Idaho City
30 miles, I guess
Over 500 total. Losing track.
Still had to go up some more to the top of the Loman Climb. And then down. And then up to Mores Creek Summit at 6100 ft. Man, are my quads getting strong! They even feel different to the touch. Love it! I didn't have the same endorphins this morning as i had last. A bit tiring this uphill pedaling today. But I did it! Perseverance. That's what much of what I do is about. Quitting is not an option.
What a delightful downhill into Idaho City. Went straight to the Calamity Jane Cafe. Had to get some juice into my iPhone so I could find the directive to Paul's house (friend of Dennis'). Little did I know I just had to ask a local:). Several people had stories about him.
Biked up his long dirt road - not an easy task with Blaze. And pushing her is even worse. But on some of the hill, there was no other option.

Beautiful log home on 5 acres with 5 llamas tethered about.

No one home til tomorrow and not much food. Shoulda picked up something in town. Oh well. Scrounge. You're a hiker. You'll eat anything!
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
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