Monday August 29th, I guess
Cameron MT
A day with low miles and lots of smiles!! A lot of people connections. Great early morning climb that broke into the mist incredible and euphoric vista! Just makes me feel happy to be alive!!!!
Slept outside Virginia City last night on a bit of vacant ground and what a lightening storm awoke me about 1ay em. The lightening was so bright that through my tent and with my eyes closed it hurt. I hand to put my hands over my eyes to block out the brightness. First lightening storm all summer. Loved it!
In the morning in town I met a guy riding through on horseback with a pack horse behind. Long hair, missing front teeth, grubby (I should talk:)), wearing a cowboy hat and duster jacket. And since i saw him in this old western town, he fit right in! Felt like ud stepped back in time 150 years! Been riding all around out here for a couple of years and is headed back to South Dakota. I happened to notice the horse he was riding had thrown a front shoe. Their feet looked pretty rough and unattended recently.
Then at an overlook on the way down the pass on the other side I met a woman from Oregon that owned a small cattle herd...40 head. Most interesting conversation.
Followed by an offer of Gatorade from Harry. Never turn down food or drink! He's driving a truck and trailer hauling the support for 4 friends that are biking (on multi-sport motorbikes - gotta google that) the Continental Divide bike trail from Mexico to Canada (home - except they're from Ontario). Harry gets to enjoy the sights and do a little mountain biking on the side while getting to the next meetup town and finding accommodations for the night. He had a great energy and smile! Sounds like a fun adventure, for sure!
Continued on down the hill to the Pit Stop Pizza place. Yum! And there didn't I meet a couple from Minnesota that knew someone I knew?! Small world. Yessiree!
Then there was the guy with the veggie and fruit roadside stand who gave me a peach, the guy sitting in the shade in town who shared his picnic table and his story while I ate my yogurt. The grandparents with grandkids, Hunter and Echo, at Subway that wanted me to sit and share but I needed to pedal on. It's these connections that enrich my journey. And most of the time I'm glad to answer all the questions...most of the time:)
And the day ended with Ralph seeing me drying my tent on the shoulder and offering me his yard to camp on. Yes! And I got a shower and good conversation for the evening. Trail magic! Ya just gotta be open to it. Whew! A great day. So rich am I!
Oh ya and I got my lost shirt replaced with one I may like better:)
On to West Yellowstone and seeing a friend!
Smiling BagLady:))))
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
I Hate Losing Things!!!!
Sunday august 28
Virginia City. MT
Ok. This has got to stop! I lost a critical item today and I have no idea where. My long sleeve n front shirt. I wear it every morning and evening. I have no substitute. It allows me to regulate my broken and dysfunctional internal thermostat. I have no where to get another and tomorrow morning is going to be miserable. That's the trouble when you only have one of everything. And there are no stores out here. Arrgghhh! What did I do with it? I haven't a clue. It was in my hand at breakfast and not around tonight. I was probably multiple-tasking. ADD! I hate it!!!
I know I need to STOP and check my surroundings after I stop. But I can't remember to. And that's how most of my stuff has gotten lost.
I'm on a rotten mood tonight. I don't know how to deal with the conditions in the morning and for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll find a theft shop and I can get something.
Off to read. Maybe that will change my mood.
Frustrated BagLady
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Virginia City. MT
Ok. This has got to stop! I lost a critical item today and I have no idea where. My long sleeve n front shirt. I wear it every morning and evening. I have no substitute. It allows me to regulate my broken and dysfunctional internal thermostat. I have no where to get another and tomorrow morning is going to be miserable. That's the trouble when you only have one of everything. And there are no stores out here. Arrgghhh! What did I do with it? I haven't a clue. It was in my hand at breakfast and not around tonight. I was probably multiple-tasking. ADD! I hate it!!!
I know I need to STOP and check my surroundings after I stop. But I can't remember to. And that's how most of my stuff has gotten lost.
I'm on a rotten mood tonight. I don't know how to deal with the conditions in the morning and for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll find a theft shop and I can get something.
Off to read. Maybe that will change my mood.
Frustrated BagLady
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Prairies with no Shade
Friday August 26
Jackson Montana
Yesterday I climbed Lost Trail Pass: 3400 ft climb in 90* heat. The 13 miles took me 5 hours and I peaked at the exact time (to the minute) I said I would 4 hours earlier:). Something I've been really good at hiking or biking or even with my horses as a kid when I had to do the cross country phase of eventing between 2 times...any faster or slower were time penalties. And I did it by gut.
