Sunday July 24
Winthrop WA
Just like on the AT, it feels like I never have a day off. So today I'm going slowly. Really slowly. And enjoying the heck out of it.
I've met so many folks today and it's only 1pm. First there was the couple camped next to me who offered me hot water and cherries this morning. He's in sales but loves to write poetry. They have 2 gifted kids: a son who wants to be a physicist and a daughter who also loves to write. The live north of Seattle and are Scottish decent. He is anyways. She's French Canadian. Boatee. Little Boat.
Then in the bathroom I met Vonnie and she invited me to have coffee. "I'd love to!" says I. She and her husband, Dan, have one son, Eric. His girlfriend is Gwen. And the dog, Luna. They've hosted lots of foreign kids over the years with some of them dating for as long as 7 years whole the finished high school and went to college. I can see why they stayed. Their warmth and love of life was so evident! Vonnie even got brave and flew to Japan alone to he the honored guest at one girl's wedding. Brave girlfriend! But I had to pedal off, alas!
Them there was the guy biking around like I am from Colorado, the couple from Georgia on their way home from Alaska in their motorbike, the Asian couple heading home from a wedding, and the young mom and 2 daughters off to the cousins! Loneliness is not a problem.
And by writing their stories, I tested myself to see if I was listening and learning as much as I was sharing my journey with them. Whew! Love the connections. And their brevity and the goodbyes don't hurt as much. I carry their warmth and energy with me. Thank you to all these new friends. If even just for a short time:)
And just met a young man who's just getting outdoors for the weekend. And on it goes.
I packed up my bike from my lunch and journaling break and was just about ready to take off when Skyward and Dave pulled in to my wide spot in the road. What a surprise. They were quite early:). Yes I want a ride! Loaded Blaze up on top. She only tried to bolt away once. Slid right down the windshield and bounced when she hit the pavement. I still have to check her out when I unload her tomorrow but I think she's uninjured from her little escapade.
Oh what views that ride would have been. I'm a little sad to have not biked it. But it's been hot here now so glad to not have baked in the sun up over that pass. Absolutely gorgeous mountains much like what I saw in Nepal! This country of ours is so goddam gorgeous! Parents should spend every summer just seeing a different part if it. Lingering there awhile!
This little slice of heaven Skyward and Dave have is spectacular. I'll try again to post a photo of the view from their front windows.
Oops too cloudy today to get a good photo. Will have to wait.
Just made plans for a week long backpacking trip up Chelan Lake (the deepest gorge in the country - half again as deep as the Grand Canyon) then up into the Cascades near Cascades Pass. Should be a fun hike part of which will be on the PCT.
No postings until I return next week.
Over and out from the Cascade Mountains of Washington.
Step Lightly,
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Skyward Found Me
Saturday July 23rd
Ross Lake WA
Enough of the miles. This trip isn't about miles. It's about having fun.
I awoke and packed up in my grassy nook on the side of Hwy 20 hoping to find a coffee shop in Rockport. Didn't happen there, but patience paid off and I came to Cascadian Farms Espresso and raspberry stand. Breakfast. Dry tent. Restroom. Latte. Fresh organic raspberries. Everything a girl biker could want!
I was heading into the Cascades but it really didn't get difficult. Stayed pretty flat and enjoyable.
All of a sudden I hear "BagLady!". I look up and it's Skyward. For those who don't know her, we met on the PCT last year and left the trail at the same time, although she did come back to do a lot of Oregon later last summer. We've kept in touch and made plans to hike together this summer. She's item #2 on my itinerary for this bike ride. She and boyfriend, Dave, were headed into Seattle for a couple of days. The plan is fir them to pick me up in their way home Sunday night or Monday...if they find me. If not, I'll pedal in. Either way, I'm going slow and enjoying this segment since my arrival can be flexible. The backpacking trip seems to be canceled due to too much snow still in the mountains. Not sure what plan B is. TBD.
So after connecting briefly, getting directions to their house I. Winthrop, and making brief plans for how they can find me along the route, we went our separate ways.
I ended the day in a national campground. Decided on that because the road was getting steeper and looked like there would be little likelihood if finding a place to camp. And since it had been hot u was quite sweaty and would enjoy a shower. Heike, you've rubbed off on me! But the sign said the campground was full. Ask. "We have some handicap sites and I can't give those out til 8pm.". Host looks at his watch. It's only 6:30. "Oh, go ahead. Take site 30.". Yippee! I get all setup, pay my $12, and paddle off to the showers. What?! No showers! Really? So for $12 I get a wobbly picnic table.
Pedal on, Pedal on
Pissed BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Ross Lake WA
Enough of the miles. This trip isn't about miles. It's about having fun.
I awoke and packed up in my grassy nook on the side of Hwy 20 hoping to find a coffee shop in Rockport. Didn't happen there, but patience paid off and I came to Cascadian Farms Espresso and raspberry stand. Breakfast. Dry tent. Restroom. Latte. Fresh organic raspberries. Everything a girl biker could want!
I was heading into the Cascades but it really didn't get difficult. Stayed pretty flat and enjoyable.
All of a sudden I hear "BagLady!". I look up and it's Skyward. For those who don't know her, we met on the PCT last year and left the trail at the same time, although she did come back to do a lot of Oregon later last summer. We've kept in touch and made plans to hike together this summer. She's item #2 on my itinerary for this bike ride. She and boyfriend, Dave, were headed into Seattle for a couple of days. The plan is fir them to pick me up in their way home Sunday night or Monday...if they find me. If not, I'll pedal in. Either way, I'm going slow and enjoying this segment since my arrival can be flexible. The backpacking trip seems to be canceled due to too much snow still in the mountains. Not sure what plan B is. TBD.
So after connecting briefly, getting directions to their house I. Winthrop, and making brief plans for how they can find me along the route, we went our separate ways.
I ended the day in a national campground. Decided on that because the road was getting steeper and looked like there would be little likelihood if finding a place to camp. And since it had been hot u was quite sweaty and would enjoy a shower. Heike, you've rubbed off on me! But the sign said the campground was full. Ask. "We have some handicap sites and I can't give those out til 8pm.". Host looks at his watch. It's only 6:30. "Oh, go ahead. Take site 30.". Yippee! I get all setup, pay my $12, and paddle off to the showers. What?! No showers! Really? So for $12 I get a wobbly picnic table.
Pedal on, Pedal on
Pissed BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Heading East
Friday July 22
40 miles i guess
Rockport WA
Sun! I awoke to sunshine this morning. It's a glorious thing!!! It's been so cold and cloudy and rainy for nearly 2 weeks. Now it'll be cold and cloudy and rainy with a few sun breaks. Only in the northwest do they count sun breaks...moments when Theron breaks through and warms your soul.
But that was after another horrible night. This time due to air force jets practicing maneuvers. They started in the early evening buzzing the fields I'm camped in. The noise was so loud I thought they were going to break the sound barrier. Again and again and again. Then it stopped and I went to sleep. Were they done? Of course not. We have to see how the jets perform at midnight because ya know it might be different. It doesn't matter that the rest of the world is sleeping. On and on. Back and forth. With deafening noise. I had to protect my good ear the noise was so painful. Really? You can't do this out over the ocean? You have to buzz the villages? My list of places not to camp is getting quite extensive:). I can't believe all the things that can surprise you with noise at night.
