Saturday July 21st
Gluckstadt, Germany

1:11 pm. Made it! Had a goal of getting to the ferry to Gluckstadt by noon on Saturday. Set that goal in Bremen. And I was there at 11:30 am! I didn't know when it ran or how often but I needn't have worried. Every 20 minutes! It's a freeway!

So now I'm 20 kms from Elmshorn and can go at my preferred pace.
Sitting in a cafe sipping a luscious strawberry milkshake.

Ahhhh! And no wifi in town. I'm gonna check with the hotel before leaving. I see a great business venture: bring wifi to Germany! You'll make a bundle!!!
Sunny day too. Woke up to it! Sure does raise the spirits. (Wifi would raise them a bit more:))
6:30 and I'm parked for the night on the edge of a field on a back country lane. I had to wander around a bit to find my spot but I think I'll be unbothered here tonight. And I have about 5-10 kms to go tomorrow to meet up with Heike which isn't til 1 pm. After pushing every day I'll have time to sit and read a book tomorrow. Hope the sun cooperates.
My last night in my tent, on the road anyways, is always bitter sweet. I am ready to come home. I've tried on the idea of taking a train to Italy but I just don't want the hassle of another culture, language, rules, and loneliness. I know no one there. It would be "the same, but different". I'll save that for when I find a biking partner. And maybe plan it with hostels and campgrounds. It's not sounding as much fun already:)
No regrets. Everything happened as it should have. Perfectly imperfect:)

Home on Wednesday and on to other adventures. Looks like I'll be joining dear friends from the AT (Appalachian Trail) for their final stretch. Willing and Abal will be doing the 100 Mile Wilderness in Maine the beginning of Sept and have invited me to join them. Sounds like a plan! It's taken them 5 years to section hike the trail and I've joined for a bit every year except last year. I hope this biking has conditioned me for climbing Katahdin:). I remember it was a doozy and that was after 2100 miles of hiking!
Gute nacht,

Love this family in blue cycling together...note 4th on sidewalk.
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