I met this couple last night that have been traveling for 16 years! I was so envious. First, that they were a couple doing this (I can only hope), and all the places they've seen!
Brian and Caryl. Check them out. They bike my distance in a day so I might see them for awhile.
Possible new plans. Yellowstone is freed up earlier than expected and looking to do a backpacking trip on the Beartooth Mtns. If it works, she'll pick me up next Tuesday. I should be 150-200 miles closer by then. Then she'll also show me the park and then drop me off on Cody. Or somewhere the east side of the park. Then I'll have my last few days of biking...and the thought is a sad one. I'm so enjoying traveling this way! When I get home I think I'll just leave Blaze all packed up like it's a temporary stopover:).
From my campsite tonight (which is in a pulloff on the side if the road on the edge of this very small town) I can see the smoke and red glow of the forest fires up in the mountains. I heard 18,000 acres are burning. Yikes!
After a $6 shower tonight I had a good dinner at a picnic table outside the town mercantile. I kept going back in for more food! I did manage to wash my biking clothes in the expensive shower and put them back on to dry. I wasn't willing to pay $30 for a campsite when all I needed was the shower anyways:)
Tomorrow's a 48 mile ride with no services (like water) in between. I'll wave down an RV if I have to for water.
Pedaling on,
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Jackson Montana
Yesterday I climbed Lost Trail Pass: 3400 ft climb in 90* heat. The 13 miles took me 5 hours and I peaked at the exact time (to the minute) I said I would 4 hours earlier:). Something I've been really good at hiking or biking or even with my horses as a kid when I had to do the cross country phase of eventing between 2 times...any faster or slower were time penalties. And I did it by gut.
I met this couple last night that have been traveling for 16 years! I was so envious. First, that they were a couple doing this (I can only hope), and all the places they've seen!
Brian and Caryl. Check them out. They bike my distance in a day so I might see them for awhile.
Possible new plans. Yellowstone is freed up earlier than expected and looking to do a backpacking trip on the Beartooth Mtns. If it works, she'll pick me up next Tuesday. I should be 150-200 miles closer by then. Then she'll also show me the park and then drop me off on Cody. Or somewhere the east side of the park. Then I'll have my last few days of biking...and the thought is a sad one. I'm so enjoying traveling this way! When I get home I think I'll just leave Blaze all packed up like it's a temporary stopover:).
From my campsite tonight (which is in a pulloff on the side if the road on the edge of this very small town) I can see the smoke and red glow of the forest fires up in the mountains. I heard 18,000 acres are burning. Yikes!
After a $6 shower tonight I had a good dinner at a picnic table outside the town mercantile. I kept going back in for more food! I did manage to wash my biking clothes in the expensive shower and put them back on to dry. I wasn't willing to pay $30 for a campsite when all I needed was the shower anyways:)
Tomorrow's a 48 mile ride with no services (like water) in between. I'll wave down an RV if I have to for water.
Pedaling on,
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday August 23
Victor MT
A bike path along side the highway for miles and miles. What a concept! If you don't like dealing with bikes on the road then support this novel idea: whenever they redo the road add a bike path. More people would bike if they didn't have to fear for their lives.
I camped at a fishing access again last night...despite the "no overnight camping" regulation. They don't mean ME:). I get a wetting down with a good night's sleep, for free!
Met this couple that had the greatest energy: Kelly and Lance! And they're both originally from NY. Lucky to be living out here!! I wish them both all the best that his landscape business picks up and her new nursing job is fulfilling in all ways. Thanks for the stories, the water, and my new jewelry (glow in the dark bracelet!). There's a reason I didn't stay where I had stopped earlier. The Universe is in charge.
And this morning I'm sitting in a country cafe having my breakfast and soaking up the ambiance.
Life is good!
Talked with Yellowstone (friend from the PCT last year that is a ranger in park of same name). Making meet up plans. She's going to be in the backcountry til Sept 5th so I'm going to slow down (that'll be easy for me:)) and meet her in Yellowstone on the 5th. And then I get a private tour of the park by a ranger! Yippee! She's also trying to work out places for me to camp in the park prior to our meet up.
More adventures yet to come!
