Sunday, November 22, 2009
What the hell am I up to? That's a good question
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Summit Anniversary #2!!!!!
What am I up to?
What am I up to? Are you ever going to keep up your blog? Ok! Ok! I get the message. Somebody is really reading this and cares to know what I'm doing. Where do I begin? Guess I should go back and see where I left off...................
Monday, August 31, 2009
What Now
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Back on the Appalachian Trail
it took 8 hours and 45 minutes. Can't
say we were speedy but we had a woman in her late 60's and on her
first backpacking trip with us, so that accounted for the speed. I'm
sure she'll get faster as she gets more comfortable with her pack
weight, the rocks, and hiking in general. We've got short days planned
whle she's on the trail and that's just fine with me!
I must say I've been reminiscing a lot today out here. It was almost
exactly two years ago that Thumper and I hiked through this same
section of trail. It feels great to be back out here! I remember
many sections quite well and it almost scares me. I may decide to stay
out here a week longer than planned...cause I can. (hope my plant and
mail sitter is okay with that! I think I need to get rid of the
plants and figure out something better for the mail. Maybe I should
gave the mail forwarded to someone and then just the first class stuff
would collect and the junk would die a timely death at the post office!)
I have to say that being out here reminds me how much I like being
disconnected. I like my money to move and bills to all get paid
automatically. And I pretty much have that all set up. It's the odd
item that arrives in the mail and needs someone's attention. I haven't
figured out how to handle that. Dennis (my ex partner) took care of
all these things for me when I did the AT. Maybe he'd be up to the
task again if I decide to bike Australia next winter. (I'm pondering
But for now I'm tucked in my tent enjoying the woods again and the
feeling of fatigue after a good day of hard hiking!
Step Lightly, The Bag Lady
Sent from my iPhone
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Learning to Blog is time consuming...and the rest of RAGBRAI
All that after I found out that the blogs I sent from the road on my iPhone with pics, only the pics posted, not the text. Luckily I still had the email and could cut and paste the text in. The learning curve is killing me!!!
So now I’m writing the blog in Pages so that if I lose it again, I won’t have
to start all over. See, I get smarter every day!
Back to RAGBRAI. Zip, zip, zip....I can still hear the sound of bikes zipping past. Bikes were everywhere! And they were always zipping by, whether I was standing still or pedaling. Well, on occasion I did pass a few, but usually only on hills. I got to using Tim’s method of gearing up on the downhill, build momentum, no coasting, then keeping the gearing engaged, pedal hard up the other side. That worked well for me on the rolling hills, but if the hill was long, I’d lose momentum getting down onto my Granny gear and then all was lost. And let me tell you, there were a lot of hills in Iowa. The southern part was a roller coaster. It was definitely noticeable when the road stayed flat for 1/4 to 1/2 mile because it was so rare. Most of the time we were either going up or down.
Imagine 10,000 to 15,000 bikes rolling in
to any small town on any day. That’s what we did 5-8 times a day for 7 days. And each town was a county fair of sorts. Music, food, stuff for sale, and bikes! Lots of bikes. Laying down, leaning against each other, propped against every wall, tree, post, truck or anything else that would hold up a bike.
And the costumes were so creative. Chiquita banana and dancers. Guy in a different colored speedo each day. Flamigos. Cowboys on stick horses. And on and on. Every day I saw something I hadn’t seen before. And I loved the creativity.
People of all ages do RAGBRAI. There were children under 3 being pulled in trailers, as young as 4 pedaling on the backs of bikes, age 8 riding their own bikes... Then there were women and men in their 70's and 80's doing this ride too! They are all my role models. I can't imagine having the strength at that age.
And the bikes: trikes, tandems, triples (a mom and 2 boys about 10 yrs old!), unicycles, roller blades, running, and I'm sure I've forgotten some. Oh yea, the one with a sail!
