Rotterdam, Holland
11:30 am Rough night: disco music til 2am, hard pillow, top warm comforter. (BL's torments)
Disembarkation went smoothly and here I am. In a country that I understand not a word and can't read the signs. And I have not a clue where I'm going. Floating like a feather.
Inside I can sense that feeling of fear. What am I suppose to do next? Where should I go? Hear the "should"? Relax. Take a deep breath. One step at a time. Watch the future unfold in front if you. You'll know what to do when you need to. You'll know where to go. Trust. Just keep moving forward and you know how to do this. Okay. Here we go. Blaze and me. Scared and courageous at the same time.
What's that weather out there? Did we make a wrong turn during the night and go back to the UK? Sure looks like it: grey and rainy. WHAT??? Oh sure. Last week was warm and sunny. Next week is what? Rain? NO!!!!
First thing: get some info. Ask. Got info about small towns nearby that would be interesting to see and better than going into Rotterdam. That works. Just follow the cycle path she says. Little do I realize, she means it. These aren't cycle paths. They're cycle roads. Wide. Smooth. Signed. They're serious about cycling here. Very serious!

Yes, all that pavement just for me! In the UK I would have shared it with a tractor trailer truck and a car and had high bushes up to the edge of the pavement. This is my kind of opulence, oh yeah!
Even bridges have separate cycle roads. I can't use the word paths., because that just doesn't describe them. They have signs and a line down the middle and are very, very wide. And did I mention smooth?

Ok. Got directions to laundry. Front loading with detergent already in there? It feels so modern here as compared to England. I couldn't even find a laundromat there.
At the laundry, a women in the office of the park gave me her number in case I needed help while in Holland. How fabulous and thoughtful.
Just saw how little kids learn to ride bikes very young. A very little bike with no pedals. They use they're legs to propel it, then glide to balance. Clever!

So now I sit having an unusual she goat cheese salad with apricot dressing, people-watching. So many bikes. Whole families. Grandmas. Little kids. Mostly blonde. I think I like the grandmas best. These coiffed, well-dressed, proper, grey-haired women pedaling along is a treat to see:))))
Think I'll stay the night here if I can find a cheap place. Lots to see. Good place to get my feet under me.
6:30 pm. I didn't stay. Nothing cheap. Coulda camped but after touring the village, wasn't all that much to see so I decided to head north. Did get a cycle route map that should help. Lots of options for camping here. So much wide open space. Feels really good. Makes me realize how cramped I've been theses last 5 weeks. Ahhh. I can breathe again.
To get over the water I had to take a ferry. Again. Met some guys while I was waiting and when I told him how I travel with no destination and no agenda, he said "You're Forest Gump on wheels!". How fitting!
Groceries were one of my tasks today.

And I hadn't thought about the challenge of shopping when you can't read the language:/. For something as simple as butter, I had to ask for help because there were packages that looked like butter but weren't. And I can't always be sure that the person I'm asking speaks English. But I ask away and see if they give me a strange look or are able to answer me. Young folks are easier because most of them learn English in school. I haven't figured out the Dutch word for organic. That will be the next time. They also had a mall that was butcher, bakery, produce, clothes, toys, drug stores all mixed together. And... free wifi! Afterwards though when looking for a john, I went on the library across the street and she wanted to charger 50 cents! I am not paying to use a toilet so I asked where some public ones were. Right next door in a culture center. Free wifi but pay toilet. I could have waited to go in the woods but I needed water for tonight. Priorities! Checklist when I leave a town at the end of the day:
- water filled?
- food for a full day?
Simple, hey? But forgetful me can still forget something!
This is the first summer evening I've had. On a rise off the cycle path on the river. The sun is glorious! I'm lounging on my all purpose yoga matt reading maps and writing this. As well as staring at the woods and sky, watching a butterfly that probably is my mom, and running my toes through the grass as I toddle barefoot to my bike for more chocolate:)
Another torment: sun poisoning on toes is not proving. Get it through my bike sandals. Perhaps I should try sunscreen on them. That would be a first.

Do I need a pedicure?
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Hi Bag Lady! You sound great! My boy cat (Chico but I call him 'Big Boy;) just jumped won off my lap when I began to type. Good to hear happiness in your voice. Holland sounds absolutely wonderful! Fred and I just spent 4 days in the back country on Yellowstone Lake, kayaking. We came home a day early which was good because my friend Yeti (PCT< CDT< PWNT etc) had to get off the trail due to health issues. I went to pick him up and bring him back here--12.5 hours. woof. Fred began the fix job on my motorcycle turn signal. tomorrow he will teach me to put it back together and I want to ride a bit. Monday to Lamar for class. Heard from Skyward and Meander. BOth are well. Looking forward to seeing Skyward in August.
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