really? really? what a cold start to July...brrr!!! but the evening has brought sunshine so not so bad...especially now that the gail-force wind has died down.
Moddershall, England

I found myself in the middle of the biking stage of a triathalon this morning:) Some thought I was actually competing!!!

Then I explored Isaak Walton ("The Compleat Angler" author)'s cottage and met the nicest women. I'm going to make a stab at their names, but forgive me and correct when I remember them wrong...Dorothy and Julianne. Not even close, am I? I usually write names down as soon as I depart so that I'll remember them for my evening journal, but I forgot to do it this time. Darn. The cottage was adorable with a rebuilt thatched roof too and gardens all about. And "Dorothy" was a wealth of knowledge about researching geneology to aromatic oils for arthritis. And talk about timing...this cottage is only open Sundays from 1-4 pm and I arrived on Sunday at 12:45! What luck! Beats arriving in Lampeter for the quilt exhibit a half hour late and the the gallery was closed for the next two days. Things are looking up.

Took this picture of Blaze today...I really do look the part of a bag lady:)
I have the sounds of a rugby match playing in the background by a group of Indians...interesting accent that is:) I pulled in here during a match and asked about staying. None of them are club members, the just have the key to the gate which they have to lock when they leave. "Go ahead and stay and chuck your bike over the gate in the morning." My bike isn't chuckable! Let me see if I can find an opening in the fence to get through. And I did...a gap in the hedge row. Blaze jumped a ditch getting in so I'm sure she can jump again in the morning.
About 60 miles to go to Sheffield but there's lots to see between here and there so, I'll be taking my sweet time. "Dorothy" gave me ideas of how to research Mossbrook in local records in the area, so I'll see what happens.
Ya know how in Rochester we say "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute it will change"? Well, here they say it...and mean it! I've never...NEVER...seen weather change so quickly from cold to hot, wet to dry, calm to windy and that's all in the same half hour! I never know what to put on to start the day or what to wear during the day. Whatever I have on is not right for the weather of the moment. I'd laugh about it if it wasn't so annoying.
A Tuckered BagLady
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