Lines, standing in lines. If there was a line, I was probably supposed to be in it. Lines for the KYBOs (porta potties...Keep Your Bowels Open...must be a RAGBRAI thing), lines for food, lines for showers, lines just to get through a town. Patience is a requirement...hurrying is an impossibility. And often, after much advertisement about a special food item at the next town, they would have sold out of it. No Whoopie for me. No ice cream for me. No Subway for me. But there ususally was something else further down the road.
Food. County fair food. There’s no vegetables, except corn, in Iowa. But there is meat, mostly pork. I’ve never eaten so much meat in my life. I don’t know what a vegetarian would do on this ride. I don’t think it’s possible unless you brought your own food. Maybe you could find a grocery store in the overnight towns, but I wouldn’t count on it. And there were lots of fruit pies, everywhere. So pie for breakfast, BBQ pork something for lunch, smoothie in the afternoon and then I was lucky if I got dinner. One night it was a Power Bar I had in my bike bag.
I traveled with a charter group, so that I had a neighborhood amongst the 10,000 cyclists. That was a smart move.
I met people on the bus ride across the state from Burlington (the end town where I left my car) to Council Bluffs. Jim, Jay, and Kaitlin was a dad and his 20 something kids. Melissa, a sports writer for AP from NY. Janel and Ann, women from Illinois. Glen, Bill, and Tim, three Jamokes from Chicago. They were the funniest guys, always good for a laugh. And they took good care of me. Helping with my bags, getting my stuff out of the rain when I came in hours later than they did, hanging with me at the musical entertainment at night. Thanks guys, you made my RAGBRAI!
Well, I’ve done it, but I’d never do it again. It was exhausting. Long days in the saddle. Blisters where one shouldn’t have blisters! Too much stimulation. Too many people. Too much frustration. I lov
ed all the people - they were warm and friendly - both on the ride and in the towns. Iowa is a beautiful state. Looks a lot like NY. And the creativity. The cyclists costumes, the town’s decorations! We were warmly welcomed, that’s for sure!
So I can check RAGBRAI off my Bucket List.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Two days at RAGBRAI
53 miles day one. 73 miles day two. An undulating ribbon of riders snake down the roads as far as you can see in either direction.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
The road to RAGBRAI
I can't believe I'm on the road... again. This travel big must be in my blood. I feel quite happy when I leave home. I feel lighter, less encumbered. I feel strong, In my power. I feel more at home away from home... go figure.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Loneliness is a strange and unfamiliar emotion that I've been having for the last year. When Dennis moved out last March, for the first time in my entire life I began living alone. Truly alone. Before that I lived with my parents; then roommates; then husband; then husband and oldest daughter, Avery; then only Avery; then Avery and Dana, my second daughter; then only Dana; then Dana and Dennis; then only Dennis. Then just me. JUST ME! I get tired of being only with me, only with just my thoughts. As good as they are, and I like myself and my zaniness quite a bit, they do get old and limiting after a while. I reach the same dead ends day in and day out when there isn't someone around to throw other possible conclusions or options in my thought pathway to head me down a different direction. And without work to distract me, it makes for some long days.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Home from Shalom Mountain
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
From Clear Creek to North Rim - the rest of the hike
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Blooming of a Wonder Woman
I first met Madeline's dad, Joe, at the Phantom Ranch in the Grand Canyon. He mentioned he and his 11 year old daughter were hiking out to Clear Creek the next day. So were we! He also said there were ruins out there. If you read the blog I posted yesterday, you'll already know that I couldn't find them. But I'm getting off the subject of Madeline Falley of Kansas City, Kansas.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
5 Days Hiking Rim to Rim - the executive summary
This pic wasn't taken in Grand Canyon becuz I didn't take my iPhone, but of looks like this there so it will have to do for now. Friday, 6:30 a.m. we put our packs on our backs and stepped off the edge into the abyss. OMG! OMG! OMG! We couldn't say it often emough! The views were so spectacular. And I've seen them before. But it's breathtaking every time. And down, and down, and down we went for 7 hours, for 8 miles. I think our pace was so slow because we kept stopping and saying OMG! When we neared the bottom, we met up with the mules. We were on the South Kaibab Trail and for now no mules are on it while it's undergoing maintenance. The mules are cool to see but smelly to follow: poop and pee! And they make the trail terribly dusty and not fun to hike on. At the bottom is the Colorado River, a greyish green sludgy mess with a powerful current. Three boys died I'm it this year attempting to swim across it. The Bright Angel Campground is nestled in the canyon along with Phantom Ranch, a rustic resort with quaint cabins and community dining hall.
