After 3 full days in Sarasota, it's time for this wanderer to hit the road again. I'll be packing up my toys (oh yah, I didn't unpack any of them here) and heading on to St. Augustine to spend some time with daughter number 2, Dana. She, her boyfriend Joe, and his friend Carl all share a small house there. I may have to sleep in the back of my SUV or go to the beach and camp if room is really limited... I not sure what the accommodations will be. But Dana knows I can sleep anywhere, so things will be fine.
I'm hoping to hook with a trail buddy, Hammock Hanger, who lives in Jacksonville. We may do some paddling although I don't know where exactly. The story of how we met is a true example of the wonders of the Appalachian Trail. I started my trail journal on line (at before I left home and in it I mentioned that I was going to use a hammock. Hammock Hanger read my journal and signed my guestbook. We corresponded a bit. Her plan for the summer was to hike the Eastern Continental Trail, I think it's called. Then, out on the AT, in Virginia, hiking along, didn't our paths cross? She on her trail, me on mine, where her's and mine were one for a while! How serendipitous was that? We hiked together for a couple of days before her trail broke off from the AT. So now we're hoping to hook up again and get our feet wet.
I've been busy planning my bike tour. The one place in Florida that I've always wanted to see was Key West. And now I've decided to bike there. Kim, my friend here in Sarasota, suggested I take advantage of the fast ferry between Key West and Fort Myers, and the plan was born. After checking for the direction of the prevailing winds in the keys, I've decided to bike from Sarasota to Key West, then take the ferry back to Fort Myers and bike back to Sarasota. Distance: about 425 miles. I'm in no hurry and will visit and play along the way. I'll try not to just put my head down and pedal on without seeing the sites. I'll camp mostly - stealth camp as much as I can, but a shower at the end of the day in a campground is also welcome. I'll get a room only when I can't camp.
I'm excited because this will be a blast seeing new sights and meeting new people, but also scared because I don't know what I don't know. And what I don't know could get me in to trouble.