Talked with a spunky woman who owned a thrift store in town. I'm trying to find a sun visor in a place that has no sun! I found one in one thrift store which is functional but not cute. I'm into cute. So the hunt is on. And what a hunt it is. Almost bought one in Port Townsend at the state park but I don't like to advertise and the price was $14.50. Too much. Little did I know how hard it would be to find another. The search continues.
Back to the lady owner. We were talking about how risky traveling on these roads was and she saud "One minute you'll be biking in the forest with trees all around. Then Bam. You'll be biking in new scenery: flowers and blue sky!" One can only hope it will be that quick.
Route 20 has been a treat to bike on: wide shoulders. Yippeee! Now if all the cars would just go drive somewhere else. Or better yet, go home. I would be really happy. The confusing whizzing is exhausting. I'm camped just off the road behind some bushes and the noise continued all evening. Whiiiizzz. Whiiizzz. Whiiizzzz. I knew it would quiet down as it got later. And it did. But now it's Sat morning about 7:30 am and it's slowly picking up in volume.
Even though I'm up in the mountains so to speak, I haven't started climbing yet. That will be today. I just hope the road stays gradual. Then it will be fine. I've got 80 miles to Winthrop and 3 days to do it. Should be I'm good shape.
Off to pack up, find coffee and some morning sun. Oops, the sun seems to have disappeared. Darn!
Oh I forgot to mention the Velomobile I saw yesterday. A Dutch trike with a fiberglass shell. Very cool. Craig Johnsen was the power behind the pedals. Oh the delightful people I meet!!! Enjoyed our chat!
Pedal on. Pedal on
Stinky BagLady
40 miles i guess
Rockport WA
Sun! I awoke to sunshine this morning. It's a glorious thing!!! It's been so cold and cloudy and rainy for nearly 2 weeks. Now it'll be cold and cloudy and rainy with a few sun breaks. Only in the northwest do they count sun breaks...moments when Theron breaks through and warms your soul.
But that was after another horrible night. This time due to air force jets practicing maneuvers. They started in the early evening buzzing the fields I'm camped in. The noise was so loud I thought they were going to break the sound barrier. Again and again and again. Then it stopped and I went to sleep. Were they done? Of course not. We have to see how the jets perform at midnight because ya know it might be different. It doesn't matter that the rest of the world is sleeping. On and on. Back and forth. With deafening noise. I had to protect my good ear the noise was so painful. Really? You can't do this out over the ocean? You have to buzz the villages? My list of places not to camp is getting quite extensive:). I can't believe all the things that can surprise you with noise at night.
Talked with a spunky woman who owned a thrift store in town. I'm trying to find a sun visor in a place that has no sun! I found one in one thrift store which is functional but not cute. I'm into cute. So the hunt is on. And what a hunt it is. Almost bought one in Port Townsend at the state park but I don't like to advertise and the price was $14.50. Too much. Little did I know how hard it would be to find another. The search continues.
Back to the lady owner. We were talking about how risky traveling on these roads was and she saud "One minute you'll be biking in the forest with trees all around. Then Bam. You'll be biking in new scenery: flowers and blue sky!" One can only hope it will be that quick.
Route 20 has been a treat to bike on: wide shoulders. Yippeee! Now if all the cars would just go drive somewhere else. Or better yet, go home. I would be really happy. The confusing whizzing is exhausting. I'm camped just off the road behind some bushes and the noise continued all evening. Whiiiizzz. Whiiizzz. Whiiizzzz. I knew it would quiet down as it got later. And it did. But now it's Sat morning about 7:30 am and it's slowly picking up in volume.
Even though I'm up in the mountains so to speak, I haven't started climbing yet. That will be today. I just hope the road stays gradual. Then it will be fine. I've got 80 miles to Winthrop and 3 days to do it. Should be I'm good shape.
Off to pack up, find coffee and some morning sun. Oops, the sun seems to have disappeared. Darn!
Oh I forgot to mention the Velomobile I saw yesterday. A Dutch trike with a fiberglass shell. Very cool. Craig Johnsen was the power behind the pedals. Oh the delightful people I meet!!! Enjoyed our chat!
Pedal on. Pedal on
Stinky BagLady
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Oh, my legs!
Monday July 18
51 miles
Potlatch State Park
Yesterday Heike and I biked 25 miles in 3 hours to get to a sports bar by 11 am to see the women's soccer final! I really pedaled hard! And my legs felt it! It's so much harder in the legs pedaling the trike. Especially picking up the pace. My legs are bigger! And feel like steel! And I'm only half way done.
And it rained again in the afternoon so we bailed and got a motel so that we could dry out our gear. And I could do laundry. Pretty dirty stuff.
Food is a lot easier when 2 are sharing. We're combining our food stash to conjure up our meals. Much more fun!
Today we pedaled to this state park so Heike could have a shower. My skin has never seen so much water. First all the rain then the showers!
Had a flat in the rear tire today and glad Heike was there to help. Turns out she's quite a bike mechanic. First was knowing how to release the parking brake. Then dropping the tire off. But I was the one that figured out hoe to get it seated again. Teamwork!
Been having problems with the rear fender. Keeps popping off the spokes. I'm not happy with it. I think I need to duct tape the connections:). That fixes everything.
They sure grow tall trees out here! Big leaf maples 75 ft tall I'd guess! It's so lush everywhere! From all this rain!!!
Biking on 101 has been scary. Fast cars and tractor trailer trucks whizzing by. Usually little shoulder. Windy road. And it's hard to stay alert hour after hour after hour. I focus on the white line. Sometimes the shoulder widens and I'm in a fog and don't notice it right away. ADD is dangerous out here but it's hard to be so alert all the time. Sometimes a truck will pass so close it actually makes me jump! Imagine being low and only a few feet from a massive truck going 65 mph! Hang on, girl!!! Bravery or stupidity. Still trying to decide:)
Pedal on, Pedal on
Soggy BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
51 miles
Potlatch State Park
Yesterday Heike and I biked 25 miles in 3 hours to get to a sports bar by 11 am to see the women's soccer final! I really pedaled hard! And my legs felt it! It's so much harder in the legs pedaling the trike. Especially picking up the pace. My legs are bigger! And feel like steel! And I'm only half way done.
And it rained again in the afternoon so we bailed and got a motel so that we could dry out our gear. And I could do laundry. Pretty dirty stuff.
Food is a lot easier when 2 are sharing. We're combining our food stash to conjure up our meals. Much more fun!
Today we pedaled to this state park so Heike could have a shower. My skin has never seen so much water. First all the rain then the showers!
Had a flat in the rear tire today and glad Heike was there to help. Turns out she's quite a bike mechanic. First was knowing how to release the parking brake. Then dropping the tire off. But I was the one that figured out hoe to get it seated again. Teamwork!
Been having problems with the rear fender. Keeps popping off the spokes. I'm not happy with it. I think I need to duct tape the connections:). That fixes everything.
They sure grow tall trees out here! Big leaf maples 75 ft tall I'd guess! It's so lush everywhere! From all this rain!!!
Biking on 101 has been scary. Fast cars and tractor trailer trucks whizzing by. Usually little shoulder. Windy road. And it's hard to stay alert hour after hour after hour. I focus on the white line. Sometimes the shoulder widens and I'm in a fog and don't notice it right away. ADD is dangerous out here but it's hard to be so alert all the time. Sometimes a truck will pass so close it actually makes me jump! Imagine being low and only a few feet from a massive truck going 65 mph! Hang on, girl!!! Bravery or stupidity. Still trying to decide:)
Pedal on, Pedal on
Soggy BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A break in the weather! Yippeee!
Saturday July 16
Raymond WA
~47 miles.
Total 1250 miles

