Monday, July 14, 2014

Glencoe Valley to Oban to Mull Island

July 9, 2014
Craignure, Mull Island, Scotland

Doesn't seem like there's enough hours in the day. Since I'm not traveling alone, I don't have as much down time and get behind in my blogging and then feel like I can't find the time to catch up. Argh!

At the suggestion of a tourist who stopped by to chat one rainy day we took cover at the closed information office, we rode up through Glencoe Valley past a bunch of Munros. This guy named Munro mapped all the peaks in Scotland over 3000 ft and now those peaks are called Munros. This woman had just driven east on the road and said when she came through this particular section it was so stunning she drove back to drive through again. And she found that westward was even more beautiful. So at her suggestion away we went. And it was stunning!! And pictures won't capture it.

Then at the visitors center for this area April found out about a bike path that went south to Oban...that's where we get the ferry to Mull Island. Since we don't know what we're doing and the road conditions are stressing April out, we can take this. And it was delightful! Miles and miles down an undulating paved path along the loch edge! No cars! No stress! Pure pleasure. And when we'd already passed up one possible camping spot on the shore to find something better...and weren't, we got a bit nervous. Hadn't yet learned about "the right to roam" law. But we came upon this sea castle on a small island out in the water and asked a local if we could camp near the boat house and she explained that we're free to camp anywhere except in someone's front yard. The Scottish do not believe in trespassing laws because so many Brits owned so much land up here and the Scots wanted to be able to walk wherever they wanted. It's great! So we camped HERE:

And today we got down to Oban and caught the ferry over to Mull Island where we'll spend a week or so. "Hard telling, not knowing!"

But I can tell you we have another beautiful campsite tonight:)

Livin' the life!


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