Tuesday October 30, 2012
9:30 am. Sitting in a roadside cafe eating who-knows-what stir fry and bean curd pudding that's too red, too flavored, and too sweet. Oh we'll. never know til ya try.
Exhausted! Excited! At home back on Blaze:)
The flight was long. Oh so long. One leg was 13 hours followed by another 6 hours. And I'm not a fan of flying. My body isn't meant to go that fast. Or stay sitting that long. Or to sleep sitting up. So as soon as I can get "supine" (to quote a hiker friend, EZ Duzit), I will, just to sleep. And I did that at the gate in Narita (Tokyo). Thank goodness someone thought maybe I was waiting for the Singapore flight and mentioned it to the gate agents, who woke me up! Or I'd still be sleeping in Narita. Then the same women (mother and daughter, Maria and Cata) overheard me asking a flight attendant about sleeping in the airport and what happens to the baggage. They were planning the same thing. Turns out, they were the ones to have me awakened! My heroes!! We stayed together sharing stories and sleeping in the Snooze Lounge, had breakfast, toured the Butterfly Garden, and assembled Blaze. Wonderful people, great travel stories!!! Thanks for everything. Was good not to spend the first night alone.
Got a van cab to Expo Singapore parking lot. And now am pedaling about 10 miles to the hotel. Traffic is pretty considerate and normal. Nothing unusual. And the folks stare and smile back when I say Hi. I stayed in the sidewalks for a couple of miles but that's so much slower, that I finally took to the streets. Be brave or go home:)
This city is clean and comfortable. Nothing daunting. I just have to remember to stay left:).
It's warm and humid here. Had a bit of a shower just after I got started that felt good actually.
I don't know how I'm going to stay awake until bedtime. I know that's the rule but I feel like a zombie. I think a nap is on the agenda when I check in in a couple of hours.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Getting Ready
The countdown is 3 days and I'm beginning to spin...inside. After having everything all packed on the bike, one of my roomies came home last night to find everything all over the floor!
Just double checking...or is that quadruple checking? Or hextuplet checking? Mentally, all day, every day, I'm checking. And it's exhausting! Friends keep reminding me that they have stores over there too:))
So this morning's exercise is to test uploading blog posts with my new iPad. With pictures and a short video. Nothing exciting. Just something to test. And the video is rather soothing, I think. And right now I need soothing.
And this post will test using Google Groups to distribute the email. Some of you may need to check your spam folders. Your notification that you were added to Google Groups may be in there as well as this blog post. I can only control so much!
Location:Home in New York
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Next Adventure
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Fairport NY
My motto, if someone asks me to join them on an adventure, is to say Yes unless I have an absolute reason to say No. So when Sylvia Halpern (www.myrtletheturtle.me) asked me to join her biking SE Asia for 7 months, I said "But I just got off the plane from Europe! I need time at home before I can decide." And she patiently waited while I adjusted to being home, went backpacking in Maine, vascillated every day thinking about going, and got bored not traveling... and said YES! Let's go! It was a torturous decision, but I want no regrets in this life (well, only a few) and I had nothing to do this winter and I would have been reading her blog wishing I was with her. So I booked my flight to Singapore. Sylvia already had her flight and a guesthouse lined up. When I went to book (using those great frequent flier miles), I had to arrive about 31 hours ahead of her...at 12:20 in the morning. Being cheap, and thinking the middle of the night is not a good time to check in, I'm planning on crashing on the airport floor til morning. (I've actually slept in the Singapore airport before, so I know my way around:))
So the plan is to trike - ya, we both ride trikes, how cool is that? - from Singapore to Beijing, through Malaysia, Thsiland, and across China. 4000 miles. 7 months. Yup, somebody who likes to go as slow as I do! I'm doing it! I'm biking around the world - just in stages. It's gonna be such a blast! Two blonde ladies on trikes pedaling along into little Asian villages. Can't you just see us?!
Here is a rough map of the route we will be taking. I haven't a clue how we'll actually cross China other than enter up the Mekong River by "ferry". We're flexible and will make decisions as we go along. Nothing's written in stone:)
Two weeks left to get ready, store the car, prepare the house for winter, enjoy these autumn days, and fret over "what am I forgetting to think about?" My mind is exhausted from thinking, worrying, concentrating, exploring, and processing.
Some exciting new things on this trip: using an iPad to journal and process photos and videos while on the road, downloading library books (both evokes and audiobooks) on the road, staying indoors every night -no tent, and traveling with another trike, and biking through third world countries. I'm glad I'm going with Brave Sylvia:) !
So that's what's going on right now. Next update will be from Singapore!
Keep on pedaling,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Fairport NY
My motto, if someone asks me to join them on an adventure, is to say Yes unless I have an absolute reason to say No. So when Sylvia Halpern (www.myrtletheturtle.me) asked me to join her biking SE Asia for 7 months, I said "But I just got off the plane from Europe! I need time at home before I can decide." And she patiently waited while I adjusted to being home, went backpacking in Maine, vascillated every day thinking about going, and got bored not traveling... and said YES! Let's go! It was a torturous decision, but I want no regrets in this life (well, only a few) and I had nothing to do this winter and I would have been reading her blog wishing I was with her. So I booked my flight to Singapore. Sylvia already had her flight and a guesthouse lined up. When I went to book (using those great frequent flier miles), I had to arrive about 31 hours ahead of her...at 12:20 in the morning. Being cheap, and thinking the middle of the night is not a good time to check in, I'm planning on crashing on the airport floor til morning. (I've actually slept in the Singapore airport before, so I know my way around:))
So the plan is to trike - ya, we both ride trikes, how cool is that? - from Singapore to Beijing, through Malaysia, Thsiland, and across China. 4000 miles. 7 months. Yup, somebody who likes to go as slow as I do! I'm doing it! I'm biking around the world - just in stages. It's gonna be such a blast! Two blonde ladies on trikes pedaling along into little Asian villages. Can't you just see us?!
Here is a rough map of the route we will be taking. I haven't a clue how we'll actually cross China other than enter up the Mekong River by "ferry". We're flexible and will make decisions as we go along. Nothing's written in stone:)
Two weeks left to get ready, store the car, prepare the house for winter, enjoy these autumn days, and fret over "what am I forgetting to think about?" My mind is exhausted from thinking, worrying, concentrating, exploring, and processing.
Some exciting new things on this trip: using an iPad to journal and process photos and videos while on the road, downloading library books (both evokes and audiobooks) on the road, staying indoors every night -no tent, and traveling with another trike, and biking through third world countries. I'm glad I'm going with Brave Sylvia:) !
So that's what's going on right now. Next update will be from Singapore!
Keep on pedaling,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Fairport, New York
Departure Day
Wednesday July 25th