That's Heike eating pizza in the shower stall. Only place we could find warm and dry yesterday.
After full day of rain and sitting around the restrooms of the Cape Disappointment State Park, I finally moved north. With a new friend. Heike is from Berlin and has biked most of the way from Toronto. She's on her way to Vancouver and since she doesn't fly out til Aug 24th she has time to go at Blaze's pace. Having her ride on the tush and it pouring rain really pushed me today. About 47 miles in 5.5 hours. And we stopped for a quick lunch.
In Raymond we're camped next to the pool because Heike needs a shower every night. It did feel good:). And we had picnic tables for cooking and there are public restrooms nearby. Life is good.
Sent from my handy, dandy, mini, little computer (iPhone)
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Raymond WA
~47 miles.
Total 1250 miles

That's Heike eating pizza in the shower stall. Only place we could find warm and dry yesterday.
After full day of rain and sitting around the restrooms of the Cape Disappointment State Park, I finally moved north. With a new friend. Heike is from Berlin and has biked most of the way from Toronto. She's on her way to Vancouver and since she doesn't fly out til Aug 24th she has time to go at Blaze's pace. Having her ride on the tush and it pouring rain really pushed me today. About 47 miles in 5.5 hours. And we stopped for a quick lunch.
In Raymond we're camped next to the pool because Heike needs a shower every night. It did feel good:). And we had picnic tables for cooking and there are public restrooms nearby. Life is good.
Sent from my handy, dandy, mini, little computer (iPhone)
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday July 15th
Cape Disappointment WA
17 miles.
Total over 1200
Rain. Yup. It let up yesterday afternoon long enough for me to dry out my tent and get out of Astoria. Thank you, rain gods. Started again during the night and on through the morning.
Saw the Pacific Ocean yesterday!!!! What a glorious sight! Now I know what Lewis & Clark must have felt. Just a tiny bit, anyways.
Met a woman from Germany here at the State Park I stayed in last night. She's biked from South Dakota. Got there by public transport from Toronto. She didn't want to bike through the boring Midwest either:). She's done a lot of bike travel in Europe, Tasmania, South Africa.
It's 8:45 am. The rain is letting up. I need to think about getting up but I know everything is so wet: the tent, the bike, the grass, the picnic table. This won't be fun getting going. I still don't know what I'll do if I can't dry my tent during the day. I need a 1/2 hour of sunshine or a dryer. Last time I threw it in the dryer, I threw in my special poly-something ultra lightweight dropcloth...and it shrank. Ouch! Got a tyvek sorta piece of housewrap at a construction site that I'm using now. We'll see how it dries.
It felt good yesterday to be out of town and in the woods (sorta) again. Not really fond of all the hustle and bustle. Cars alone are exhausting me. I realized how much noise a car really makes when I had to bike through a tunnel yesterday. Unbelievable! I had to cover my good ear to stop the pain. Thank goodness I only had to cover one ear;)
Cars are the downside of biking. Don't know how to solve that problem. I do like the biking to get some place part.
Crossing the Columbia River Bridge:

Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Cape Disappointment WA
17 miles.
Total over 1200
Rain. Yup. It let up yesterday afternoon long enough for me to dry out my tent and get out of Astoria. Thank you, rain gods. Started again during the night and on through the morning.
Saw the Pacific Ocean yesterday!!!! What a glorious sight! Now I know what Lewis & Clark must have felt. Just a tiny bit, anyways.
Met a woman from Germany here at the State Park I stayed in last night. She's biked from South Dakota. Got there by public transport from Toronto. She didn't want to bike through the boring Midwest either:). She's done a lot of bike travel in Europe, Tasmania, South Africa.
It's 8:45 am. The rain is letting up. I need to think about getting up but I know everything is so wet: the tent, the bike, the grass, the picnic table. This won't be fun getting going. I still don't know what I'll do if I can't dry my tent during the day. I need a 1/2 hour of sunshine or a dryer. Last time I threw it in the dryer, I threw in my special poly-something ultra lightweight dropcloth...and it shrank. Ouch! Got a tyvek sorta piece of housewrap at a construction site that I'm using now. We'll see how it dries.
It felt good yesterday to be out of town and in the woods (sorta) again. Not really fond of all the hustle and bustle. Cars alone are exhausting me. I realized how much noise a car really makes when I had to bike through a tunnel yesterday. Unbelievable! I had to cover my good ear to stop the pain. Thank goodness I only had to cover one ear;)
Cars are the downside of biking. Don't know how to solve that problem. I do like the biking to get some place part.
Crossing the Columbia River Bridge:

Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday July 13th
Astoria OR
about 36 miles
Rain...surprise. Surprise.
Stayed in bed late waiting for it to stop.
"Gotta buy a girl some ice cream when she biked all the way from Wyoming!"
"Do you wanna get killed?" yelled by a guy driving a monster pickup.
"My brother died yesterday.". And from the same nice young man, "Ivy, our dog got loose and we're trying to find her.".
"I'd invite you home but my wife and her girlfriend just left town today." from a guy out rollerblading along the river here in Astoria. He first asked if I needed any help.
All around good day, except for finding yet another flat after dinner. I'm getting a liner in that tire tomorrow!
And that us Slugger, my pet slug. What great videos I got of him this morning:)

And always a days bouquet in my hair!

And how could I resist a drive up latte?

Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Astoria OR
about 36 miles
Rain...surprise. Surprise.
Stayed in bed late waiting for it to stop.
"Gotta buy a girl some ice cream when she biked all the way from Wyoming!"
"Do you wanna get killed?" yelled by a guy driving a monster pickup.
"My brother died yesterday.". And from the same nice young man, "Ivy, our dog got loose and we're trying to find her.".
"I'd invite you home but my wife and her girlfriend just left town today." from a guy out rollerblading along the river here in Astoria. He first asked if I needed any help.
All around good day, except for finding yet another flat after dinner. I'm getting a liner in that tire tomorrow!
And that us Slugger, my pet slug. What great videos I got of him this morning:)

And always a days bouquet in my hair!

And how could I resist a drive up latte?

Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday July 12
Somewhere on 30 west
23 to this point
Morning rain
Sleeping in
Bagel and cream cheese
Good coffee
Reading and blogging
On the road at 11 am
Dried out tent at Longview bridge
Climbed first hill in a week - oh the legs are weak!
Then the rain started.
Umbrella helps a lot but only if I open it before getting soaked.
And then the flat!
Yup again.
Right front.
As usual.
Had lots of practice now - 10 minutes!
Sitting in a coffee shop warming up, drying off, washing wet clothes.
Somewhere on 30 west
23 to this point
Morning rain
Sleeping in
Bagel and cream cheese
Good coffee
Reading and blogging
On the road at 11 am
Dried out tent at Longview bridge
Climbed first hill in a week - oh the legs are weak!
Then the rain started.
Umbrella helps a lot but only if I open it before getting soaked.
And then the flat!
Yup again.
Right front.
As usual.
Had lots of practice now - 10 minutes!
Sitting in a coffee shop warming up, drying off, washing wet clothes.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
On the Road Again
St. Helena OR
35 miles (in the afternoon!)
1135 total
After an incredible time with family at a funky resort east of Portland (and Maddie and Steve's beautiful, fun wedding), I saddled Blaze up and headed towards the coast. Of course, to get there I had to trot down a 4 lane truck highway for 20+ miles. Yuck! The only good thing was the shoulder was wide. But, as usual, littered with gravel, nuts, bolts, broken binders, large pieces of bark, and clumps of rubber. Quite a challenge to navigate when I have 3 tires all in their own track:). Yes, trot! She's much faster it seems since having a week of rest and a bit of alignment repair. The pulling has been fixed. Idid 35 miles in the afternoon -would have taken me all day before. I did stop less being on my own. But I did take a 2 hour lunch break and catch up with some friends while munching on rustic bread and Brie! I feel like I've been spinning for the week with no down time. I need a rest. This is Tuesday morning and I'm still huddled in my tent with my coffee. It rained moat of the early morning and them started again after I got my bagel toasted. So I zipped up and snuggled back down with my book "Twelve by Twelve", about living off the grid, etc. A great quote from it is "Don't do, be.". So this morning I'm "be-ing!". Watching the slugs and bugs. Listening to the birds and rain. (and one gunshot!). Going slow. Ahhhh! Feels really good, but hard. Feeling guilty for not doing!
Heading out Rte 30 to Astoria. Will get there tomorrow. Then it's over the dangerous 4 mile bridge and into Washington. State #4. I plan to go up rte 101 to Port Townsend. Then take rte 20 over to Winthrop. I told Skyward I'd be there in about 2 weeks. But no deadline, please. I've had enough of those until I need to be in Glacier on Aug 10th.
So last night's camping spot was in a meadow of daisies and clover!

