Friday, August 5, 2011


Friday August 5th
Libby MT
35 and more to come when it cools down this evening

Trail angels. That's what they are: Bob, Barb, Kellyann, and Erin. This family responded to my plea of a lift when I found out Amtrak wasn't going to take Blaze.

So Wednesday went like this: Skyward shuttled me to Coulee Dam (couple hours drive) where Kellyann and her nana picked me up and shuttled me back to Spokane. But their generosity didn't end there. These guys are Warmshowers hosts (people who give cyclists a place to stay) and the fed and bed me. AND threw me a birthday party, complete with the tastiest, gooiest brownies ever! AND then when it didn't look like I still was going to be able to get to Glacier on time, Bob and Erin drive me nearly another 100 miles into Idaho! So, with about 215 miles to do in 6 days I was in great shape to make the meetup 4pm on next Wed in West Glacier.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! Best Warmshowers Hosts EVER!!!!!!!!!

And now I'm in Libby sitting out the heat of the afternoon at an ice cream shop. Where else?

Pedal on,

Scorched BagLady

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. You are finding, as I did, that the best part of the journey - aside from spectacular scenery - is the kindness and generosity of the American people to help strangers. Enjoy!