I'm leaving for home with mixed emotions. I had to book my flight a couple of weeks ahead and my mood then was different than my mood now. But finding an airport to fly out of was not easy seeing as how I was using frequent flyer miles at the economy level. So I didn't really have the flexibility I thought I would. And thinking about going to another new country with all the adjustments to language and culture yet again is exhausting. And I know that much of it will also be the same as the last 5 countries, too. So I think everything is unfolding perfectly:)

Spending a few days with Heike was relaxing and wonderfully easy as usual. She has become such a dear friend. And she was such an amazing help with getting my boxes for me and helping understand that my worry was normal.
But everything went amazingly well at the airport. They accepted my dimensions for Blaze's box. And they never weighed either one. All that worry for naught.
So a quick shopping trip through the airport to use up the few euros left and I'm on my way for a very long day to the open and welcoming arms of dear friends back home:)))
So what have I learned? Wild camping is less accepted in Europe though not impossible. I like some time alone AND I like companionship. I make friends easily and wherever I go. It's just so much harder with a language barrier. I like to talk. Surprise. Surprise. I continue to do something while the enjoyment outweighs the hardships, but when that shifts it's time to change plans. I can and did handle everything that came my way: the abrupt departure of my traveling companion, rain day after day, being asked to break camp and move at night in the rain, trying to get info even when there's no common language, finding out where I was or how to get found when misplaced using mutiple maps and map app, building a new box in 6 hours with a toy box cutter, heavy cardboard and only 2 bike boxes. And I'm sure there's things I handled and have forgotten. there never was a plan for this voyage, only many options: bike Europe with Fuat for 4 months, break away after a while and bike some of Europe solo, go on to Australia and New Zealand if I felt like it. Options. Go with the flow. See where the current takes me. And that's what I did.

Going home with a smile on my face:
5 countries
8 weeks
40 inches of rain (my estimate:))
1500 miles (2500 kms)
Many, many new friends!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

I'm leaving for home with mixed emotions. I had to book my flight a couple of weeks ahead and my mood then was different than my mood now. But finding an airport to fly out of was not easy seeing as how I was using frequent flyer miles at the economy level. So I didn't really have the flexibility I thought I would. And thinking about going to another new country with all the adjustments to language and culture yet again is exhausting. And I know that much of it will also be the same as the last 5 countries, too. So I think everything is unfolding perfectly:)

