Nelson, South Island NZ

I finally got to sleep after 10 pm. No more Energy drinks after 10 am. Around 5:30, I heard voices. I don't like to hear voices when I'm stealth camped. There's not suppose to be people around. These were young voices. Guys and a girl. Light. Laughing. I couldn't see out that side so I don't know where they were. They just quieted down and I went back to sleep. Awoke at a more reasonable hour...7 am...and while out taking care of business, I hear a gun shot. Holy shit! Is it hunting season here?
What a wet night! Nothing dried in the tent and there were puddles of water under my panniers. I used all my cloths: bandannas, towel, and sarong to mop things up. Much soggier than last summer. Not sure why. Smaller space is part of it. With my 2 person, double vestibule tent, my panniers stay outside giving me more room. I'm sure I'll get a rhythm going and figure out how to negotiate the challenges.
Packed up. Hauled the gear through the gate. Pushed the bike through. A flat! Back tire. I had just put a new tube in there because it was flat after the flight. I didn't check the tire though. And this morning there was a thorn on the inside...only...nothing hole or mark. So I used my tweezers and finally got it pulled out, patched the tube, and it's rolling so much faster. I probably was mostly flat most of the day. Oops.
I roughly knew this road had two hills on it and I only crossed one yesterday so...the big one must be ahead. The one that on a profile map was HUGE. Dread. Yesterday was hard enough. Oh well. It's morning. I'm refreshed. Lets go. Up. Down. Down. Down. No hill? I crossed it yesterday? Sweet!!!! So I rolled into Nelson along a delightful bicycle path along the water. And what's that green grassy park to my left? Hmmm. Tonight's campsite, perhaps. Don't want to pay for a hostel if I don't need to. Money is getting really tight. Having to watch every penny. NZ is not cheap.
Made a To Do List for today. First, get cash. Down to last $5. What? Unable to process? Again. Smaller amount. No go. Ok. This is not good. Can't view my account online and now can't access funds. Yikes! That makes the stomach roll a bit. Go to Internet cafe. Pay $4 for 30 minutes. Skype credit union. Funds too low. Make transfer. Cards ok. Go back to same ATM. No go. Arrghh! Try a different ATM. In luck! Flush for now.
Now what about a hotspot for my devices so I can have Internet anywhere. Tech shop. No can do with iPhone and iPad. Need laptop. Also found out that my 3G iPad doesn't seem to have a SIM card slot. Could someone let me know if a Wifi + 3G iPad (Verizon) has a SIM card slot? Or did I not get what I ordered? And I'm too far away to fix it. There are no Apple stores here. And things in the States aren't the same in the rest of the world. Not going to worry about that one.
If you aren't seeing updates it's because I can't find wifi. Maybe I'll have to go back to journaling on my old phone that has a NZ SIM card. It's got limited phone, text, and data allowance... But I could upload I think. If I have the app in there. Too much to think about.
Had a pleasant thing happen. I was sitting in Starbucks (you get 30 min with a purchase) checking mail, and my iPhone that's turned onto airplane mode rings! What's this! It's Avery Facetiming me. What a surprise. Turns out the credit union supervisor trying to resolve my login issue called her trying to get me. Since she's on the account, he was able to relay info about it to me. They had changed it to emailing a code. But when I tried to log in to see if it would went right in! Yay!!! shhh. Don't tell them they turned off the new security. At least for now:))
Did all my errands and decided to camp tonight so I pedaled back to that park. Lovely spot. Gorgeous Japanese gardens where I'm hanging out now. So peaceful. Not cycling on today. Got a better offer. The guy I met a couple of days ago in Picton called and asked if I'd like a lift over some of these hills since he's having to drive this way to check out a boat motor. Of course i said "Sure:)". Maybe I'll get to hear the rest of the boat story. Needs a new motor? Hmmm.
It's getting chilly as the sun is clouded over. Guess I'll go scope out a spot for tonight's sleep.

December 31st
Kumara, South Island NZ

(Yup thats a bridge that is shared by cars and...TRAINS!!!)
It's been a whirlwind couple of days. And such fun! Bruce picked me up in Nelson as I watched the rain pour heavily down, glad I wasn't going to be cycling in it. We took a quick tour up to Motueka where he has to measure something and then up to Kaiteriteri beach, voted the best beach of New Zealand. It was golden sand in a large cove with huge rock islands and turquoise water...but way to crowded for my tastes. Guess word got out! We spotted a smaller cove and looked for a road down to it. When we found it, there were signs everywhere about Private Road...Residents Only.. And Bruce proceeded to drive on down. My kind a guy:). I'm always accused of saying "But they don't mean me!" This was more my style: cozy and quiet. Got my feet wet on one coast, sorta.
(See photo at beginning of blog)
Then we drove on over to the West Coast and I got to see the area I wasn't biking. There's always a bitter sweetness for me when I'm driving over an area that I had expected to bike. I miss a lot of it, sadly so, because you just don't get the view. But I have lots of NZ to see and I got to bike an area I wouldn't have'll hear that story later.
First I have to tell you about Joe. This is his front gate.

