Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sleeping in a Cemetery

August 29, 2014
Ballygarrett, Ireland

After so many great camping spots, including last night's windy cliff spot
ya have to finally suffer. A challenge to find because the area is populated without nooks and crannies for the likes of me...and not the finest of accommodations although someone did recently mow the lawn here in anticipation of my the cemetery.

But the grave stones up the hill have a water view. I can hear the ocean. That must count for something.

Busy, social day. Started with John, the B&B owner next to my cliff campsite inviting me over for morning coffee with a shrill whistle and raising a cup. I gave him a thumbs up.

Oh did he have some great stories of guests he'd had. Especially the girl walking from Dublin to Rosslare carrying a harp to earn her keep.

Later in the day I came upon Julie and her mom, Sheila out for a walk. Sheila's wheelchair-bound now but has lived in her husband's family farmhouse 60 years. It's been in the same family for over 300 years! I wisely said yes to their invite for coffee and had a wonderful chat. Special moments!

Later a mom waiting for her son to get off the bus chatted with me saying she hoped that when she was older she would get to explore the world like I was. You can if you want to. Just put one foot in front of the other and make it happen.

Livin' the life,


Facebook: Kathryn Mossbrook Zimmerman

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