Slow-going BagLady
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Victor MT
A bike path along side the highway for miles and miles. What a concept! If you don't like dealing with bikes on the road then support this novel idea: whenever they redo the road add a bike path. More people would bike if they didn't have to fear for their lives.
I camped at a fishing access again last night...despite the "no overnight camping" regulation. They don't mean ME:). I get a wetting down with a good night's sleep, for free!
Met this couple that had the greatest energy: Kelly and Lance! And they're both originally from NY. Lucky to be living out here!! I wish them both all the best that his landscape business picks up and her new nursing job is fulfilling in all ways. Thanks for the stories, the water, and my new jewelry (glow in the dark bracelet!). There's a reason I didn't stay where I had stopped earlier. The Universe is in charge.
And this morning I'm sitting in a country cafe having my breakfast and soaking up the ambiance.
Life is good!
Talked with Yellowstone (friend from the PCT last year that is a ranger in park of same name). Making meet up plans. She's going to be in the backcountry til Sept 5th so I'm going to slow down (that'll be easy for me:)) and meet her in Yellowstone on the 5th. And then I get a private tour of the park by a ranger! Yippee! She's also trying to work out places for me to camp in the park prior to our meet up.
More adventures yet to come!
Slow-going BagLady
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday August 22
Missoula MT
I got into the edge of town last night after a very HOT day of pedaling. Since I wanted to go to REI this morning and it was on this side of town I decided to CP out there. After a bit of scoping, I finally ended up on a vacant lot behind WalMart. No sprinklers, but hard ground and weeds. Worked out fine. Only the sound of big trucks idling. Beats loud music:)
Missoula is a great place. Much like Boise. Went over to Adventure Cycling...they're the folks thar make a ton of maps for many bike routes across and through the US. I wanted to see what the suggested to get down and across Yellowstone.
While I was there, they took my pic for their wall. (Like at Harper's Ferry and the ATC.). And because they don't get many trikes, they took another pic of me and Blaze that they can use for their mag or decorate their walls. It was one with my umbrella up!
Then I did laundry. Nothing special except they had an ice cream and soda counter in it! Great idea. Captured audience.
Couldn't decide whether to stay or linger. Beautiful warm evening. Sitting outside drinking a smoothies and reading mags about Montana. Let's bike around and see this town...and maybe a sleeping spot will appear. Lots of green grass. Not good sign. Lots of kids with backpacks and dreds not good sign. Guess I'll have to break down and get a room. The hostel is $30 and I'll have to haul all my stuff around. Not easy. Get a motel room, ground floor, and Blaze can roll right in. Sure I'll take the one without A/C. Better yet! Got a fan? Ok. Does the window open? Yes. Liar!
Bad TV. A great shower. And 10 hours of sleep. All for $50 ...thats the aarrgghhh! Add to that some lousy Thai food and I'm ready to roll on out of Missoula. After I go back to the laundromat and see if my sleeping shorts are still sitting on the curb drying. Otherwise I've lost yet another item.

Another hot one expected.
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Missoula MT
I got into the edge of town last night after a very HOT day of pedaling. Since I wanted to go to REI this morning and it was on this side of town I decided to CP out there. After a bit of scoping, I finally ended up on a vacant lot behind WalMart. No sprinklers, but hard ground and weeds. Worked out fine. Only the sound of big trucks idling. Beats loud music:)
Missoula is a great place. Much like Boise. Went over to Adventure Cycling...they're the folks thar make a ton of maps for many bike routes across and through the US. I wanted to see what the suggested to get down and across Yellowstone.
While I was there, they took my pic for their wall. (Like at Harper's Ferry and the ATC.). And because they don't get many trikes, they took another pic of me and Blaze that they can use for their mag or decorate their walls. It was one with my umbrella up!
Then I did laundry. Nothing special except they had an ice cream and soda counter in it! Great idea. Captured audience.
Couldn't decide whether to stay or linger. Beautiful warm evening. Sitting outside drinking a smoothies and reading mags about Montana. Let's bike around and see this town...and maybe a sleeping spot will appear. Lots of green grass. Not good sign. Lots of kids with backpacks and dreds not good sign. Guess I'll have to break down and get a room. The hostel is $30 and I'll have to haul all my stuff around. Not easy. Get a motel room, ground floor, and Blaze can roll right in. Sure I'll take the one without A/C. Better yet! Got a fan? Ok. Does the window open? Yes. Liar!
