Yesterday I went through the worst smoke from a burning field. There were guys out managing the fire but I couldn't tell if they were trying to stop it or feed it. I think stop it. It was a grass fire but there's barely any grass to burn. The smoke was so thick to pedal through. Cough. Cough.
Tried to video some in town. Since I already make a spectacle, how bad can it get? It was hard because all these guys came up and talked to me...then I was trying to buy something to eat...too many things going on at once. No promises on how it turned out. I'll do it more. (Author's note: video was cute...too bad you can't see it. I had to delete it because it wouldn't upload.)
Cycled in to Sancti Spiritus and to the old town area. There's a large river bed through the town with a trickle of water. I wonder if it fills up during the rainy season. I passed by a hostel that looked like it had possibilities so I marked the point on my map app. Otherwise I might never find it again:). The streets are very confusing. Then I pedaled on until it looked like that still was the best place. An old colonial house built in 1800. He calls it a Hostel but they're all using that name now for their casa particulare. Easier to say! So there's a main foyer and he lives to the left and my room is to the right. A bedroom, dressing table area, and private bath.

Toilet seats are often absent or broken here. The bowl should be designed with a built in seat making the separate seat unnecessary. Just saying... it's an international problem. Another thing I've run into here are these water heater shower heads. I read about them somewhere but I have no idea how they work so I just take a cold shower. (It's hot here so cold showers feel good:)). Whenever I see this shower head I'm already naked and can't ask how it works. Besides it looks downright frightening: wires here and there all wrapped in a haphazard manner then water dripping...potential for electrocution!! No thanks!

Now I feel human again: all clean and shiny!

This town is adorable! It has a pedestrian mall. The colors are bright. Mostly Cubans. Terrible food. When I've gone to restaurants in other cities the food has been pretty good. (It's been finding food to take on the bike or in the small towns that's been the problem.). Until tonight. Now mind you, my last meal was yesterday morning so I was ready to eat. I picked an "Italian" restaurant right on the main square. Ordered pizza. It was tiny. Like what you'd get on the street for $0.50. And I paid $6. Way too much and it was tasteless. Worst pizza I've had here. I think tomorrow I'll ask for a recommendation. Such a disappointment :(. And I've had some good pizzas here! After the beautiful restaurants in Trinidad where you got a 3 course meal for just a few dollars more, I'm so sad. Guess I'll go finish my can of olives!

Tai Chi class

Classroom windows are right on the streets

Pastry cart.
Live YOUR dream,