And yes I broke down and got a Pocket Rocket stove with canister fuel. Since I can really cook while biking, I needed a stove that could do more than heat water:)
Sorry no wedding pics on my phone to send. In order to post pics to my blog I have to remember to TAKE pics with my phone. I much prefer photos with my new Canon G12. It's been fun but still lots to learn and not much time to do so.
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
35 miles (in the afternoon!)
1135 total
After an incredible time with family at a funky resort east of Portland (and Maddie and Steve's beautiful, fun wedding), I saddled Blaze up and headed towards the coast. Of course, to get there I had to trot down a 4 lane truck highway for 20+ miles. Yuck! The only good thing was the shoulder was wide. But, as usual, littered with gravel, nuts, bolts, broken binders, large pieces of bark, and clumps of rubber. Quite a challenge to navigate when I have 3 tires all in their own track:). Yes, trot! She's much faster it seems since having a week of rest and a bit of alignment repair. The pulling has been fixed. Idid 35 miles in the afternoon -would have taken me all day before. I did stop less being on my own. But I did take a 2 hour lunch break and catch up with some friends while munching on rustic bread and Brie! I feel like I've been spinning for the week with no down time. I need a rest. This is Tuesday morning and I'm still huddled in my tent with my coffee. It rained moat of the early morning and them started again after I got my bagel toasted. So I zipped up and snuggled back down with my book "Twelve by Twelve", about living off the grid, etc. A great quote from it is "Don't do, be.". So this morning I'm "be-ing!". Watching the slugs and bugs. Listening to the birds and rain. (and one gunshot!). Going slow. Ahhhh! Feels really good, but hard. Feeling guilty for not doing!
Heading out Rte 30 to Astoria. Will get there tomorrow. Then it's over the dangerous 4 mile bridge and into Washington. State #4. I plan to go up rte 101 to Port Townsend. Then take rte 20 over to Winthrop. I told Skyward I'd be there in about 2 weeks. But no deadline, please. I've had enough of those until I need to be in Glacier on Aug 10th.
So last night's camping spot was in a meadow of daisies and clover!

