When last I left you I was sitting on the side of the road into Perth with a broken bike awaiting Waugal. That morning after I wrote my previous blog, I went out to fiddle with the derailleur once more and I got it so it would stay in one gear. I thought I should try and ride into Perth and save Waugal the drive but it was a much later start than I liked to get 70 kms to my Karaleen's house where I was staying a few days. I called Waugal. "I got it fixed...sorta...and I could try riding into Perth", says I. "No, BagLady! Stay put! I'm coming to pick you up!" Ok, I will. I'm always trying to push through my problems, not wanting to inconvenience anyone. I'm sure it's a trait that serves me well on the road, but sometimes I just have to graciously accept assistance. It was good to know that I could mess with the derailleur and fix it if I'd had to. I've learned so much about the workings of my bike...as I've needed the info.
So Waugal picked me up. It was the first time we'd seen each other since we said goodbye in Albany at the bus station after 2 months together 24/7. It was good to see him again!
We took the bike directly to Just Bents, an ICE trike dealer. Craig works out of his garage. He thought he could straighten everything with a press he would borrow from a friend. I was nervous. I've had the derailleur not work well so often and the chain skips gears and drops off. It's a nightmare. And it was humming lately. And I wanted it humming again for the hills of Tasmania. Could this guy do the job? I had to trust that he could. I left Blaze with him to work his magic and he did! When we came back a few days later, she was running beautifully. I spent a good part of the afternoon getting tons of info and ideas about my bike. And he tightened this and adjusted that. I've got a lot of improv parts and pieces, some of which needed tinkering. Craig was my man! He's a thinker. I loved watching his brain work. And Blaze has been motoring along beautifully here in Tassie. I'm so grateful!
So after dropping off Blaze we went to Waugal's house to drop off my gear. I had a week before my flight to Tasmania and I wanted to spend a bit of it with Karaleen, a woman I met at a rest stop in the Outback. The plan was to stay with her 3 nights then come back to Waugal's for the rest of it. Then Waugal tells me his family is having a get together dinner at a Persian restaurant that evening and they'd love to see me again. And I wanted to see them. Again I contacted poor Karaleen and modified my plans. She was so understanding.
Well I'm not going to bore you with all the intimate details of my week in Perth but suffice to say I had a marvelous time. I had fish and chips with Karaleen at the beach watching the sunset. And a holiday lunch with the girls at a friend's house (who cooked vegetarian!). Went to her ex's gardens with her delightful grandkids who stayed over one night. And joined her and her friends for a Symphony in the Park on the esplanade downtown. Thanks Karaleen for such a great time packed full and full of fun!!
Craig doing some last minute repairs before I head out.
Symphony in the Park
Karaleen and me eating fish and chips while watching the sunset over the Indian Ocean (pic below)
Then I moved back to Waugal and Lisa's place where I was able to just rest and eat well, enjoying his beautiful home and gardens. We also ran a bunch of errands, toured King's Park and just enjoyed down time...something I desperately needed.
Waugal and Lisa wandering around King's Park
An enormous boab tree that was moved from Northern Territory to Perth. It's coming round!
I also went out to the harbor and dinner with a young couple, Cherrie and Paul, that I first met at the campground in Nannup when they were biking the Munda Biddi. And later when the found me on the road home and we caught up. They might do the Continental Divide Bike Trail in the States one day. I'll be their support vehicle:)
Back to today. I'm fried. Even with sunscreen on. The sun is so freaking strong here. I watch my legs turn red and there's nothing more I can do about it. And oh my god...the hills! Slow grind up. Over and over again. I biked from 10 am until 5 pm and went only 35 kms. I averaged 8.6 kms/hour. Ugh. I worked my tush off!! Rolling hills, for sure!! And dry paddocks. Yellow and crunchy. They're in a drought here. It's usually lush and green this time of year, I've been told. I'll have to imagine it:)
I don't know if I stuck to main roads if they'd be flatter. I just hate all the traffic. So I'm on back roads. Gravel roads sometimes. Oh well. All part of the adventure. Finding camp spots isn't that easy. Tonight there were paddocks and fences all along the road. Then I found some woods but they're on a hill...surprise...surprise! I managed to find a carved out flat spot that just fits my air mattress. The rest of the tent is up a bit but I'm flat and that's all that matters. Goodnight.
December 29th
North of Scottsdale, Tasmania
In the woods
Catching up: I flew out of Perth on a midnight flight to Melbourne connecting to Launceston. So with a late flight, only a 3.5 hour flight, then a 3 hour time difference...it was the shortest night ever! I don't handle lack of sleep well. I like to sleep. Didn't get any on the connection. But slept the hour over to Tasmania. So maybe 3-4 hours total. Then I had to assemble my bike and bike into town to my hosts' house. Up a big hill! I arrived. And crashed for the afternoon. I needed sleep. These were Warmshowers hosts Vicky and Malcolm. And it was the weekend before Christmas and before they left for the mainland for the holidays. I was so glad they let me stay. And better, they included me in the snacks and drinks that evening. Beautiful new modern house they had built with large glass doors that open into the deck. Great for a party! And Blaze was a hit with the kids.
I stayed 2 nights and then figured out a route that would give me a few days on the road before arriving at Wensley and Allan's place for Christmas. I hungered for my road life. Missed it after so many days sleeping indoors. It was only a days ride but I managed to make a big loop south then west then northeast to Beaconsfield and the Middletons. I met this couple on the side of the road in Queensland too and when they heard I'd be in Tasmania and close by, they invited me for Christmas. Isn't that wonderful?
I stayed for 5 nights.
Santa found me!
Finished sock number 1...only took 10 months!
Allan grilling Christmas Eve crackle.
Christmas dinner!
Saying goodbye to the Middletons. What a lovely Christmas is was!
Livin' the dream,
Facebook: Kathryn Mossbrook Zimmerman
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