Bad TV. A great shower. And 10 hours of sleep. All for $50 ...thats the aarrgghhh! Add to that some lousy Thai food and I'm ready to roll on out of Missoula. After I go back to the laundromat and see if my sleeping shorts are still sitting on the curb drying. Otherwise I've lost yet another item.
Another hot one expected.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
My Forgetfulness
Friday August 19th
Flathead Lake Montana
Another lost item. Items. Not lost. Left behind. I broke the cardinal rule of every hiker/biker. Double check that you packed everything up. I mentally made sure that I had my phone and iPods. But left my coffee mug and book on the table. (not the one of yours that I borrowed, Skyward...I still have that:))
More items to add to my ever lengthening Lost Items list. Don't think I've mentioned I lost my ski cap in Glacier. Had it one minute, then later...gone. My ADD is getting worse and it's a bit frightening. Yesterday afternoon I poured the last of my water into my bike bladder and made a mental note that I needed to get water before stopping for the night. Then I proceeded to bike past a gas station, then a restaurant totally forgetting I needed water. Yikes. I did finally water up at a church when I remembered. But what if I hadn't? Pretty scary when ya can't count on your own brain. It's not like I can put a reminder in place anywhere out here.
Today was a wonderful leisurely day. That helped to cope with biking 30 miles on a busy road with no...I repeat, no shoulder. The white line was painted underneath the guardrail. But it was a beautiful 30 miles along Flathead Lake. Oh, the views! And I took them all in. And the water was crystal clear. Just like we saw in Glacier. Where you can see the bottom 50 ft from shore! So why would I hurry? And mountains on both sides of this very wide body of water.
Just today I told someone it had been a while since I had a flat tire. Me and my big mouth! Yup, my front right. And right on that busy road with a guardrail. Luckily there was some room on the other side. I have a thorn-resistant tube on it and it makes getting the tire off and on a major chore. If I didn't know it could be done I would give up every time. The tube is ultra-thick and bulky. Otherwise changing a tire would be a snap. And then tonight...flat again. Patch didn't hold. And when I finally got the tire back on...finally...the nozzle was jammed and wouldn't align right so I had to start over. Arrgghhh!!! Deep breath. You can do this.
So I didn't get out of Pulson, a lake town. But I did find a quiet spot with a view of the mountains and the lake. And I think the traffic noise will quiet down. I'm on a road of a new subdivision with vacant lots and NO sprinklers. Overlooking the golf course too. My brother, Steve, would approve:)

I inserted a pic. We'll see if it sends.
Got a new book. Looks better than the one I lost. "The Bone People" by Keri Hulme. It's about New Zealand. Time I started thinking about my next trip:)
Sleepy BagLady
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Flathead Lake Montana
Another lost item. Items. Not lost. Left behind. I broke the cardinal rule of every hiker/biker. Double check that you packed everything up. I mentally made sure that I had my phone and iPods. But left my coffee mug and book on the table. (not the one of yours that I borrowed, Skyward...I still have that:))
More items to add to my ever lengthening Lost Items list. Don't think I've mentioned I lost my ski cap in Glacier. Had it one minute, then later...gone. My ADD is getting worse and it's a bit frightening. Yesterday afternoon I poured the last of my water into my bike bladder and made a mental note that I needed to get water before stopping for the night. Then I proceeded to bike past a gas station, then a restaurant totally forgetting I needed water. Yikes. I did finally water up at a church when I remembered. But what if I hadn't? Pretty scary when ya can't count on your own brain. It's not like I can put a reminder in place anywhere out here.
Today was a wonderful leisurely day. That helped to cope with biking 30 miles on a busy road with no...I repeat, no shoulder. The white line was painted underneath the guardrail. But it was a beautiful 30 miles along Flathead Lake. Oh, the views! And I took them all in. And the water was crystal clear. Just like we saw in Glacier. Where you can see the bottom 50 ft from shore! So why would I hurry? And mountains on both sides of this very wide body of water.
Just today I told someone it had been a while since I had a flat tire. Me and my big mouth! Yup, my front right. And right on that busy road with a guardrail. Luckily there was some room on the other side. I have a thorn-resistant tube on it and it makes getting the tire off and on a major chore. If I didn't know it could be done I would give up every time. The tube is ultra-thick and bulky. Otherwise changing a tire would be a snap. And then tonight...flat again. Patch didn't hold. And when I finally got the tire back on...finally...the nozzle was jammed and wouldn't align right so I had to start over. Arrgghhh!!! Deep breath. You can do this.
