Kopaki, NZ

This morning I was stopped because these folks thought I was someone else. This guy, Mike Avery, from Hawera rides a trike and has toured all over NZ. They thought I was him. Gotta google this guy and check out his blog.
Then I stopped for a treat at a fruit farm where a lot of cars were parked and this lady says "How did you get here already? I passed you just outside of New Plymouth and I was driving 100 kph!" Turns out there's someone else riding a trike too.
Then tonight when I'm trying to figure out a place to camp at these crossroads, I see a guy walking his dog. Ask him. Sure, up by the old school building on the hill. Works for me. Then after dinner, when I was out taking a walk, his wife pulls up in the car and invites me in for tea. Tea here is dinner. I've already eaten but I'll join you for a hot drink. Ben and Cathy have an agricultural helicopter business. And been married nearly 40 years. There kids are all married with kids and live nearby. How lucky is that?!! And I got 2nd dinner...yummy steak! I'm a bad vegetarian but I can't seem to pass up meat in this country. It's so good and healthy. And I got a shower!! What a wonderful evening it turned out to be. Thanks for everything, Cathy and Ben, but mostly for your kindness! It's moments like tonight that proves to me how good people are in this world. And it just warms my heart.
The following picture is for my brother, Steve. I'm sure he doesn't read my blog but maybe he'll see it somehow.
That is a golf course with sheep grazing on it! The dark spots in the center are guys pulling their carts. And the green spot is the green.

Cheaper than mowing don't ya think? And you can sell the wool and mutton to support the course and keep the fees down.
Now I lay my down to sleep,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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