Mana Marina NZ

I'm stuck. Can't seem to move. Packed up today. Straightened up the boat. Gotta leave it "ship-shape":). (Bruce, the captain, has gone home for the weekend. I was going to get a lift north to Auckland with him, but with my visa extension filed, I have more time and will bike north instead.)
Then decided to make bagel chips out of some over-priced bagels I got in the city the other day.
Then decided to finish the book I was reading since I was almost done and then could leave it behind.
Then got busy painting, trying to leave Bruce a thank you gift of a painting of his new boat, the Manaia. (Shhh! Don't tell him. And he probably doesn't read my blogs, so my secret is safe:/)
Before I knew it, it was 3:00 and seemed a bit late to take-off, so I guess I'll stay another night. It's so quiet in the marina although I've seen more people than other days. It's terribly nice to have a place to stay by myself again (like at Kiwi's house at Christmas). As much as I love being around people (and I do!), it's also nice to be alone...and not on the move. How gracious of Bruce to offer this to me. Tomorrow. I'll head out tomorrow. I promise:).
I need to if I'm going to bike the 650 kms to where I meet up for the volcano hike.
But for now I'll enjoy the boat, the water, the view, and the quiet.

And live on bagel chips!

Wise words a friend sent me today:
"Slow down and show up!"
That's all we ever need to do.
A Blessed BagLady
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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