20 miles north of Napier, NZ
Ok, since this is about "travels and torments", hope no one minds if I vent a bit about BlogPress, the app I use to maintain my blog. I've lost a post. Arrghh. I wrote it. Had lots of good pictures. It was the 2nd day on the Gentle Annie road. When I tried and tried to upload it, it never went until I had deleted every picture out of it. Then, it popped up the Facebook connection, which is a good sign. And without ever asking me to Share, it popped to the "had posted successfully to you blog, do you want to view it?" And I always hit No. I was so happy to have it upload that I didn't think anything more about the fact the Facebook step wasn't correct. The next day I noticed nothing was in my mailbox. No blog post showing anywhere. La la land. So weird. So frustrating! Deep breath. Release. All is good.
So on Friday, the 8th I strolled into Napier...down hill gradually the whole day. Oh ya:). Since its a hoppening town, I checked out the campground. $44!!! Oh, special deal for me? $33!!! Are you kidding? How much for just a shower? $8!! Thanks but no thanks. I can't afford you. So I cycled in to the center of town and right out into the beach walk. I'm sitting there on Blaze, tapping away on my phone when Peter
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stops by to chat about my bike. I mention my dilemma and he reminds me about Warmshowers. com, the website for traveling cyclists to find hosts for the night. I never use it because I don't plan ahead and I want no commitments. Free spirit! Majorly! He had already mentioned that he and his partner tour and are heading out again this summer to Europe. He also said that if they weren't already hosting a young Belgium couple, they could put me up. Could I put my tent up in the yard? (If you don't ask, the answer is always No.). Sure! Plan on being there at 6 for dinner! Yippee!!! Trail magic strikes again!!!!!!! And who says this isn't an amazing world we live in?
With time to kill, I went to the library to get free wifi. And who do I meet there but Eleanor and her 3 daughters that she homeschools, Sariah, Triselle, and Trinity-True.
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This mom has a desire to bicycle tour with her girls! It all starts with a dream. You go! Eleanor! And let me know if I can help make it home true
the last 2 nights I slept in the herb garden at Peter and Lorna's delightful house. But better yet was the food. Lorna, amazing cook! Greek style roast lamb one night (photo deleted)
and fish stew the next. And an assortment of Peter's wines and Dutch wisdom:). Also staying were Tatiana and Matieu, from Begium. And I'm not sure I've spelled either name correctly. The energy at the table was wonderful. Everyone fed off the other. 5 touring cyclists I'm one place!

What fun! What stories! And I know we all stayed up too late and drank too much, but it was so worth it. 5 stars to Peter and Lorna as Warmshowers hosts!!! Muchly, muchly appreciated!!!
(And I have to make a point if checking Warmshowers out more.).
But all good things come to an end so we all said goodbye this morning.
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And a short ways down the road, this group of young folks stop to talk.
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They were off to go swimming on this Sunday.
Then pedaling up a mountain road I met Guinnea and Joe, 2 woman "3 sheets to the wind" and friendly and crazy as could be, taking a roadside break from driving with 3 kids in the car.
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They did offer me a place to stay but I opted for peace and quiet tonight. Oh the wonderful people I meet continues to warm my heart.
So tonight's abode is a roadside park with a definite No Camping symbol. But there were no other options, so I'm taking the risk.
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For whatever effin' reason, I can no longer post photos with my blog. So pissed off!!!
Grumpy BagLady
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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