Hamburg, Germany

Heike suggested I go into Hamburg for the day. It isn't a city I've ever thought much about. But that changed after yesterday.
First excitement: taking the train. I'm not a pro at this so Heike did the research to find the trains and stations I needed. But I didn't take good notes. Going in I was on the right train, but didn't know which stop to get off at. I had the name for the end of the line. Looking at my map, I realized I missed the right stop by one. Good mistake. Got off at the central station. Classical music playing:) Delightful! But where exactly am I and how do I find the Rathaus Markt? Too big a city. Couldn't find the right streets on my map app. Ok. Here goes. Turning on my phone. Use the GPS. Ahh. I see where I need to go. Turn off phone. Route stays on Google Maps for me. Yippee. Nice stroll through Hamburg on a sunny morning. Find coffee and a Danish. Got it! Find the meeting point for the Free Tour. Yup!
While waiting for the tour to begin, struck up a conversation with Natasha from Brazil now living in Germany. We enjoyed the tour together. And her German friend joined us too.

Hamburg is a quite beautiful city that was severely burned during a horrible fire in 1842 and then bombed in WWII. There is a memorial remains in the bombed out shell of a church.

A stark reminder. It's a major harbor city with lots of canals. And there's also an island that's a model of urban development where many apt buildings, offices, hospital, and university are being built.

And then there was the trip home. Got the right train which was packed. Squished. Can't breathe. Hot. No air. Can't hear the stops announced. Can't see out to read the names.

Ask a woman to help me get off at the right one. She says most everyone will get off there. Here we go. I'm off. Can breathe! Check board. Train isn't listed. Check map. Looks like its a station too early. Ask for help. Confirmed. Ok back on. One more stop. Home!
Boxes all packed. Ready for bed. Early morning coming. 11:30 pm. Go to sleep. 12:30 am GO TO SLEEP. Getting up at 5:15 am. GO TO SLEEP . It's 1:30 am! You need SLEEP!!!! Finally.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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