Dunedin, NZ
Camped by the ocean, on an overlooking cliff, on a roadside pulloff...that's where we spent a day off celebrating Christmas. A jogger stopped by. A local on a quad bike from up the hill come over. A family of locals came to the beach for a respite before the chaos of Christmas started. What a restfully delightful day it has been. We just wish we'd thought more about Xmas food when we stopped at the store yesterday. We've put a wish out to the Universe for some Christmas cookies:)
I must say we had 4 wonderful days with Jamie and Aileen Sinclair of Dunedin just past.
April had met this couple in a campground in the US 7 years ago and stayed in touch. When we said we were coming through Dunedin, they invited us to come visit. So we did! We got a tour of the city, rides to do errands, loan of a sewing machine so I could replace the broken zipper in my favorite pants. I resiliconed my tent floor and redid my hair. Even managed to watch a couple of movies and sleep in. But the wonderful NZ dinners and rich conversation were the highlights. And thank you doesn't cover it.
The steepest street in the world is in Dunedin: Baldwin Street. We walked it because we didn't have our bikes. It's 35%! Would loved to have tried biking it! Would have been a grind!!
But that's not the only amazing kiwi hospitality we've had. Coming to the town of Oamaru a week ago, we were hosted by Warmshowers host, Chris Jones for a couple of nights. Since we were arriving before he got home, he left us the key so we could settle in. How thoughtful. And dinner provided later. Yippee. Which we reciprocated the next night. Having a day off us such a treat. And when it's in a delightful home-y space, better yet. Thank you Chris! (How we forgot to get his pic, I'll never know. Slipping. )
We've also been stopped by reporters and photographers for 2 newspapers now here. Happened again yesterday. And both times I've failed to capture pictures. I'm really falling down on the job. No pictures and few posts. Less is more, right? So imagine a photographer lying down in the middle of the road as we bike towards him, side by side. Hopefully I'll be able to share the link whenever the articles post.
Tomorrow we head south into the Catlins and on towards Bluff. We're headed to Stewart Island for some backpacking over the New Years and then back up the island, eventually ending up in Wellington to see my friends Moa and Kiwi and their families.
Di, a local we met.
Wildfire bucked off April. All's well.
The star on the top of our Christmas tree.
Paua shell.
They grow seaweed big around here!
Livin' the life,
Facebook: Kathryn Mossbrook Zimmerman
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