And yes I broke down and got a Pocket Rocket stove with canister fuel. Since I can really cook while biking, I needed a stove that could do more than heat water:)
Sorry no wedding pics on my phone to send. In order to post pics to my blog I have to remember to TAKE pics with my phone. I much prefer photos with my new Canon G12. It's been fun but still lots to learn and not much time to do so.
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tuesday, July 5th
25 miles
Portland OR
I forgot to write about how we celebrated the 4th: hanging in a laundromat in Sandy. Doing laundry. Charging my freaking phone. Eating. Sleeping. Reading. Enjoying the shade. Then we headed down to the fireworks. Since we knew they weren't going off til late (for us) we wanted to figure out where we could sleep. Right there in the field next to the town hall of course. Set up the tent, then wandered over to take in a movie while waiting to get dark. After the fireworks we just rolled into our tent. Perfect spot!
Today we had a delightful ride into Portland past a bunch of tree farms. All the landscape trees. Everywhere.
Then we hit the city. And had 15 miles to bike down ugly, dirty, congested streets before getting to our adorable guesthouse. Bluebird Guesthouse. A bungalow with all the rooms fixed up and shared baths. No one actually lives here. Kitchen privileges. And stocked for breakfast. A cross between a B&B and a hostel.
Picking up the rental car was fun. Should have just had them pick me up. But I was out riding around the city doing errands and went to get it. Elantra. Couldn't fit Blaze in the trunk. Then the guy points to an HHR. Ugly Chevy thing. Really? Drive that thing around for a week? How about I use it to get Blaze back to the guesthouse then come get the nice car? What? She's rented it out? But I hadn't decided what I was going to do. You can let me do it? Be back in 20 minutes because we close at 6 pm. 50-50 city blocks each way and I don't know my way around this town. Sure thing. I'll be back in 20. Well it was 30, but I figured out a faster way on the way back so I didn't gave a stop sign at every block. Gotta hit the major streets that run.
Tomorrow off to move my stuff to the hostel (Blaze on top of the car this time;)) Fuat shipping his bike home. His summer vacation is over. Then driving out to see the Columbia River Gorge that we're glad we didn't bike.
Thursday Blaze goes into the bike shop for a tune up and I'm having lunch with the woman that inspired me to get a trike and take off - quit thinking about it and GO. Can't wait to hear her stories. If you're interested, check out
Then time with family and friends. I'll blog again when I get the time but it will be a couple of days
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
25 miles
Portland OR
I forgot to write about how we celebrated the 4th: hanging in a laundromat in Sandy. Doing laundry. Charging my freaking phone. Eating. Sleeping. Reading. Enjoying the shade. Then we headed down to the fireworks. Since we knew they weren't going off til late (for us) we wanted to figure out where we could sleep. Right there in the field next to the town hall of course. Set up the tent, then wandered over to take in a movie while waiting to get dark. After the fireworks we just rolled into our tent. Perfect spot!
Today we had a delightful ride into Portland past a bunch of tree farms. All the landscape trees. Everywhere.
Then we hit the city. And had 15 miles to bike down ugly, dirty, congested streets before getting to our adorable guesthouse. Bluebird Guesthouse. A bungalow with all the rooms fixed up and shared baths. No one actually lives here. Kitchen privileges. And stocked for breakfast. A cross between a B&B and a hostel.
Picking up the rental car was fun. Should have just had them pick me up. But I was out riding around the city doing errands and went to get it. Elantra. Couldn't fit Blaze in the trunk. Then the guy points to an HHR. Ugly Chevy thing. Really? Drive that thing around for a week? How about I use it to get Blaze back to the guesthouse then come get the nice car? What? She's rented it out? But I hadn't decided what I was going to do. You can let me do it? Be back in 20 minutes because we close at 6 pm. 50-50 city blocks each way and I don't know my way around this town. Sure thing. I'll be back in 20. Well it was 30, but I figured out a faster way on the way back so I didn't gave a stop sign at every block. Gotta hit the major streets that run.
Tomorrow off to move my stuff to the hostel (Blaze on top of the car this time;)) Fuat shipping his bike home. His summer vacation is over. Then driving out to see the Columbia River Gorge that we're glad we didn't bike.
Thursday Blaze goes into the bike shop for a tune up and I'm having lunch with the woman that inspired me to get a trike and take off - quit thinking about it and GO. Can't wait to hear her stories. If you're interested, check out
Then time with family and friends. I'll blog again when I get the time but it will be a couple of days
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Mt Hood
Monday July 4th
10 miles maybe
Sandy OR
Trip total. Almost 1100. Wahoo!!!
So Saturday we biked to within 15 miles of Government Camp, a town nearest to Mt Hood.
Finally found a place to camp on federal lands. It gets congested down this mountain all the way to Portland, so a bit more challenging finding a spot. I was ready to camp next to the ranger's station. It was a holiday weekend and they were away:)
While roaming through a museum, Fuat noticed a parallel road to Hwy 26 down off this Mtn. The Barlow Road. it was the first road cut into the Cascades for the emigrants to use to avoid going down the Columbia River Gorge. It was a toll road. And what a delight. We were able to manage missing most of the congested, scary road with idiot drivers.
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Out of the Rain Shadow
Saturday July 2nd
32 miles
South of Mt Hood in the Cascade Mtns
Another bad campsite. Aarrggghhh!!! BLM campground in Maupin. We moved away from a site Fuat thought would get noisy...right next to a site that grew louder and more crowded as the evening went on. Around midnight I went over and asked them to keep it a bit quieter, trying to keep my tone friendly. A girl offered some earplugs. That wasn't going to help. About 3 am Fuat packed up his bedding and moved a couple of campsites away and "cowboyed out"! Shortly after he left they finally got quiet. Add campgrounds to the lengthy list of things to avoid when selecting a campsite! Just get me to the woods, please!!!
Service and no charge. Power and no service. Story of my iPhone this trip. Most of Oregon is not covered by At&T. Ya know why we no longer have roaming charges on phone bills? Cause there's no freakin' roaming!! No! I can be standing under a cell tower, but if it's not AT&T's, I'll have "No Service"! WTF??!!! Can't I opt to pay extra to be connected? What if I had an emergency? Is no one else upset about poor coverage. Or just me 'cause I get myself off in remote areas?

Yup, in the woods tonight. Left the desert this afternoon and began our assault on Mt Hood. Tomorrow we have a 15 mile climb to Govt Camp. And I think my legs hurt now. Oregon has been a lot harder than Wyoming or Idaho. Long, long climbs. Again and again. I'll have some respite as I head to the coast, but oh my...over the Cascades again later this month. Legs of steel they will be.
Fuat is not a believer. He thinks things happen coincidentally. But really? Again today. Needing water. We stop at a pull off because I'm checking out a nearby creek. And he goes and asks these folks at their car. And guess what! They brought extra water with them just in case they met someone who needed some. And that's not the first time. Are ya believing yet, Fuat? Trail magic and trail angels are EVERYWHERE!!!!
Another delicious dinner by Fuat.