Are ya getting an idea of this guy? He's a treasure! Bruce met him when he stopped in after seeing his gate. He's gotten to know him and stops by when he's in the area. Supposedly there's a boat motor he wants to buy but listening to the conversation between those two, they didn't really discuss that transaction. Joe collects antique Fords and I got to see his collection. I think there were 8 of them in mint condition, a couple that had never been refurbished. He even had a racer that he started up for me. After sharing a cup of tea we continued my guided tour of the area.

Besides being a competitive sailor on some 40ft something, he's an endurance athlete, I guess you'd call it. They have this annual event called the Coast to Coast. (You should google it.). I got to see the layout of this:
3 k run from beach
70 km bike uphill into the Southern Alps
26 km run up a rocky river bed
18 km cycle
70 km kayak
70 cycle to Christchurch
And there's also a One Day event also on the same course that you have to qualify for. Bruce has done them both. I was favorably impressed:)

(Feet in the ocean on the west coast...note the need for a jacket!)
After viewing all the different transition points for this crazy competition, we continued up into a wide open valley with the river flowing madly through it and mountains all around. Due to the continued drizzle of the day, we had dinner under the bridge. But the skies did clear and I got my first viewing of the stars in the Southern Hemisphere. I felt quite lost looking up. I think I need to get a star book and see if I can learn a few of their constellations.
Oh I forgot to mention that I was also watching the temperature drop on the dash as we drove higher into the mountains. It got down to the mid 40's...but I only have my summer bag with me. Good to 50*. Yikes! Had to break out the merino wool! But I was fine. Got just the right gear...makes all the difference
Cold, crisp evening air;snow-capped mountains; nearly full moon. Good job, Bruce! Couldn't have ordered up a more spectacular night camping in the mountains of New Zealand. It's one I won't forget!

Bruce, my tour guide and trail angel!
And then a rainbow the next morning!

So I said I was going to get to bike a different area. And this was it. I was going to get pushed off of Arthur's Pass today to cycle back down to the West. Coast and continue on my journey. A sunny morning didn't last and by the time we had breakfast and I charged up my devices, I'd delayed as much as possible, and it was "sprinkling" outside when we headed up to the pass. Dark, cold, and rainy. 42*. Brrr. And it's always colder blasting down a mountain. Oh well. Now or never. Got Blaze all loaded back up hoping I hadn't left anything in the van. Pack explosion is never easy and always makes me nervous that I've forgotten something. I also had to bundle up because it was going to be a cold run. Buff under helmet, gloves with rain mitts over, pants and socks, fleece and raincoat. I'm ready.

And off I went! I had to put my arm up to block the pain of the raindrops as they pelted my face. 16% grade it said. Wheeee!!!!! Quite a scenic and spectacular ride down for a ways. But it seemed to level out sooner than I expected, and wasn't as easy as I was led to believe. I had to pedal UP some dips and dives and didn't make it all the way back out to the coast before deciding to find a campsite around 6 pm. But the views were to die for and even though we'd driven up the road, it was all different views coming down.:) The forested areas along the road were far too dense to camp in. And there are some serious pricker bushes too. Down nearer civilization I found a back road that goes back to some kind of new large pipeline. Works for me. Hardest part is usually a challenge of getting the stakes in the ground. Rocks holding them are often required.
In for the night. Will be chilly again, I can tell. But I'm sure not in the 40's
Happy New Year! I'm sipping my wine and although alone this New Year's Eve, my heart is full of gratitude for an incredible 2012 and all the new friends I've made!!!!
Started in Hawaii.
Then California and Florida visiting my girls
Home to unpack and repack
Biking Ireland, Wales, England, Holland, Germany.
Home again
Maine and hiking 100 Mile Wilderness and touring the coast
Home to pack
Singapore, Malaysia, islands of Thailand, then.....
New Zealand!!!!!
What a year! Wonder what the Universe has in store for me next year....hmmm?
Can't wait to find out!
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