Between Te Puke and Tauranga, NZ on the beach.
My older daughter, Avery, turned 36 today. How can that be? I remember turning 36 and it doesn't seem that long ago. Every year, her birthday blows my mind! Where oh where have all those years gone. I remember the first time I saw her after I came out of surgery. " She looks just like me!" I said as her father held her up. But she looks nothing like me now:). For whatever reason, a first born holds a special place in a mother's heart. Maybe because they had to suffer through your learning process. Motherhood comes with no manual, just trial and error, and lots of ideas. Please forgive me, Avery, for all my screw ups. I had good intentions and always want(ed) what was best for you. A mother's lament. Must have done something right, or she turned out okay in spite of me:). Hope this is an amazing birthday and can't wait to talk to you tomorrow...when it's your birthday there.
Back to NZ. Last night I found a delightful camp spot at the mouth of a river where fisherfolk came to fish. In the middle of the night? I heard a bit of car activity, but I was upstream from the point so most cars went on by. Except for one. I heard it stop. The engine turned off. Two car doors opened and slammed. Then silence. The back of my tent was to the road, so I couldn't see anything. And I didn't want to stick my head out to show myself, so I lay very still...and waited. Heard rustling. Is that near my tent? Is that the feral cat I saw? Is that someone taking a piss near my tent? Silence. But 2 doors and no voices. Weird. Silence. Waiting. Waiting. Shallow breathing. Should I get my knife? Nah. Finally. Car doors open. "Wait", someone says. Then the engine starts. And the car departs. Sigh. Sleep.
It was delightful by the river watching the sea birds swimming through the shallow water. Had Internet and power. Sent some emails. Etc. Hit the road at 11, 2 hours later than usual. What's my rush? I'll make Liz's house tomorrow. On schedule.
A ways down the road I decided to replace my Prince William Feather that protrudes from my bike seat like a flag.

When I stopped, Helen

pulled up and invited me in for tea. Never say No.
She knows and has documented her Maori history and was very eager to share it with me. I was likewise eager to hear it, but unable to retain the stories or the names. I did get a charming video of her reading a Maori woman's quote that always brings tears to her eyes. (Too bad I'm unable to post video through this app although it is suppose to be possible.)

Her daughter is suppose to be a marvelous singer and I plan on checking out her YouTube post.
Bag Lady
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