11:00 am I slept 11 hours last night. Woes me, guess I was tired! And awoke to no rain. Packing up dry! Felt a bit odd. Stumbled around on the route this morning off course twice already. I'm getting much braver. Not afraid that they won't speak English. Even if they don't, I think they can help me. This morning I stopped a car to get help. That's a first in Germany.

And now I'm in a little restaurant getting my coffee for the morning. Had a fruchplunder (fruit Danish) from the grocery store for breakfast 10 minutes ago when I was getting today's salad for dinner and some bread. Needed to charge both phones so when I found this spot, I'm getting coffee, charging and lunch all at once!! Donertasche. That's what I'm having. Gyro meat in a wrap. I'll be giving up meat again when I get back home, but here it's such a big part of the diet and would really limit my options.

I passed through the prettiest area this morning. Findorf. Beautiful homes and gardens. Otherwise it's most farm land. Also beautiful, but in a different way.

7:30 pm I'm camped out in the open this evening on a quiet lane on the edge of field in the woods...sorta. Can't be in the dark deep woods again. I can't see why anyone would mind and I need to get my mojo back. Some men out for an evening bike ride had stopped on the road and were commenting about the bike, so I stuck my head out, but my English scared them away. They were smiling and friendly though. If someone comes, I'm not moving. They can darn well haul me off to jail. It's a dry evening though after another day of rain on and off. And I'm enjoying having my tent open and the evening light pouring in. The field has oats swaying in the breeze...stiff breeze at that...but the woods block me from the worst of it. And the sky has...no, had...the most beautiful white fluffy clouds against a blue background. It's cloudy now...the grey, rainy kind. Don't know how long the dryness will last.
2nd the last night on the road. Very ready to come home!
Gonna keep this short and sweet...oh, oh, heard a car...is this the time...no, guess not...no one's is there.
Oh I do want to share about trying to find postcards and cash in the last sizeable town. No one wanted to speak English with me. One gracious woman, when I went to the bank and it was already closed, worked with me though to finally tell me where an ATM was. I don't know what they call it here, but it's the machine that I put a card in and I get euros out! But postcards were hard. DId finally get a couple but I had to ask and ask and ask. And when they do use some English with me, I thank them for it! And I love the folks that at least try and help me and don't just look at me like I'm some creature from Mars...I get that sometimes. Lunch ordering today was stumbling but I managed to ask enough questions pointing and he answered and pointed...and we figured it out together. He had some English though, so that helped too.
Ok, going to bed early and hoping for a long uninterrupted night. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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