John Day OR
40 miles
Trip total. 820, I guess
Not one, but two 5000 ft summits were crossed today. Up and up and up and up....then...wheeeee! I don't have a bike computer anymore so I don't know how fast I get going, but I'm way, way ahead of Fuat by the bottom. Blaze screams down the hills! I've started putting my helmet on for the downhills 'cause they're that exhilarating. And scary. O gave to tell myself to stop tensing up and just sit back and enjoy the ride!!! Wheeee!
After Dixie Summit, the second one, the downhill broke out into the most gorgeous valley I gave ever seen. Long. Wide. Green and lush. With snow capped mountains all along it. Took my breath away. I had to stop the speedy descent to take I'm the beauty. Breathtaking! The kind of view that pictures just don't capture. Ya just gotta be there.
And then it was downhill for 15 miles. Thankgoodness. Because these here legs ache every time I start pedaling after a stop. They're plum tuckered out.
Lost my sun visor today during one if the downhills when I switched it out for my helmet. And it's a critical piece of multiple-function gear: holds my hair off my face and off my neck and shields the sun (and rain) out if my eyes. So when I got to a town I started asking around to find one. Small town. Not many shops. But didn't the lady in one call down the street to another shop to see if Wanda had any. And she did. But I didn't like them. Not comfortable. But she did gave a baseball cap that I liked. Had to cut the center out - cooling factor for thus post-menopausal lady! So even before paying her I borrowed some scissors and started hacking away. Then asked for a needle and thread. She said she had a sewing machine and after she finished wrapping a gift she'd sew it. I said we wre going down the street for ice cream angus be back in a while. Still hadn't paid for it. Came back and she's apologizing for a slight sewing mishap. I said, "It's beautiful! Just what I needed! I love it!". Gave her $6.50 and a hug. What's not to love in small town America?
On to John Say and as we're riding in to town, Will, a forest service employee and bike,chats us up on the street. Says he has an Oregon bike map at his house, so we follow h home. One thing leads to another and we have a place to camp in his yard (please turn off the sprinklers, says me) and use of his shower. Lovin' it!

Pedal on, Pedal on
Saddle BagLady
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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