I tried to get and early start this morning but didn't hit the road until 8:45. I was up at 6:30! But when I went upstairs to the terrace for breakfast I'm at the American woman and her Canadian boyfriend. When they went and sat at another table I asked him if they join me, I really would enjoy being able to speak English with someone. So they did! And that's why I was late getting out of there.

It felt good to be back on the road especially once I was out in the country. I find the cities here very noisy…trucks and motorbikes and beeping. The country roads are much more pleasant although today was full of trucks and lots of horses and carts. I see so much stuff during the day and by the end of the day I can't remember any of it. Today was one of those days. But I do remember is having intestinal issue and no place to go. Even though I'm in the country there seems to be people, someone in sight, everywhere. And there was only pastureland and no woods to go in. Even though I'm in the country there seems to be someone everywhere. And there was only pastureland and no woods to go in. I was getting desperate! I hope this isn't too much information, but I pulled into a cement covered bus stop waiting area. Again remember I'm in the country. So I turned Blaze sideways to block the view and pulled out my little pot and a plastic bag did my camping trick. Thank goodness I've perfected that! I really didn't want to be seen squatting out in the fields by the cars and trucks going by. I have not seen a public bathroom or the sign for one anywhere. And the towns I'm going through don't even have restaurants...they just have food counters out a doorway. I felt better and so I don't think it was the start of a bug. Probably too much orange soda:). Trials and tribulations of being homeless and not wishing to offend anyone.

I got my share of sun today even with a jacket on and capris. Tonight I have chills in my tent. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage more sun tomorrow. Sunscreen everywhere and the jacket and capris on first thing in the morning. I'm getting burned even through my clothing.
One thing that's really bothering me here is how abused the horses are. They are out trotting long distances in the hot sun often being whipped or hit with a stick. They are left to stand in the sun with their harness and buggy attached. I don't mind that they have to work for their keep but I wish they were cared for better. Today a horse was really bothered by my flags and my bike and didn't want to come close. I moved way off the road took my flags down but that didn't seem to help. The young man continue to thrash the horse with a big stick trying to bang his legs in the horse just did not want to go forward. I kept saying "be gentle" and covering my eyes. We finally got out of the cart and went to the horses head and lead him past me. I was sick I caused him to be whipped. He was just afraid. The dogs here also look poorly cared for and often mangy. I also noticed when I was at someone's house and went to pet the dog that I was told "no don't do that". So animals are treated differently here and some of that I don't like.
I'm camped tonight in among some trees and everyone knows I'm here. But that's a good thing. I don't think anyone will bother me tonight. I'm pretty bushed although finally feeling warm. I have to figure out something to eat for dinner. Everything has been really amazing except the food and the sun. It's Friday night let's see if things quiet down. The horses are still trotting up and down the road. I feel like I'm a bit in Amish country!!
i just remembered something that happened today that I wanted to share. I saw an organic farm. I recognized it by the word "Organopornica" on a sign. So I turned around and went back. They spoke a little English and I got some plantains to sample and take with me. Beautiful gardens! They sell they're produce in Matanzas.

What a beautiful sight!

Lovely woman who work on the organic farm

Plantains they gave me!

There is nothing that compares to food raised organically and received right from the farm. The best flavor ever!!
Live YOUR dream,