So I didn't get out of Pulson, a lake town. But I did find a quiet spot with a view of the mountains and the lake. And I think the traffic noise will quiet down. I'm on a road of a new subdivision with vacant lots and NO sprinklers. Overlooking the golf course too. My brother, Steve, would approve:)
I inserted a pic. We'll see if it sends.
Got a new book. Looks better than the one I lost. "The Bone People" by Keri Hulme. It's about New Zealand. Time I started thinking about my next trip:)
Sleepy BagLady
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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Glacier was the best!
Wednesday August 17
West Glacier Montana
Robin's front yard
I was reunited with Blaze this evening. And with my phone. The week break from both was good but it feels good to be all back together. Glacier has got to be one of the most beautiful places on this earth! Every day it just got better and better culminating with today's hike down from Siyeh Pass. Not to be missed!
It's late and I need sleep. I'm camped on Robin's front lawn. I met her when I was setting up my tent behind the Post Office and she was walking her dog. She warned me there was a bear in the area. After chatting a while she also told me there were SPRINKLERS! And invited me to use her front yard. Ok! She also offered the shower but I'm not too dirty yet:). A wonderful evening of conversation. A kindred spirit.
Off to sleep now. Off towards Missoula tomorrow.
Sleepy BagLady
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West Glacier Montana
Robin's front yard
I was reunited with Blaze this evening. And with my phone. The week break from both was good but it feels good to be all back together. Glacier has got to be one of the most beautiful places on this earth! Every day it just got better and better culminating with today's hike down from Siyeh Pass. Not to be missed!
It's late and I need sleep. I'm camped on Robin's front lawn. I met her when I was setting up my tent behind the Post Office and she was walking her dog. She warned me there was a bear in the area. After chatting a while she also told me there were SPRINKLERS! And invited me to use her front yard. Ok! She also offered the shower but I'm not too dirty yet:). A wonderful evening of conversation. A kindred spirit.
Off to sleep now. Off towards Missoula tomorrow.
Sleepy BagLady
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Almost There
Tuesday August 9th
Whitefish Montana
Toodling along busy Rte 93 yesterday, I spotted a restaurant in the middle if nowhere. Ah Root Beer. My new drink of choice. I wonder what a rum and root beer would taste like. Hmmm! Gotta try it. The bartender mentions a place to camp and swim about 13 miles further up the road. Sounds like a place to stop. And maybe stay the night. When I find it, the water looks so inviting. Ah a swim. Now ya have to understand. To minimize what I carry, things have to have double function. So my bathing suit is actually dark purple sports bra and panties from EMS. Stretchy and quick drying. And double purpose. And
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Whitefish Montana
Toodling along busy Rte 93 yesterday, I spotted a restaurant in the middle if nowhere. Ah Root Beer. My new drink of choice. I wonder what a rum and root beer would taste like. Hmmm! Gotta try it. The bartender mentions a place to camp and swim about 13 miles further up the road. Sounds like a place to stop. And maybe stay the night. When I find it, the water looks so inviting. Ah a swim. Now ya have to understand. To minimize what I carry, things have to have double function. So my bathing suit is actually dark purple sports bra and panties from EMS. Stretchy and quick drying. And double purpose. And
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Ah! Wilderness!!!
Saturday August 6th
Lake Koocanusa
33 long miles:)
Last night I camped 10 miles beyond (east of) Libby MT at Osprey Landing...a boat launch. I know! I know! That's on my list of poor camping spots. But it was so idyllic and some locals promised the boaters wouldn't be there before 6 am. It's a point built out into the Kootenai River. And I had stopped there for a swim...which turned into a dip because the water was soooo cold. Doesn't look like swimming is a big sport in Montana. Water's too cold!
And then I met Alex, a guy from NYC who was bumming around the west scouting out rainbow trout. A fly fisherman that translates old English fishing books into modern English. It's a slow process. If I remember right, it took him a year to do 14 pages! Fascinating guy originally from Korea. He's tracing the lineage of rainbow trout that are now in Korea trying to determine where in the US the original eggs came from. He certainly kept me intrigued:)
Today was a long lonely road down the west side of this very long lake. Reminds me a bit I'd Chelan Lake where I went backpacking. There were so few cars on it that I'd forget to look out for them and then one would surprise me.