Our hiking days started early (everyone else up around 4 a.m. but yours truly who's got this morning pack up routine slept in an extra hour). We would be hiking by 5:30 - 6:30 to beat the heat. But we were lucky on that most days cloud cover came in around 11a.m. and kept us fairly cool. The temps were unseasonably below normal up to 15 degrees and we were happy for that.
Next day was a hike out to Clear Creek a long 10 miles along the Tonto Plateau after climbing out of the nott of the canyon. Our group had 2 thru-bikers from the Appalachian Trail (Maryland Edge and me) and 4 hikers new to the sport at varying degrees of fitness and pack weights. We ended up splitting up due to differing hiking paces. Edge stated back with Diane and Bill, while Roger, Jim, and I hiked ahead. We used a walkie-talkie to stay in touch. About 11a.m. Edge callled to say that Bill's hip belt buckle had broken and he and Diane were having a rough time so they'd gone to plan B. They were going to hike back to a rocky ledge that had large puddles of water and spend the night. We'd meet them back at Bright Angel the next day. This let the three of us continue on to Clear Creek. And what a hike it was. In and out of all the canyon's "hollers" - 15 of them before we hot to the red shale mountain that we had to traverse on a path no wider than my foot, often tilting downhill, with loose crumbling shale. Are they kidding? Someone could get hurt or even killed out here! In fact someone did the week we were there. A 69 yr old man fell off the Hermit Trail down 200 ft. And it took them a week to find him. Sure doesn't surprise me. Not a place for the faint of heart... Of the clumsy. While trying to find ruins back up Clear Creek that evening by myself, I was scrambling along a bank of loose dirt and rocks. And as I stepped on one rock I thought about it giving way under me. And it did. Down I fell. Luckily it was only about 8 - 10 ft and I just scrapped up my thigh. Oops! Better there than ok a cliff a thousand feet up... And we were on ones like that. Never did find the ruins but I was running out of daylight and had no clue where they were. The rangers won't tell you anything about them. I did get a skinny dip though.
Plane's boarding. Have to finish later.
Bag Lady
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sedona is my kinda town
the airport with no problems. Maryland Edge spotted me first.
Bill,Jim, and Diane made me feel quite welcome. We shuttled to
Surprise, AZ where Roger loves. After lunch,getting our rental cars
and packing them, we headed off to Sedona. The views coming in here
were a sight to behold. I've seen it before buy it still takes my
breath away!
We took 2 hikes today: one up to Cathedral Rock and the other up
through a canyon north of town. The first was hot, rocky, and had
cactus and desert plants. The second was through lush woods plants.
Didn't feel like Arizona!
Off to the Grand Canyon tomorrow and hiking in on Friday! Can't wait!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I'm on my way
less but that adds to the stress. This trip is hard because two of the
nights the temp will get down to 35 and the other nights it will be in
70s. What weight sleeping bag? Do I freeze for 2 nights or roast for
4? I packed both my 15* bag (more like a 30*) and my 50*.
And then besides my hiking gear I need clothes for playing in Sedona.
Well it is what it is. I'm packed, boarded, and on my way!
Looking forward to meeting my hiking buds in a few hours. From our
email exchange I can tell they are gonna be lots of fun and full of
laughs! And I love to laugh.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, May 25, 2009
Testing blogging from iPhone
have it post to my blog.
Final packing day. Hope I remember everything I want to take with me.
But usually anything that I forget wasn't important anyways or can be
purchased there. I just got an email fell one of the guys and it's
supposed to be only 35 degrees at the north rim. That means that we
have to carry our cold weather gear for 5 days in 90* heat so that we
don't freeze when we get there. Hmmm ???
More later, bag lady
Sent from my iPhone