17 miles. 267 total

Bopped around Idaho Falls on a new steed. Don't let Blaze see this picture:). It'd break her heart. Went through some if the beautiful subdivisions, down to the falls, and to a couple of farmer's markets. Wonderful change of pace! Thanks, Sarah!!!
And got a ride out about 50 miles so that I wouldn't be camping on govt nuclear testing site. So I had a short jaunt in to Arco. Short, but interesting. I met Glenn Caffery. He's a guy who's running across the US to raise $$$ for curing Alzheimers. Check out his site at alzrun.org. And make a donation if you're so moved. Certainly a good cause. He's running 50 miles a day pushing his gear in a trailer.
Then I met Beth and Adam (I think). Brother and sister doing a 4 day ride across Idaho. 200 miles. Today they out did themselves biking from Idaho Falls to Arco. About 65 miles. 13 hours. Thanks you guys for dinner! So thoughtful. Hope I see you out there again tomorrow!
And a gent in the restaurant suggested a town park with bathrooms as a place to spend the night. I hear a raucous outside my tent. Hope that's not him! Nope. Just a dog. Whew! Hope he stays away from the food on my bike.
Gosh golly, I love this life of wandering!!! I love not knowing what's around the next corner or who I'll meet.
Pedal on, Pedal on
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