Spending a few days with Heike was relaxing and wonderfully easy as usual. She has become such a dear friend. And she was such an amazing help with getting my boxes for me and helping understand that my worry was normal.
But everything went amazingly well at the airport. They accepted my dimensions for Blaze's box. And they never weighed either one. All that worry for naught.
So a quick shopping trip through the airport to use up the few euros left and I'm on my way for a very long day to the open and welcoming arms of dear friends back home:)))
So what have I learned? Wild camping is less accepted in Europe though not impossible. I like some time alone AND I like companionship. I make friends easily and wherever I go. It's just so much harder with a language barrier. I like to talk. Surprise. Surprise. I continue to do something while the enjoyment outweighs the hardships, but when that shifts it's time to change plans. I can and did handle everything that came my way: the abrupt departure of my traveling companion, rain day after day, being asked to break camp and move at night in the rain, trying to get info even when there's no common language, finding out where I was or how to get found when misplaced using mutiple maps and map app, building a new box in 6 hours with a toy box cutter, heavy cardboard and only 2 bike boxes. And I'm sure there's things I handled and have forgotten. there never was a plan for this voyage, only many options: bike Europe with Fuat for 4 months, break away after a while and bike some of Europe solo, go on to Australia and New Zealand if I felt like it. Options. Go with the flow. See where the current takes me. And that's what I did.

Going home with a smile on my face:
5 countries
8 weeks
40 inches of rain (my estimate:))
1500 miles (2500 kms)
Many, many new friends!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Hamburg Tour
Tuesday July 24th
Hamburg, Germany

Heike suggested I go into Hamburg for the day. It isn't a city I've ever thought much about. But that changed after yesterday.
First excitement: taking the train. I'm not a pro at this so Heike did the research to find the trains and stations I needed. But I didn't take good notes. Going in I was on the right train, but didn't know which stop to get off at. I had the name for the end of the line. Looking at my map, I realized I missed the right stop by one. Good mistake. Got off at the central station. Classical music playing:) Delightful! But where exactly am I and how do I find the Rathaus Markt? Too big a city. Couldn't find the right streets on my map app. Ok. Here goes. Turning on my phone. Use the GPS. Ahh. I see where I need to go. Turn off phone. Route stays on Google Maps for me. Yippee. Nice stroll through Hamburg on a sunny morning. Find coffee and a Danish. Got it! Find the meeting point for the Free Tour. Yup!
While waiting for the tour to begin, struck up a conversation with Natasha from Brazil now living in Germany. We enjoyed the tour together. And her German friend joined us too.

Hamburg is a quite beautiful city that was severely burned during a horrible fire in 1842 and then bombed in WWII. There is a memorial remains in the bombed out shell of a church.

A stark reminder. It's a major harbor city with lots of canals. And there's also an island that's a model of urban development where many apt buildings, offices, hospital, and university are being built.

And then there was the trip home. Got the right train which was packed. Squished. Can't breathe. Hot. No air. Can't hear the stops announced. Can't see out to read the names.

Ask a woman to help me get off at the right one. She says most everyone will get off there. Here we go. I'm off. Can breathe! Check board. Train isn't listed. Check map. Looks like its a station too early. Ask for help. Confirmed. Ok back on. One more stop. Home!
Boxes all packed. Ready for bed. Early morning coming. 11:30 pm. Go to sleep. 12:30 am GO TO SLEEP. Getting up at 5:15 am. GO TO SLEEP . It's 1:30 am! You need SLEEP!!!! Finally.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Hamburg, Germany

Heike suggested I go into Hamburg for the day. It isn't a city I've ever thought much about. But that changed after yesterday.
First excitement: taking the train. I'm not a pro at this so Heike did the research to find the trains and stations I needed. But I didn't take good notes. Going in I was on the right train, but didn't know which stop to get off at. I had the name for the end of the line. Looking at my map, I realized I missed the right stop by one. Good mistake. Got off at the central station. Classical music playing:) Delightful! But where exactly am I and how do I find the Rathaus Markt? Too big a city. Couldn't find the right streets on my map app. Ok. Here goes. Turning on my phone. Use the GPS. Ahh. I see where I need to go. Turn off phone. Route stays on Google Maps for me. Yippee. Nice stroll through Hamburg on a sunny morning. Find coffee and a Danish. Got it! Find the meeting point for the Free Tour. Yup!
While waiting for the tour to begin, struck up a conversation with Natasha from Brazil now living in Germany. We enjoyed the tour together. And her German friend joined us too.

Hamburg is a quite beautiful city that was severely burned during a horrible fire in 1842 and then bombed in WWII. There is a memorial remains in the bombed out shell of a church.

A stark reminder. It's a major harbor city with lots of canals. And there's also an island that's a model of urban development where many apt buildings, offices, hospital, and university are being built.

And then there was the trip home. Got the right train which was packed. Squished. Can't breathe. Hot. No air. Can't hear the stops announced. Can't see out to read the names.

Ask a woman to help me get off at the right one. She says most everyone will get off there. Here we go. I'm off. Can breathe! Check board. Train isn't listed. Check map. Looks like its a station too early. Ask for help. Confirmed. Ok back on. One more stop. Home!
Boxes all packed. Ready for bed. Early morning coming. 11:30 pm. Go to sleep. 12:30 am GO TO SLEEP. Getting up at 5:15 am. GO TO SLEEP . It's 1:30 am! You need SLEEP!!!! Finally.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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