Some field in Northland on way to Kerikeri, NZ
First, Happy Birthday, Dana!! She's my baby and she turned 29 today. She's already worried about turning 30 next year...the end of an era. How can my baby be that old??? Wasn't she just born yesterday? Where oh where does the time go?
Kindness again and again. Rain and cold...sun and hot. It can't decide what the weather should be. And when it rains, it pours! And gets cold...very cold. Yesterday I got drenched through. The rain came from behind, hit the back of my head, ran down my back, and flooded my seat. Brrr! Not fun sitting in the cold and wet. And the water was so heavy on the road that trucks drenched me as the went by. Different from last summer. This is autumn. It's cold out. In the 50's. Wet is harder to handle with cold. And I'm in a rural area with no place to take shelter. Just have to keep pedaling. Looked forward to hills because climbing warmed me up. Downhills were freezing. Umbrella just didn't help much because wind always seems to come with the rain.
But yesterday the sun did come back out and warmed me up and dried me off.
Stopped at a place that had cars all over the yard hillside. Car Clinic. Hans trades them and fixes them. Got a tent spot, shower, and breakfast!
Cold night. 2nd coldest of whole trip. Feet froze. Below 50*...the limit of my bag. Hmmm. But what a view this morning over the valley.

Tonight, after another rainy cold afternoon, I'm camped at a driveway end. Driveway was too steep. And again a shower and offer for dinner and a bed. I wasn't up to trying rabbit stew. They actually raised the rabbiting found out later. I probably should have tried it but I just couldn't. Since I love my tent, I'm sleeping in it even though its gonna be another cold night. Gotta layer up! Got extra gear nearby to put on as I chill.
That's Joe from the marae I stayed at.

And this is Roger, a biker that invited me in for tea and has offered me a place to stay in Auckland.

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