I found this dog trotting along the road. (There are no residents along it that I could see.). I thought maybe he was lost. After offering him some of my precious water, which he refused, I read his tags to see if he was local. One tag listed his owner in Jackson Creek "at the end if the small road". And the other tag said "leave him alone!". Ok. Guess he's not lost. It was a couple of miles before o got to the Jackson Road turnoff. He's a ways from home.
The road is a forest service road if sorts, but it's paved. It runs along the water but way high up. That's why I said "precious water" 'cause I didn't know when or if I was going to be able to get more some time today. Finally I came to a boat launch and scooped up some lake water. I have no purification system with me. I had a new (replacement after Nepal) Steripen but I could not get it to operate even once. Arrgghh! So I shipped it with other stuff back to my car. It's pretty remote out here. I'm not worried about the water.
So on I pedaled today I'm the 90* heat. Oh look at that water! I want a cold drink. And I want to swim! Torture to see it and not be able to get to it!
"Fishing Access". I'll take it. To the water! Yippee!! Be careful what you wish for. Down, down, down this dirt and loose stone road. For nearly a mile. Oh how will I ever get Blaze up it in the morning? Who cares! I want water. To drink. And to swim. Down. Down. Oh look at this delight spot to swim and camp. Best spot I think I've had this whole trip. What? What is that I see? Blaze has another flat on the back? How long has that been there? At least I have all evening to fix it.
Delightful evening: swim (water not too cold...yippeee), bath, hair washed, and cold drinks.
Now to hang a bear bag and go read. Yup. Delightful evening. Don't think about that hill until morning. Ok!
Pedal on,
Swimming BagLady
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Lake Koocanusa
33 long miles:)
Last night I camped 10 miles beyond (east of) Libby MT at Osprey Landing...a boat launch. I know! I know! That's on my list of poor camping spots. But it was so idyllic and some locals promised the boaters wouldn't be there before 6 am. It's a point built out into the Kootenai River. And I had stopped there for a swim...which turned into a dip because the water was soooo cold. Doesn't look like swimming is a big sport in Montana. Water's too cold!
And then I met Alex, a guy from NYC who was bumming around the west scouting out rainbow trout. A fly fisherman that translates old English fishing books into modern English. It's a slow process. If I remember right, it took him a year to do 14 pages! Fascinating guy originally from Korea. He's tracing the lineage of rainbow trout that are now in Korea trying to determine where in the US the original eggs came from. He certainly kept me intrigued:)
Today was a long lonely road down the west side of this very long lake. Reminds me a bit I'd Chelan Lake where I went backpacking. There were so few cars on it that I'd forget to look out for them and then one would surprise me.
I found this dog trotting along the road. (There are no residents along it that I could see.). I thought maybe he was lost. After offering him some of my precious water, which he refused, I read his tags to see if he was local. One tag listed his owner in Jackson Creek "at the end if the small road". And the other tag said "leave him alone!". Ok. Guess he's not lost. It was a couple of miles before o got to the Jackson Road turnoff. He's a ways from home.
The road is a forest service road if sorts, but it's paved. It runs along the water but way high up. That's why I said "precious water" 'cause I didn't know when or if I was going to be able to get more some time today. Finally I came to a boat launch and scooped up some lake water. I have no purification system with me. I had a new (replacement after Nepal) Steripen but I could not get it to operate even once. Arrgghh! So I shipped it with other stuff back to my car. It's pretty remote out here. I'm not worried about the water.
So on I pedaled today I'm the 90* heat. Oh look at that water! I want a cold drink. And I want to swim! Torture to see it and not be able to get to it!
"Fishing Access". I'll take it. To the water! Yippee!! Be careful what you wish for. Down, down, down this dirt and loose stone road. For nearly a mile. Oh how will I ever get Blaze up it in the morning? Who cares! I want water. To drink. And to swim. Down. Down. Oh look at this delight spot to swim and camp. Best spot I think I've had this whole trip. What? What is that I see? Blaze has another flat on the back? How long has that been there? At least I have all evening to fix it.
Delightful evening: swim (water not too cold...yippeee), bath, hair washed, and cold drinks.
Now to hang a bear bag and go read. Yup. Delightful evening. Don't think about that hill until morning. Ok!
