Many areas are fenced with barbed wire and then this form of cactus that grows very dense and is cut to about 6 feet high nothing is getting thtough that!! I've also seen scraps of metal sheeting used to make fences. Very innovative!

Today I saw a well worn weathered man with the cigar hanging out of his mouth and tattered cowboy hat on with this horse next to him getting ready to cross the road. It would have made such a classic photo!
A bus full of teenagers taking pictures of me out the open door and yelling to me out the window, none of which I understood but it was funny.
Busy busy Saturday towns full of people all smiling and laughing and out and about the roads full of horses and buggies and bicycles not to mention the trucks and cars too. But still I can't find food!
A car stopped on the side of the road and the guy got out to take a picture which is the first time that's happened in Cuba and he said yesterday he saw me and Mantanzas and now today here and he was amazed that I had gone that far. His whole family is in the car cameras out the window taking pictures… So cute.
A man with the big camera pulled his car over to take my picture he was from Italy and he spends five months a year here in Cuba. He was taking photos of unusual things that he sees.
Stopped in at this tourist trap crocodile place and I was hungry so I ordered hamburger. It was frozen patty that was just wared through and did not fully cooked. He wouldn't cook it more. I hadn't paid for it. So I just walked out. He wouldn't give me the time of day so why should I pay him?
Later I stopped in this area with a collection of houses with tables for seating people and I just wanted a cold bottle of water. They wanted to feed me a meal: "special offer"! A tourist bus was unloading. Bad sign. But these guys were checking out Blaze (she gets more men oggling her than I do:)) and I mentioned I needed "agua fria", so this guy signals for me to follow him as he goes up the side of the road lifting rocks out of my way asking at other houses if they have any water. Finally he finds some. Overpriced but cold and wet. He was so cute with his big smile. I get so wrapped up in living life, I forget to get pictures!
I was cycling out of Playa Largo down the road along the bay when I decided to pull into one of the resorts because I could see the water. I just thought I'd check it out and also see if I could take a break in some shade as the road was in the sun totally. Who did I meet there but the young man who earlier in the day had stopped me on the road to take my picture who I had also seen me the day before and Matanzas. How cool is that?!? What are the chances I stop into the one resort where he was staying? And what are the chances he'd be out and about when I did? He introduced me to his little son too. He's a computer fixer in Matanzus. Says that since they've been allowed to have their own businesses things have gotten much better in Cuba. He owns a car and can afford vacations. He loves his country! We're gonna be Facebook friends:)

I'm getting a bit nervous about the food I'm eating.. I went to a little lady's stand today in Playa Larga for lunch. I had really good potato balls with ground beef inside. But I also ordered lemonade and I don't know what water it was made with and I ordered a hamburger and have no idea what I ate! I think it was raw hamburger with some kind of coating on it. It was served with tomato and cabbage. Tasted really good! But I'm nervous. Hopefully I have enough metronidazole with me in case I do get Giardia.
I'm going to camp tonight on the beach at Bay of Pigs. I found a secluded spot. For dinner I have banana and pineapple. And Pringles! Hope that's enough. Oh and I had some crackers and olives. Yum! As I watched the sun set over the water I thought of all the times I've camped at the water's edge watching the sun go down. It's been quite a lot over the years! One of my favorite places to spend a night!! Lucky me!!!!!!

Live YOUR dream,
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