Tanners Point, NZ
I finally broke away from Tauranga and Liz's wonderful home and company. It wasn't easy but the day had to come. I was gobbling up all her data allotted in wifi, poor girl. She had to cut me off:). Wifi is so costly down here and not unlimited. I should have known because of all the trouble I have getting it while on the road. It had a favorable outcome though: when she called up to see what could be done, they gave her 3x her old plan for $5 less a month!
The road today was so busy, so noisy, so exhausting! I have this busy section before things will quiet down again. I much prefer just the logging trucks and an occasional car to all this traffic. A few honks and cheers helped my mood.
As delightful as staying in a house always is (and it was fabulous!), I'm happiest on the road, on the move, sleeping and eating outdoors. I don't know why. Even as a child I played living in the woods:). I have to find my "indoor/outdoor living" place. That's a term I thought I coined, but it's used frequently down here. Another thing I have in common with Kiwi Land!
Tonight I rode down a road towards the coast and found a civilized launch park with a parking lot, toilets, and a lawn for me. A couple of campervans are here too. Lorraine already stopped by and introduced himself. No photo.
But I did have lunch with Bruce (not Boat Boy Bruce:)), that I met when I stopped for something to eat.

So we shared a table and conversation about bikes and touring. He's a retired teacher that loves teaching kids to swim and play the recorder because it makes the kids feel good.
It's so so quiet here. You could here a pin drop. This is a bay so there are no waves lapping. And there's no wind. Silence. Necessary after this crazy, noisy day.
I'm off to start a new book. April Fool's Day by Bruce Courtenay, one of my favorite writers.
Beddy-By BagLady
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