Pedal on,
Swimming BagLady
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Serendipity in Eureka
Sunday August 7th
Eureka Montana
The hill. Remember the hill. I was able to bike it. It took me 17 minutes to get to the top. What a way to start the day. Blaze was amazing!
I really didn't want that empty road to come to an end. Best road I've bikes this whole trip. Nearly a bike path there were so few cars. And the views were amazing! Barb and Bob, thanks for making it possible and suggesting it!!
Hot day! Thank goodness for the umbrella. Could not deal with the sun without it.
Tonight a serendipitous series of events happened. After my usual root beer float break and a 6" sub from Subway and a grocery stop, I finally managed to leave Eureka...about 6 pm. And I wanted to get about 8 miles in before stopping. So about 7:30 I started looking. This is later than my usual quitting time. And since the road is quite busy, I was having to explore side roads. Very residential out here. One spot I started to set up just had too much traffic. And no flat spot. So I packed Blaze up again and continued on. Have faith. Something will turn up. Looking. Thinking. Wondering. Side roads seemed to be mostly driveways. Down another road. Wasting time. Getting later. There's a spot. Not too flat. Too close to highway. Start to move on. Meet Paster Curtis and wife Stephanie out for a walk. "is this your property I ask" explaining that I'm looking for a place to camp. No but you can camp in the church yard...and use the shower...and do a load of wash if you wish. Yippee! The jackpot! Talk about things having to align so that I'm sitting at the end of their road just as they are coming home from an evening stroll! Ya can't make his stuff up!!!
Pedal on,
Serendipitous BagLady
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Eureka Montana
The hill. Remember the hill. I was able to bike it. It took me 17 minutes to get to the top. What a way to start the day. Blaze was amazing!
I really didn't want that empty road to come to an end. Best road I've bikes this whole trip. Nearly a bike path there were so few cars. And the views were amazing! Barb and Bob, thanks for making it possible and suggesting it!!
Hot day! Thank goodness for the umbrella. Could not deal with the sun without it.
Tonight a serendipitous series of events happened. After my usual root beer float break and a 6" sub from Subway and a grocery stop, I finally managed to leave Eureka...about 6 pm. And I wanted to get about 8 miles in before stopping. So about 7:30 I started looking. This is later than my usual quitting time. And since the road is quite busy, I was having to explore side roads. Very residential out here. One spot I started to set up just had too much traffic. And no flat spot. So I packed Blaze up again and continued on. Have faith. Something will turn up. Looking. Thinking. Wondering. Side roads seemed to be mostly driveways. Down another road. Wasting time. Getting later. There's a spot. Not too flat. Too close to highway. Start to move on. Meet Paster Curtis and wife Stephanie out for a walk. "is this your property I ask" explaining that I'm looking for a place to camp. No but you can camp in the church yard...and use the shower...and do a load of wash if you wish. Yippee! The jackpot! Talk about things having to align so that I'm sitting at the end of their road just as they are coming home from an evening stroll! Ya can't make his stuff up!!!
Pedal on,
Serendipitous BagLady
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Friday, August 5, 2011
Friday August 5th
Libby MT
35 and more to come when it cools down this evening
Trail angels. That's what they are: Bob, Barb, Kellyann, and Erin. This family responded to my plea of a lift when I found out Amtrak wasn't going to take Blaze.
So Wednesday went like this: Skyward shuttled me to Coulee Dam (couple hours drive) where Kellyann and her nana picked me up and shuttled me back to Spokane. But their generosity didn't end there. These guys are Warmshowers hosts (people who give cyclists a place to stay) and the fed and bed me. AND threw me a birthday party, complete with the tastiest, gooiest brownies ever! AND then when it didn't look like I still was going to be able to get to Glacier on time, Bob and Erin drive me nearly another 100 miles into Idaho! So, with about 215 miles to do in 6 days I was in great shape to make the meetup 4pm on next Wed in West Glacier.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! Best Warmshowers Hosts EVER!!!!!!!!!
And now I'm in Libby sitting out the heat of the afternoon at an ice cream shop. Where else?
Pedal on,
Scorched BagLady
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Libby MT
35 and more to come when it cools down this evening
Trail angels. That's what they are: Bob, Barb, Kellyann, and Erin. This family responded to my plea of a lift when I found out Amtrak wasn't going to take Blaze.
