Fishguard, Wales

9:00 am. Rain all night, dry morning, forecast for heavy rains this afternoon. What would you do? Been trying to decide whether to cycle on or stay put. If I cycle on, I know I'll get wet and have to probably set up in the rain. If I stay out, I stay dry, have bathroom and showers and a little store.... and WIFI! Haven't done much cycling this week but after getting drenched coming into Bantry last week, I'm hesitant to cycle out into the heavy rain again. This trip isn't about where I'm going, it's about where I am. And today, and likely tomorrow I'm on a cliff overlooking Fishguard Bay and the Irish Sea. Nothing wrong with that. I have a new book to start, 13 more books on tape, postcards to write when I find a new pen. Lots to do. And a nap to take! Don't forget that!! And whole it's dry this morning I may take a wander. And do some yoga. I'm on "holiday" and I might as well act like it;). Will I ever find my Type B personality? I know she's in there somewhere. No goals today. No doing, just being.

5:00 pm. How things change! I did some walking along the cliffs and when I got back, I checked the weather report again. It was do nice out it was hard not to be cycling. New report. Lighter showers expected. Asked the guy if I could have my 11 euro back so I could cycle on and he said okay. So I packed up and left about noon. New missing item: the buff I got on Nepal. Hope it's tucked in some corner of my gear. I love that buff. Bluebearee and Apple Pie know how long I hunted for "the right one"! It was a tedious and painful search through the many market stalls in Namache Bazaar. I hope she turns up tonight. (found her in my daypack pocket...that little devil!:))
Back up that hill. You remember "that hill". Why they're never as bad as they appear they will be going down, I've yet to figure out. Was true on the AT. In the evening it always seed like a long steep descent to the shelter and in the back of my mind I was dreading going back up in the morning...but alas, it was quick and easy!

Quaint cottages here!
I'm feeling a lot like a hiker tonight. A happy hiker. Ya know, the one for whom the skies break just long enough for ya to get a tent up and your gear and you inside BEFORE the down pour renews. The happy hiker eating cold tuna from the packet with stale bread and loving it. The happy hiker who has not 1 but 2 chocolate pudding cakes for dessert. Yup! Warm, dry, fed! Oh, does it get any simpler than that?
I am camped 15 ft from the side of the road in a bend of a steep hill out of Moylegrove, up the coast from Fishguard. This little nook has a gate leading to the Coastal Path, a National Park in Wales. Yes, good hiking here. And today I met one and saw two "walkers". Some camp, others go from B&B to B&B. That's what this guy was doing while photographing the coastline.
I didn't get 50 ft down the road when a cycle tourist headed the other way stops by. Lee Johnstone is cycling around the world too. Right now though he's doing the coastline of Great Britain to train and to pass the time until he can go to the Olympics in August. We may try and meet up later depending on where we are. He wanted to cycle with me...or me with him down to southern Wales, but I told him I'm too slow to cycle with anyone and I'm just getting my solo sealed under me.
So the rains did come but all is well. What was I afraid of this morning? No more waiting for rain. When it's dry, start pedaling. BTW, new coat was fabulously warm and dry. Happy, happy, happy.
Tonight I'm starting a new book, Lovely Bones, and going to sleep early. Not much else to do, but that's okay with me. I'm never bored when I'm around:)
Oh, and for all the quilters I know, tomorrow I'm off to Lampeter where there is a quilting museum I plan to peruse. Will share.
Another note. This hill where I'm sleeping is so steep and tight several cars have gotten stuck spinning their tires and had to back down. I can see headlights flashing into my tent might be an issue. Oh ya and one car gave me a friendly "toot toot" as he passed my tent. Warm, friendly folks here (too)!!!
Nearly soggy BagLady
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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