And I need a warmer sleeping bag: WM Ultralite, FF Egret, or Montbell UL SS #2. How cold does it get out there? Too light a bag and I'll be chilly like my current bag is, but too warm and I'll be having night sweats all the time. See how much fun it is to be me?
And then there's the pack question. Mine needs some repairs: buckles are warn and sliding, pockets have been chewed by mice, it looks really baggy and big and messy. Can I get something smaller? There were times mine was filled to the brim, like the 100 mile wilderness in Maine. Can I really reduce my volume and weight? What will I be doing differently? Not leaving my pillow home, that's for sure! I think I should get it repaired either way. It's a good pack: ULA Catalyst.
How cold does it get? I ask again. Do I need warmer clothes? Will my down sweater and fleece be sufficient to keep me warm? So many questions. Am I over analyzing? What about water filtering. I liked my gravity filter, but it's heavier than doing drops. But don't drops spoil the wonderful taste of the wild water? I don't want to do that.
So can you see that I'm just all over the place with crazy thoughts trying to figure out this hike and what needs to change, what can stay the same, what do I need to do to be successful, does it matter if I finish?
Ok, I'm tired. And I'm rambling.
I must say I do love the fact that I have some friends that want to hike with me! Yippeee! One's on board: Bonnie Carolyn, a woman from Florida that I've never met but who hiked the AT the same year I did...and Bluebearee, the ridge runner from Abol Bridge, Maine that I met when I got there...she's still undecided, but I have my fingers crossed she'll come. What ever happens, it will be the best PCT thru-hike EVER! New friends, new views, new experiences, new challenges. AIN'T LIFE FABULOUS?????
So that's what's on my mind these days while I'm running between my house and Shalom Mountain 4 hours away every couple of weeks. There's things I love about both places so I'm dividing myself. Long weekends home then back to the mountain for a couple of weeks. It sorta works and keeps me occupied for now. And helps me to spend time with all the new friends in my life and keep up with the old ones too.
Step Lightly,
Nightie Nite!
Bag Lady
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