So Wednesday went like this: Skyward shuttled me to Coulee Dam (couple hours drive) where Kellyann and her nana picked me up and shuttled me back to Spokane. But their generosity didn't end there. These guys are Warmshowers hosts (people who give cyclists a place to stay) and the fed and bed me. AND threw me a birthday party, complete with the tastiest, gooiest brownies ever! AND then when it didn't look like I still was going to be able to get to Glacier on time, Bob and Erin drive me nearly another 100 miles into Idaho! So, with about 215 miles to do in 6 days I was in great shape to make the meetup 4pm on next Wed in West Glacier.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! Best Warmshowers Hosts EVER!!!!!!!!!
And now I'm in Libby sitting out the heat of the afternoon at an ice cream shop. Where else?
Pedal on,
Scorched BagLady
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Universe Provides
I think I have the blog issues ironed out, but I don't know where my blog posts from the backpacking trip went. LaLa Land. I'm hoping the developer can help me find them.
Yesterday was a pretty stressful day. I called Amtrak in the morning to make my reservation from Spokane to West Glacier with my trike...and they dont take bikes in boxes wider than 8 inches. Screwed! Now how do I get from Winthrop to West Glacer, 470+ miles, in a week? Panic for a moment. Then trusting. If it doesn't work out, then the Universe has something else planned for me. Ah
But also do my part to resolve the issue. So I wrote an email to as many Warmshowers hosts (a site of folks that will host bicycling travelers) in Winthrop and Spokane as I found listed asking if they could help me close this mileage gap by giving me a lift for any part of my journey. I got emails and phone calls offering a variety of help. What support! Problem has been resolved and the trip is going to be better than originally planned! I'm getting 2 rides today to get to Spokane by tonight and I will be staying at a Warmshowers' host house, Barb Stuebing's! Her mom and daughter are meeting me in Coulee Dam this afternoon. Skyward has generously offered to drive me there...after all she's already done hosting me this last week and a half:)) Then tomorrow I'll bike out of Spokane with about 270 miles to cover in 6 days. I'll huff and I'll puff, but I'll make it! And I get to bike the mountains of Idaho and Montana instead of the desert of Washington. Yippeee!!!
The Universe provides...for sure!
Pedal on, pedal on,
Amazed BagLady
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
More Torments
So, the blog isn't loading from my phone...and now I find out I can't take my bike on the train. It won't box up as small as they require. So now I have to hitch to get to West Glacier in a week. I'll have to start hitchig right away because I don't know when the rides will come. And I may not make it in time to meet up with the group.
Skyward taught me a great saying. "An adventure isn't an adventure until something goes wrong." So I guess the adventure is just beginning!
I just talked with Sylvia, my inspiring trike traveler from Portland...thanks for the words of support. I'll just go with the flow and see where the universe takes me:)
As to my lost posts, I've written to the developer to see if he can find them. For now let's just say Chelan Lake and Stehekin village with the snow capped mountains and azure blue rushing rivers was paradise. Best hike in America! and no crowds!!!
And I don't seem to be able to post a blog now from my phone at all. I'm reinstalling the BlogPress software, so I will try some tests to see if I can get that to work. If not, you'll all have to go to Facebook to see what I'm up to...I'll post to that.
Stay tuned...
Monday, August 1, 2011
Blog is all screwed up!
I don't know what's going on. I got an email from a follower today when I got out of a week in the woods and she said my blog had been removed. Skyward tried to go to it on her iPhone and got the same message. When I got back to her house and used a normal computer, I could get to the blog page. Whew! That was a premature "whew!" I tried to publish my 3 blogs written while I was in the woods. They are written in BlogPress on my iPhone. At first they would not post, but then all 3 gave me a "Success" message. But when I tried to view the post...nothing, nada, zero, zip! No new posts are showing up. And I don't know if it's a BlogPress or Blogger issue. So right now I'm trying to post a blog update from computer. Gee, I sure hope those posts are not lost. Maybe I can find them in my mailbox somewhere.
Speaking of mailboxes, one of my email accounts was sending out spam last night Dana said. And today I had trouble logging in and had to change my password. What's happening. Arrrghhh Technology!!! I'm ready to bag it entirely. It's more trouble than it's worth.
So sit tight while I try to figure all this out. I am in Winthrop another day before pedaling on to Spokane and getting the train to Glacier.
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