Jan 26th
Road north to Picton.
Three exciting, momentous things today: headwinds, hanging with some "characters" at their caravans on the coast, and Blaze's attempted runaway:)
Lets talk about winds so strong I'm pedaling downhill. All day. So strong I couldn't hear my iPod. Unrelenting. Couldn't find shelter from them. Beautiful day. Sunny. Up the coast. Azure blue waters with white waves crashing. And WIND!!! Think I only made 20 miles going from 9:30 this morning until 5:30 tonight.
Cycling along the east coast, battling the winds, I see a couple of caravans parked in a V with 4 people sitting in chairs just hanging out. One guy waves and then welcomes me over. Never one to miss an opportunity to chat (who me?) and to take a break from the winds, I go over. Using Blaze as my chair I join these two couples and answer all their questions. After telling them my age, upon request, they marvel at my bravery and strength. I wish I'd written down right away the description they had because for the life of me I can't remember the words. It was priceless. Then the same guy who said those pricelss but forgotten words, invited me to rub thumbs, a Maori custom he says. Maybe now I'm engaged! Who knows!! What a treat it was to connect with these folks and pass a bit of afternoon with them. I was even offered paui (I think that's how it's spelled) a type of albatross but I told them I wouldn't know how to cook it :). Hope I see them pass me on their way home tomorrow. That's what this travel is all about for me!!!

Ok now Blaze's excitement. I stopped and got off to take a picture.

Swan made from old tire.
And I turned around and ....
no bike. Really does things to your head. I'm sure I just got off it but she's nowhere to be seen. And then I see a truck pulling up and just past it, this!

Blaze! What are you doing way back down the road? and on your side? and why are the panniers off? Are you ok?
The young guys in the truck so the last part where she flipped in the ditch. They offered to help but I figured she was all right. I was wrong.
Got her upright and in the road, but the derailleur wouldn't shift. It looked bent but I didn't know what to do to it. A local farmer stopped and said he wasn't much help because he didn't know bikes, but he did offer a cottage nearby if I didn't get a lift by nighttime. He also said it might be better to put her on her side so she looked broken and it wasn't that I was tired of biking into the winds. Damsel in distress. While on her side I tinkered. Then tried shifting again and it worked! I fixed it! We're back on the road!
Windswept BagLady
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