopped our way back to Oban and met up with our new friends from Australia, Deb and Ron, getting a night off the road, hot shower, laundry, delicious roasted chicken and veggies and great company!! The house they've "borrowed" is at the top of a very steep hill and they each graciously pushed us up it:)
The stories these two shared we're endless and we were totally entertained. Top it off with watching the Opening Ceremonies for the Commonwealth Games only 60 miles away. Oh, how ignorant I was about the Commonwealth. 71 countries under the Queen of England. Who knew? I thought the British Empire was a thing of the past. It's alive and well, so to speak. That's why it's so important for me to travel. I have so much to learn about the world. History and Current Events turned me off in school. I couldn't "feel" them. I'm a bit less ignorant now. We sadly said goodbye with my hope of seeing them again in Australia. They should be home from their year long jaunt by then.

Today is April's birthday so we had to celebrate it with a great undulating ride across the Scottish land. Steep mountains all around as we went up the valley. April was cruising. She's found her triking legs. I think she stole mine! I have no energy. Climbing is a grind. Biking is a grind. I'm so tired. Just drained of energy. Maybe it's related to this skin thing which is getting better. A nightly dose of antihistamine seems to have broken some cycle. We've gotten the ticks under control too but I'm sure 50+ tick bites was hard on my immune system at the same time as the itch outbreak. Hopefully I'll be back on par soon. Thanks so much for all the ideas and suggestions as to what could've have been going on. I did talk to a pharmacist and a nurse for possible explanations. Too hard to diagnose.

So tonight it was time for dinner and birthday cake!

Livin' the life,


OMG! Ticks

July 21, 2014
Strontianite, Scotland
(Where the element was discovered)

We've gone and done it now! Spent lunch and drying our tents in a best of newly hatched ticks. All over us! All over our clothes, our gear, our bodies. Picking them off has been a challenge because the are the size of a pin point. And I'm freckled. And I'm covered in scabs from scratching those itchy blisters. Luckily they are easy to remove even when attached because they are so so tiny! April and I have had to lose all modesty with each other because now twice a day we inspect each other's back, butt, torso, and backs of legs. And remove all the new attachments. It's a dirty job. As I write this in my tent tonight, I know I have a tick munching my butt that won't get removed until morning. I can't get it and the midgies are swarming are tents so neither of us is going out. Next tick inspection and removal is not until tomorrow:). How long will it take until we are tick free again? They don't wash off and I can't see them on the dark fabric of my tent so the only option is removal from my body when found. Then wait to see if they carry Lyme disease which is not very prevalent in Scotland, thank goodness.

We met a delightful couple our age in the campground last night from Australia and New Zealand that are bumming around Europe for a year. We ran into them in town this morning and got invited to the house they're staying at in Oban. So we're headed there in 2 days...having to actually slow down...if it's possible to go any slower:). They also cycle tour so it will be fun to swap stories.

Oh, did we have a climb this afternoon. And I had no energy to do it. None. Nada. Zippo. But had to do it anyways. April passed me when I dropped the chain (on the rear derailleur) for the second time. But after an hour of climbing, we were rewarded with the most amazing views of lush green mountains and distant lochs. Words just don't describe it. See that lone tiny white house in the middle of nowhere?

Tonight we're camped in a sheep field down by a creek. We're allowed to go onto anyone's land, through any gates. Just leave the gate as we find it, open or closed. The sheep were a bit surprised and upset to find us here on their way "somewhere".

Livin' the life,