Burritos with rice, refried beans, red pepper, radishes, cheese, and avocado. How am i ever going to go back to my usual "trail" food?
Note to Willing and Abal: try instant refried beans soaked with your rice. Bet it would be good!
Trying to do pics in blog again. If no photos show up it's because I had to delete them to upload. Maybe if I do, I'll see if I can send them separately.
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
32 miles
South of Mt Hood in the Cascade Mtns
Another bad campsite. Aarrggghhh!!! BLM campground in Maupin. We moved away from a site Fuat thought would get noisy...right next to a site that grew louder and more crowded as the evening went on. Around midnight I went over and asked them to keep it a bit quieter, trying to keep my tone friendly. A girl offered some earplugs. That wasn't going to help. About 3 am Fuat packed up his bedding and moved a couple of campsites away and "cowboyed out"! Shortly after he left they finally got quiet. Add campgrounds to the lengthy list of things to avoid when selecting a campsite! Just get me to the woods, please!!!
Service and no charge. Power and no service. Story of my iPhone this trip. Most of Oregon is not covered by At&T. Ya know why we no longer have roaming charges on phone bills? Cause there's no freakin' roaming!! No! I can be standing under a cell tower, but if it's not AT&T's, I'll have "No Service"! WTF??!!! Can't I opt to pay extra to be connected? What if I had an emergency? Is no one else upset about poor coverage. Or just me 'cause I get myself off in remote areas?

Yup, in the woods tonight. Left the desert this afternoon and began our assault on Mt Hood. Tomorrow we have a 15 mile climb to Govt Camp. And I think my legs hurt now. Oregon has been a lot harder than Wyoming or Idaho. Long, long climbs. Again and again. I'll have some respite as I head to the coast, but oh my...over the Cascades again later this month. Legs of steel they will be.
Fuat is not a believer. He thinks things happen coincidentally. But really? Again today. Needing water. We stop at a pull off because I'm checking out a nearby creek. And he goes and asks these folks at their car. And guess what! They brought extra water with them just in case they met someone who needed some. And that's not the first time. Are ya believing yet, Fuat? Trail magic and trail angels are EVERYWHERE!!!!
Another delicious dinner by Fuat.

Burritos with rice, refried beans, red pepper, radishes, cheese, and avocado. How am i ever going to go back to my usual "trail" food?
Note to Willing and Abal: try instant refried beans soaked with your rice. Bet it would be good!
Trying to do pics in blog again. If no photos show up it's because I had to delete them to upload. Maybe if I do, I'll see if I can send them separately.
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Up, up, and up
Friday, July 1
51 freakin' miles!!!!!
Maupin, OR
Longest day yet. Most uphill miles, too. An 8 mile climb. Followed by a 4 mile climb. But finishing the day off with a 26 mile nearly all downhill. And the headwinds were minimal. Enough to keep us cool but not to hold us back. That is one great advantage to headwinds. The cooling factor.
Saw a couple of ghost towns today. There are a lot of them scattered throughout Oregon. Towns that boomed during the gold rush and are now deserted. Some, like Shaniko, try to survive as a tourist destination. It was really cute with the old storefronts and wooden boardwalk. And lots of old wagons and cars. Every chance I get, I climb up into the old wagons to imagine how difficult it must have been coming all the way out here in one with your husband and children. And I thought that newly traveled road yesterday was bad when it went on for 10 miles.
Old western wooded buildings spot the landscape everywhere. And sage brush. The ground's been quite hard and prickly for camping. If it's lush and green, you can bet there are sprinklers.
We have a new thing to add to our list of stuff to avoid when picking a campsite: boat launch. Thus morning they were putting in around 4am!!!
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
51 freakin' miles!!!!!
Maupin, OR
Longest day yet. Most uphill miles, too. An 8 mile climb. Followed by a 4 mile climb. But finishing the day off with a 26 mile nearly all downhill. And the headwinds were minimal. Enough to keep us cool but not to hold us back. That is one great advantage to headwinds. The cooling factor.
Saw a couple of ghost towns today. There are a lot of them scattered throughout Oregon. Towns that boomed during the gold rush and are now deserted. Some, like Shaniko, try to survive as a tourist destination. It was really cute with the old storefronts and wooden boardwalk. And lots of old wagons and cars. Every chance I get, I climb up into the old wagons to imagine how difficult it must have been coming all the way out here in one with your husband and children. And I thought that newly traveled road yesterday was bad when it went on for 10 miles.
Old western wooded buildings spot the landscape everywhere. And sage brush. The ground's been quite hard and prickly for camping. If it's lush and green, you can bet there are sprinklers.
We have a new thing to add to our list of stuff to avoid when picking a campsite: boat launch. Thus morning they were putting in around 4am!!!
Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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