Well, after 2 full days of doing nothing, and I mean NOTHING, I'm forced to remount my bike and continue on. Guess I can't live here. Well, I probably could. Seems like many do. Volunteers staff the hostel doing many of the manual chores here and are given a bed to sleep in and often an evening meal. It's a good life for a while. I may consider it next winter.
But I hear the Keys calling my name. And I've been hearing stories of others adventures down there. A guy, Coconut Kevin, an artist from CT, lives in KW in the winter. He was passing through yesterday and stopped with a Tshirt for the Om, the owner. He gave me a lot of people to look up when I get there and many suggestions of cheap places to eat. I think I'll stay in the hostel there. It's not cheap, but it is centrally located...and has showers! We'll see.
I'm actually planning a leisurely pedal down through the Keys. Short biking days. Lots of beach time. Maybe some snorkeling. No hurry.
Yesterday I did sample a milkshake at the infamous Robert is Here fruit stand near here. It was the thickest shake I've ever had and too much for one person. My flavor? Strawberry Key Lime, mmmmm!
I also found out that I won the lottery! The RAGBRAI lottery, that is. I have a wristband number to ride across Iowa this summer. RAGBRAI (Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) is the oldest cross state ride at 37 years. 8500 cyclists will be there! Doesn't that sound like fun? A traveling city. We're biking from Council Bluffs to Burlington July 18 - 25. I've heard so much about this ride over the years. Now it's my time to experience it. Barenaked Ladies are playing at the kickoff event! It's gonna be a blast. Think of all the new friends I'll be making!!!! Now the question is: do I bike to Iowa?
Catch y'all later.