Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Birthday, Avery!

March 28, 2013
Between Te Puke and Tauranga, NZ on the beach.

My older daughter, Avery, turned 36 today. How can that be? I remember turning 36 and it doesn't seem that long ago. Every year, her birthday blows my mind! Where oh where have all those years gone. I remember the first time I saw her after I came out of surgery. " She looks just like me!" I said as her father held her up. But she looks nothing like me now:). For whatever reason, a first born holds a special place in a mother's heart. Maybe because they had to suffer through your learning process. Motherhood comes with no manual, just trial and error, and lots of ideas. Please forgive me, Avery, for all my screw ups. I had good intentions and always want(ed) what was best for you. A mother's lament. Must have done something right, or she turned out okay in spite of me:). Hope this is an amazing birthday and can't wait to talk to you tomorrow...when it's your birthday there.

Back to NZ. Last night I found a delightful camp spot at the mouth of a river where fisherfolk came to fish. In the middle of the night? I heard a bit of car activity, but I was upstream from the point so most cars went on by. Except for one. I heard it stop. The engine turned off. Two car doors opened and slammed. Then silence. The back of my tent was to the road, so I couldn't see anything. And I didn't want to stick my head out to show myself, so I lay very still...and waited. Heard rustling. Is that near my tent? Is that the feral cat I saw? Is that someone taking a piss near my tent? Silence. But 2 doors and no voices. Weird. Silence. Waiting. Waiting. Shallow breathing. Should I get my knife? Nah. Finally. Car doors open. "Wait", someone says. Then the engine starts. And the car departs. Sigh. Sleep.

It was delightful by the river watching the sea birds swimming through the shallow water. Had Internet and power. Sent some emails. Etc. Hit the road at 11, 2 hours later than usual. What's my rush? I'll make Liz's house tomorrow. On schedule.

A ways down the road I decided to replace my Prince William Feather that protrudes from my bike seat like a flag.

When I stopped, Helen

pulled up and invited me in for tea. Never say No.

She knows and has documented her Maori history and was very eager to share it with me. I was likewise eager to hear it, but unable to retain the stories or the names. I did get a charming video of her reading a Maori woman's quote that always brings tears to her eyes. (Too bad I'm unable to post video through this app although it is suppose to be possible.)

Her daughter is suppose to be a marvelous singer and I plan on checking out her YouTube post.

Bag Lady

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Trail Magic in Opotiki

March 26 & 27, 2013
Rangitaiki River mouth tonight...Opotiki last night

Short but full day yesterday. Got to Opotiki just after noon. First real town in 10 days. OMG. OMG. What to do first. How about lunch and a charge up? Ok. I agree. (See how easy it is when you travel alone? No one ever disagrees with you or gives you any grief:))

Met Ann and Peter (at least I think her name was Ann...I didn't write it down so I'm feeling sheepish). A couple from Hamilton on holiday over here and biking around for the day.

I go inside to order and plug in and meet Del and Tony who had seen me on the road earlier. Brief conversation. Plug in phones. I go outside to eat with Ann and Peter. As Del is leaving, she stops by and offers a shower and laundry and gives me her address in town. Yippee! Laundry was most exciting as it had also been 10 days since the clothes had been washed...and I wear the same, exactly the same, clothes every dirty, sweaty day. Can't rinse them out because they won't dry overnight.

I then do my town chores of uploading some blog posts at the library, sending a postcard, groceries, and scouting through the outdoor store. All the while having little chats with folks.

Is it comfortable? Yes

How's it on the hills? Slow but easy.

Where ya from? Upstate NY...not the city.

Where have you come from? Hard to answer. I usually say Wellington.

Over and over and over and over. Feel like I should have a sheet to hand out, but I'd miss the energy exchange.

So later in the afternoon I show up at Del's. This is the house she grew up in! Her mom died last fall and she's been here for 6 months winding everything down and getting the house on the market. She and Tony live in Australia now...he's an Ozzie. She took me up to this domain or park with ancient trees, the puriri (if I remembered right). Over 2000 years old. Burial trees for the Maori. They'd put their dead ones bones in the large cavities at the base of the tree. Sacred space. Felt it too. I think I know more NZ trees than American. My head is spinning with knowledge. I can recognize the puhutikowa (didn't say I could spell them)... It's the red blossom tree at Xmas. They are enormous up here on the coast. And the ponga. It's the palm that the NZ emblem if a palm frond is from. I need a picture of that.

Invited to dinner, of course I said yes. But I'll camp in the yard and declined the offer of a bed. I love sleeping in my tent. Dinner was gourmet! Portobello mushrooms with an onion and something else topping, then grilled pork chops with orange, sweet potato spinach feta salad, and leeks and zucchini. Everything was mmmwwaa! My kind of food! And fresh stewed apples, blueberries, and yogurt dessert! I was in heaven!

Lots of talking and does that to me. After breakfast I hit the road and so did they, off for a beach hike with friends.

I knew there were hills on today's route. Every day's route. And I don't mind them at all. Just pedal and rest and pedal and rest. Kinda like I hike up hills:). I always get to the top. I have to say the one out of Ohope was a crank! Wooweee! Ohope had the longest empty beach I've seen. Had lunch down there with a sandwich Del made from the leftover salads. Yum! There was sun and wind and haze and islands in the distance. Pretty spot. Upscale homes. Back in modern NZ. East coast is a pleasant memory.

Tonight's view of the river mouth:

Earlier I heard ducks quacking. Very different from the usually sheep baaing or cows mooing.

In 2 days I'll be in Tauranga visiting Liz, Moa's sister-in-law, who I met at Christmas. A few days off the bike will feel good. Then I'm headed to the Coromandel Peninsula. More beaches, poor me.

NZ is oceans and beaches and ragged hills and mountains and volcanoes and bush and sheep and cows. Yup. That about sums it up. And trucks and campervans:)

Love you all!! And thanks for the wonderful notes of love and support. This blog is such a great way to stay connected. Thanks for making it a two way street.

To sleep to the sounds of the ocean...ahhhh!

Full moon from down under.

Blissful BagLady

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Busy People Day

March 25, 2013
Hawai, NZ

The first chat of the day was with Trevor

at the corner store. Actually there was a guy before Trevor but I didn't get his name or picture...oops...but what was memorable about him was he backed up his car to my trike and pondered fitting it in all before even asking if I wanted a lift:). I told him I biked because I liked it and I didn't need a lift to the next big town. But the hills are big! Good! says I. I love hills! And I do!

Then there was Helen

standing by the side of the road trying to get cell reception.

Later Maryanne

called to me from her yard as I passed. She drives 3.5 hours from Rotorua up here to a house she's fixing up that she moved her from Auckland. She gave me fresh tomatoes. Yum!

Then John

came hobbling over to the picnic table where I was lunching by the beach. He offered me some grapes for dessert so we went back to his place to cut them from the arbor. Jessie joined us and then I said Yes to the offer for coffee.

Gotta get going! Not getting anywhere today!

And there were hills! A big long climb. But they're so much easier on Blaze. No balance issue. Just pedal as slowly as the steepness requires. I think 99% of the cars waved, honked, or flashed headlights at me today:). I feel loved!!

Got told No Camping Here tonight after my tent was up. I didn't see a sign. It's over there. Ok. If I'd seen it I wouldn't have camped here. I had to look hard to find it. Not very obvious.
That's okay. Just 1/4 km down the road and a better spot!!

Using the Prince William Feather as a flag when I'm riding and a clothesline in the evening:)

Busted BagLady

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