The photos are of Yonder spinning a pizza that he then baked in his gas oven on the back of the truck. Hot pizza trail magic!
Oh, well, looks like canoeing is on hold altogether. Okeefenoke was booked, the rivers are swollen, my "toy boat" may be too small for the Intercoastal Waterway and its rough waters, and it's dang cold here in the south this week and all I brought was my 50* bag, so EZ and I decided this was not the time to do this trip. Perhaps towards the end of April we can do it. We'll just have to see how things happen.
Now what do I do? I call my girlfriend in Sarasota, the one I was going to bike from St. Augustine to see and decide to stay with her this week. My daughter, Dana, is working all week so she doesn't want me to arrive there until Friday. Homeless. I'm beginning to feel it. But not friendless!
Now I have to rethink the bike trip. Where to go? Any suggestions? I was originally going to bike from St. Augustine over here to Sarasota and back. Now I should bike to somewhere else. But where? I'll be starting mid week, next week. I've always wanted to see the Keys, maybe I'll drive closer and bike down from there. Hmmm. Flexible. Remain flexible. It will be what it's suppose to be. Can't wait til the Universe fills me in!
Now remember:
1. I love to sing, but can't carry a tune... even in a bucket. This video even had me in stitches. I know my daughters will really get a kick out of it!
2. I'm new at this blog thing, so lower your expectations. I'm doing the best I can, but I'd rather be doing stuff other than sitting at this computer writing and uploading photos.
Step Lightly,
Bag Lady