August 1, 2013
Larne Town Park, Northern Ireland

I did it again. Got behind in my blogging. Let's see. Last weekend back in Kilmartin, Scotland, after the worst day ever we road only 5 miles. Stopped to check out a museum about the archeology of the area's stone circles and ancient stone cairns.

Then the heavens opened up and the museum folks tucked our bikes in a tent in the gardens. We tucked ourselves into the local pub across the street. During a break in the rain we got tents up for the night on the greens. Next morning, with the weather unchanged we hung out in the pub again. Got to know the owner, all the staff, and some guests:). Ran into a staff person the day we left at the grocery store in a nearby town and she said we were sorely missed.
We ferry hopped our way over to Arran Island, cycled around it for a couple of days. Stopped at a museum and I got a lesson in spinning yarn on a spinner. Hard work!

Then we hopped across to the main land at Ardrossan. I had to collect a package at the post office there: replacement credit card, replacement side mirror, and replacement earbuds. All essentials!!! And did we have "trail magic" there. First we stopped at a bike shop because my rear derailleur was all messed up. In the lowest gear it was pressing against the tire acting like a brake. No wonder those hills were so hard! And April's brakes were messed up and misbehaving. The shop guy fixed both quickly and easily for no charge. Then I went looking for a particular size Allen wrench. I've been looking for awhile only to find kits. So this hardware store first tried some strays they had lying about. Wrong size. He hands me a ring of 8 or more wrenches of which I only need one. I told him I'd buy it but he could have the rest back. I wasn't carrying them all! He grabs the one I need, pulls it off and hands it to me. Then hands my 2 quid back and says "it's yours!" Thanks, I beam! So nice! Then we cycle down to a local campground that will cost 10 quid per night per person ($17) and when we arrive I asked if we could just buy a shower. "The shower is free. Here's the key. You have an honest face!" Home run! She even gave us directions to the coast to camp and gave the security a heads up in case we decided to come back they were to let us in. Too kind!
And then today. We woke up about 17 miles from the ferry port. I knew that the first ferry for Ireland left at 11 and we pretty much decided not to try for it. Besides, you're suppose to be there early. But we broke camp an hour earlier than usual because it was so cold and windy. Eventually we decided to go for it and pushed ourselves. Of course then we made wrong turns and got lost. Eating up time. With 45 minutes until departure I'm sitting at a roundabout trying to figure which exit and a car pulls up, rolls down the window and says, "going to the ferry? That way. 20 minutes." Yikes. Pedal, pedal, pedal! Pull up to ticket window. Lady calls down to boat. No. Full. Can't take them. Really? You can't find room for two wee bikes? The next ferry is at 7:30 pm arriving at 9:30. Late. Near dark. Not good. Finding out the tickets were cheaper online, we left the ticket window to book them. April suggests we do it from her phone in parking lot before leaving. While doing this, a ferry guy comes over to us and says they'll find a spot for us...get going! Another miracle!
Then we had the most delightful visit with Phyllis and her mom, Betty from Scotland while we shared a table near the plugs for charging devices. Loved hearing they're stories and having a glimpse into their lives. Then TJ stopped by...the guy at the roundabout who gave us directions...remember? He won the bet with his wife that we'd get on when he saw us pedaling down the gangplank. He also kindly shared his contact info if we should get near his town. I hope we can!
The kindness of strangers, every day, just sometimes makes my heart burst. This is why I travel. Just in case you wondered.
So tonight we're camped in the town park along the water's edge and we've already been offered showers and power for our phones. (We've also been warned of drunken teens that may be a problem...oh, we'll. Do you think chaining our bikes to our tents will help? At least we may be awakened if they try to take them!)
Sleep well...
Livin' the life,