Pontian, Malaysia
Sunburned BagLady! Ouch!!!

Sylvia's pearl of wisdom for today: "This is why Chinese people are so skinny! Who can eat rice with chopsticks?" She keeps me on stitches!!
Yesterday we cycled 20 miles to this coastal town. It was a much more enjoyable ride although still lots of cars. I think that's going to be a constant. There are few road options going from town to town off the highway and lots of people use them. We cycled past palm tree plantations where palm oil is collected.

Another time I noticed a banner that said "Like us on Facebook!" And had to stop and take a picture. Of course the people were interested in us and our trikes although language was difficult. We asked about a fruit we saw and the farmer broke one open for us to sample. Pulasan.

Tastes and looks like longon that I ate in Hawaii (and have found here,too). We liked it and decided to get some. When we selected a small bunch, the farmer gave it to us. We also sampled Jack Fruit something I also saw in Hawaii but don't think I ever ate it there. It's good! Durian is another popular fruit over here. Loved by Malaysians but not allowed anywhere: not on the subway, not in hotels. Because it stinks! Being brave and adventurous, we tried a glass of durian juice. Gag me!!! YUCK!!! No way! We traded it in for something else. They have the best juices over here. Fresh squeezed. Over ice. The best drink ever!!! Green apples. Watermelon. Honeydew melon. YUM. Gotta break out my juicer when I get back home and whip up some of these. For sure!
Every day is like cycling in a parade. We attract so much attention! Honk! Honk! Hello! Thumbs up out the car windows! Cheers from the sides of the road. It's energizing and exhausting at the same time. And already a couple of times someone has said they saw us earlier in the day. How funny is that?
We took a zero day today. No cycling. We wanted to watch the election returns and knew that would be in the middle of the day. Wifi has been a challenge. Not finding it, but having a good connection. We're finding one or the other us having issues at different times. Today we wandered the streets hoping to find a place with CNN in cable. No luck. Ended up watching the speeches on Sylvia's laptop and how exciting it was! Wahoo!!
Must share about breakfast today at our hotel: sushi, salad, baked beans, toast. Delicious! Later today we had sweet potato fries which had been battered and fried then coated in cinnamon and sugar. Unusual!
Long day tomorrow. 45 miles to next town with hotel. Twice the distance we've been riding. Hard in the heat and humidity, but we have to do it. Early start is planned...and fewer stops:)
That's all she wrote;)
New words for today:
Kanan: right
Kiri: Left
Oh, and you have to take your shoes off outsides stores here:

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