Ok. So I'm busy living and not writing. And I'm sorry. Life's getting in the way. Cycling up the coast towards Sydney was fun because I was back at the coast. What is it about the ocean that soothes the soul?
Had some road excitement when the only road was a highway which started out with a nice wide shoulder when I first got on it. Then got narrower and narrower until it disappeared and I was riding straddling the storm drain. That worked until I came to a grate with the slots running parallel to my wheels. Yikes. Can't roll over that. On a blind curve. On a 4 lane divided highway at rush hour. No space for me in the road and I have to move into the road to get around the grate. A break. No cars. Quick. Out. And around. And back in the gutter. Whew!! How did I get myself into this predicament? This is a dangerous place to be. But the only thing I can do is keep moving forward until I get to the next exit. OMG. A tree across the ditch. Now I've got to get around that too. And this is the only road between Gerringong and Kiama. Hard to believe. Well I made it off that crazy road alive, obviously, and found a delightful spot to camp in a town park overlooking the water. How lucky am I?
I spoke with my friend in Sydney and she insisted on picking me up the next day. Let's see how far I get. I'll call ya at 2 pm. By noon the next day I was soaked to the bone, tired of the traffic and no shoulder on the roads. Tried to catch a train but couldn't get my bike to the platform. Called Carina and she said she was on her way. But it would take 1.5 hours to get to me. I kept pedaling north. Long climb. No room for me. Ugh. Got to top of hill and I had a flat. Rain. Rain gives me flats. That's twice it's happened. I'll wait here for Carina.
I met Carina on the Camino. She was hiking with her sister-in-law. They're both from South Africa but Carina now lives in Australia with her family. She invited me to visit if I ever came here. Little did she know I take people up on their offers:)
Driving in to Sydney made me awfully glad I wasn't biking. Very busy place! Would have been an interesting challenge. Not fun in the rain.
What a wonderful welcome I got at the house. She lives in a suburb called Thornleigh right on the train line. A husband, Gabby, and three kids: Gustaf, 28; Ruan, 26; and Carli, 18 (2 boys and a girl). Lovely, lively, and engaging family. I had the most marvelous time! Got chores done, stuff repaired, body rested. Played with the dog, Bella who was so sweet and patient when she'd bring me her soggy ball, drop it at my feet, and wait patiently for me to play with her.
We had wonderful discussions over meals. Felt so great to be part of a family doing normal things even if only for a little while.
One day I went down into Sydney and met up with Sven. He was the young German lad who crashed his bike into a hole and was hospitalized in Cooma. He invited me to come play when he got to town. We spent the day seeing the Harbor Bridge, the Opera House, and riding ferries around the harbor. Great fun!

Harbor Bridge!

Sydney Opera House

Sunset over the Opera House

Sven and me picnicking in the park.
Carina and I spent several days touring the numerous harbors and places around Sydney. Forests and water views are just a stone's throw away. Quite an amazing city.

Carina and me playing around.

View of Palm Beach where I will cycle north through in a few days.

Feeding the birds has a whole new meaning.

Met up with Mark Carrington, a Facebook friend, and got the scoop on cycle northward up the coast and through the Outback.
One day I had to ride my bike about 12 kms to a shop for repairs. I had to time it for after rush hour and it was still crazy. Then I got pulled over by the police with lights and a siren. Always exciting! Do you know you ran a red light back at Fox Valley Rd? I did?? Wait a minute. I crossed at the crosswalk with the traffic that had a green light then flowed on with them. Oh, he said...I didn't see that. Ok. Did you know we have a helmet law? Yes but I have a medical exemption. But it's with all my gear at the house where I'm staying. You should keep it with your passport. Ok. Good idea. Thank you, officer. Have a nice day. Whew!!! (Not appropriate to film the officer, I guessed :))
While parked in Sydney I took a side trip up into the Blue Mountains ...next blog post.

Thank you Van Wyk family for making me feel so welcome and truly "at home"! You guys rock!!!
Livin' the life!