Nimbin, NSW, Australia

I cycled through the rolling hills and on again, off again rain into Nimbin, a world of tie-dyed shops, marijuana smoke wafting through the streets. Colorful, whacky, misfits! I fit right in although my clothes were a bit too conventional. The only thing I have near to tie-dyed is this wonderful knitted cap Sonja, the teacher way back at Jerangle School gave me...and I wore it to fit in:)). But seeing as it was pouring rain and I was soaking wet, all I wanted to find was a place to set up my tent and crawl inside to warm up and dry off. Quick. Google campgrounds. There's one right on the edge of town within walking distance. The others are further away. Head there, I tell myself. I did want to wander around a bit, but I didn't feel comfortable leaving Blaze unattended, and I usually do. So I headed to the campground. $17 a night. Not bad. The camping area is basically a swamp. Oh, this ought to be fun. Before I can set up, a woman in a beat up old van with stuff trashed all around calls out "Hi!" I go over to chat with Karen. Inside is worse than outside, from peering in. Can she really sleep in this trash bin? Is it drivable? Food and junk, like a horder, everywhere! But what a sweet woman. She came up here 9 months ago and moves from one campground to another every week or two, depending on their policy. She's got it all figured out. She likes this place because it's clean with showers and an outdoors, fully-equipped kitchen...if you call a toaster oven, toaster, hot water pot, sink, one gas burner, and a BBQ grill fully-equipped.
During breaks in the rain, I got my tent (Big Sky Revolution 2p, you remember...It's designed for easier setup in the rain because the fly says attached and I have to say, it worked!) set up under a tree in the driest spot I could find. In the three days of rain we've had since I've been here, she never flooded so I guess the spot was good.

After getting set up I crawled inside and other than going out to the john and shower, I was tent bound for 18 hours! It rained and rained and rained, rarely stopping the whole time. And I was mostly dry inside, other than some dampness showing up under my sleeping pad. I expected much worse. I even had all my wet clothes and towel hung up and 2 days later, they were dry! It's a miracle!! The only thing still wet is my silk liner that I slip my air mattress into to make a bed. It's right on the ground on the side towards the hill. Could have been so much worse.
So on the next day, Friday, I said "I've got to go touring, rain or shine." Raincoat, umbrella, sandals, pants rolled up (to stay out of the water), a book (for sitting in a coffee shop), a charger ( because I know my phone will always does)...there, I was set for anything.
Lots of shops. Shops selling hippy stuff. Shops selling marijuana paraphernalia. Coffee shops. Grocery shops. Real estate shops. And more hippy shops. A visitors' center and a community center.

And I was early. They didn't open until 10 am. So coffee it is. Let's try a soy latte. OMG! What have I been missing? I loved it!! And without sugar! I was afraid it was going to taste weird, but it was yummy. Great. Now if would just remember to order decaf:). Gotta go back to "home-style" eating and then some. And dairy is part of the and then some. At least cow products. As best I can. I never drank caffeine at home, for years. But traveling, decaf is often impossible to find. So I gave up asking for it. Bad idea.
When the shops opened I started wandering and chatting, as I do. And I met so many of the town folks. What fun hearing their stories. Came here to study. There's a govt uni in a nearby town that offers hippy type courses. Came here because of my friends and never left 20 yrs later.

There's dinner and a movie tonight at the Bush Theater down by the candle factory, which I had toured earlier in the day. $10 for each. "20 Feet from Stardom" is playing. Great. Sounds like that would be fun! And it was. Outdoor venue for dinner by candlelight with a great band playing. Then the movie was in a refurbished theater with the original beach chairs and long padded benches for seating! Was fun feeling like a local with my new friends! I turned down an offer to drive me back to the campground. It's a nice night...and they laughed. Well, it wasn't raining...then. One of the women was worried about me because she thought this guy was sketchy. Don't worry. I'll be fine. When I got to my tent, I realized I'd left my backpack at the theater. Oh no! Gotta hoof it back there and hope someone is still around. It was about a 10 min walk. Not far. And he was. And I got it. And then the skies opened up. And I got drenched on the way home. But it was so nice to be out and about after sunset. Not something I do. It was a lovely night...even with the rain.
Today I wanted to go to an event at the permaculture center, the largest one in Australia I was told. So I paid to stay another was raining, anyways. And after dropping off a book I'd finished at the book exchange and getting the low down on much of the area north of here from the woman there that grew up in Cairns, I hoofed it down to the permaculture center. About a mile away. Feels good to walk. And I learned about a wicking garden, passive solar design, slate splitting, and foraging. The wicking garden was most useful. Lovely place they have there. Courses, tours, classes. Rustic gardens. Bamboo fencing. Paths going this way and that with lots of different gardens and learning stations. Made me eager to get back and plant a garden:)

Off towards Gold Coast in the morning.

And here's a little of my own camera art sitting in a coffee shop on a rainy day in Nimbin!
Livin' the life!