Wildeshausen Germany
I'm not even going to mention the weather...ok...it doesn't change
(I'm writing this on Thursday. I can't believe the long post of this wonderful day I did not post into my blog. I thought I had and I deleted it from my journal. Now I'll have to be brief:(
In the beginning of the day, I was in Cloppingburg (I'm doing this from memory...that's close) and needed better maps or more information on the cycle routes. I ended up at the tourist information office where a woman next to me spoke better English that the woman behind the counter. Back outside, she and her husband, who were German tourists with a motorhome and bikes, said they'd be my "Follow Me" car and lead me to the cycle path...and they weren't even locals. What a sweet couple. They said they'd toured the US many times and often when needind help to find a route, people would hop in their cars and say "Follow me!" Thanks to the nameless trail angels!!

Best part of the day was Sylvia saving me when I was had lost the route, retraced 3 miles, and was standing at a signpost...
forlorn and not sure which way to go. After chatting and discussing how to find it she asks if I'd like to go home with her and spend the night. And join her and her friends on an evening bike ride to visit a special garden. YES. This means I'll have to bike longer tomorrow but I don't want to miss this opportunity.
No regrets, that's for sure. But I should have asked Sylvia where she lived:) We biked a couple of miles south of Wildeshausen to her house. What a house! You know how I've been mentioning the brick barns here? Or have I just been thinking of mentioning them...I never know~... Well, she and her husband, Frank bought the house and barn 40 years ago and spent 12 years renevating it. And what an incredible job they've done! It was this beautiful wood throughout. And lovely gardens surrounding it. What luck for me to be able to see this incredible place up close and personal:)
So after a quick shower and some supper that Sylvia fixed just for me...how'd she know bikers are hungry people?...we hopped on our bikes and headed back into the town again to meet up with her friends. An evening with 12 women all about my age!

And they welcomed me in with open arms:) After everyone was gathered and all the hellos and introductions done (don't ask me to repeat the names, please), we hopped back on our bikes to head out of town about 5 miles to the garden.

The garden is quite large, surrounding the house on three sides with areas of shrubs, flowering plants, rock formations, the sections of a gnarly 300 year old tree, and several ponds (one for the fish and one for the people). I wish I understood more, but Sylvia and friends often filled me in on what he was saying. Of course I missed a lot...and gardening is a topic I love...but it was fun pretending I understood him:) And the garden alone was worth the time! Then about 9 pm, we hopped back on the bikes, and wandered back towards town with ladies peeling off from the group as we neared where they lived. It was out of a movie for me. Never would I have 12 friends that would gather on bikes to wander the area for the evening. Maybe it's something I should think about trying to start. Just a thought. Gentle bikers. All dressed in nice clothes, biking like ladies. Ever so pleasant.
Back at Sylvia's at 10 pm and a stroll through her garden which was as lovely as the one we visited! But this one had veggies too...even plants she didn't plant..."how'd that get there?" We have similar eclectic tastes when it comes to yard art...but I don't have a bath tub in mine...not yet, anyways:)
Ok, I think that about captures that day. One of the highlights of my trip!!! So glad you invited me, Sylvia...and so glad I had there good sense to say YES! Schedule be damned! Opportunities like that don't come every day.
Thank you Sylvia and Frank!

And your house is a work of art!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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